Author | Title | Supervisor | Degree Committee | Defense | Resource, DOI | ||||||
Tatjana Jukna | Legal Aspects and Solutions to the Problematics of Repo Transactions | Jānis Grasis | Law
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Kristaps Dambergs | Characterisation of Acquired Human Cholesteatoma in Ontogenetic Aspect | Gunta Segliņa, Māra Pilmane | Clinical Medicine
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Madara Dzudzilo | Detecting Early Signs of Malignancy of Oral Leukoplakia in its Tissues and Saliva | Ingrīda Čēma, Regīna Kleina | Clinical Medicine
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Māris Liepiņš | Duration of Carriage of Multidrug-Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii and Its Impact on Infection Control Measures and Antimicrobial Use | Aivars Lejnieks, Raimonds Sīmanis | Health Sciences
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Elīna Zelčāne | Formation and Maintenance of Resilience in People with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain | Anita Pipere | Psychology
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Vija Veisa | Iodine Sufficiency during Pregnancy in Latvia | Ilze Konrāde, Dace Rezeberga | Clinical Medicine
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Egija Berga-Švītiņa | Identifying Genetic Factors Associated with Breast or Ovarian Cancer Risk in BRCA1 Pathogenic Variant Carriers | Edvīns Miklaševičs, Baiba Vilne | Basic Sciences of Medicine
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Dace Buile | Morphological Changes in Bone and Cartilage Tissue Affected by Facial Clefts and During Tissue Regeneration | Māra Pilmane, Ilze Akota | Basic Sciences of Medicine
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Oļegs Černiševs | Regional Dimension in European Union: Shaping Key Performance Indicators for Financial Institutions | Jeļena Popova, Andrejs Surmačs | Economics and Entrepreneurship
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Ņikita Bezborodovs | Prevalence and Associated Factors of Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties in Latvian Adolescent Population | Anita Villeruša, Elmārs Rancāns | Clinical Medicine
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Gundega Ulme | Emotion Regulation During Physical Recreational Activities among Adult Women | Juris Grants | Health Sciences | ||||||||
Kristiāns Meidrops | Clinical Course, Treatment Outcome, Cellular, and Molecular Biology Findings in Cases of Infective Endocarditis Caused by Various Microorganisms Among Cardiac Surgery Patients | Pēteris Stradiņš, Valērija Groma | Clinical Medicine
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Aelita Zīle | Forensic Aspects of the Study of Latent Papillae Pattern Prints on the Epidermis of a Deceased Person | Andrejs Vilks | Law
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Oksana Savicka | Molecular Epidemiological Characterisation of Hepatitis A Virus in Latvia | Jeļena Storoženko | Health Sciences
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Alise Balcere | Diagnostic and Treatment Aspects of Actinic Keratoses | Angelika Krūmiņa, Māra Rone-Kupfere | Clinical Medicine
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Laura Šāberte | The Right of Patient and Physician to Express their Religious Beliefs during Medical Treatment | Santa Slokenberga | Law
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Andrejs Lifšics | HPV's Impact on Head and Neck Cancers: Exploring Prevalence and Prognostic Significance | Valērija Groma, Modra Murovska | Clinical Medicine
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Darja Ņesteroviča | Biomechanical Aspects of Military Footwear Usage and their Relationship with Lower Extremity Overuse Injuries | Ainārs Stepens | Basic Sciences of Medicine
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Andrejs Šitovs | Fluoroquinolone Antimicrobial Agent Levofloxacin in Veterinary Medicine and its Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Studies | Dace Bandere | Basic Sciences of Medicine
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Ilze Eklsa | Comparative Analysis of Western Design Principles and Visual Structure in GCC Advertising Design | Aija Freimane | Media and Communications