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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:4 / 6
Course supervisor:Ilze Akota
Study type:Full time
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Dentistry
Language:English, Latvian
Branch of science:Clinical Medicine; Surgery


Upon completion of the course the students will have acquired the basic knowledge of pain, discomfort and psychological stress elimination, basic knowledge of the most common oral surgical procedures – exodontics and preprosthetic surgery in general dentistry practice. To acquire and practically apply in the clinic the skills of local anesthesia and simple and complicated exodontics, and performing small surgical manipulations in the dentoalveolar region, acquire and practically apply administration of medications subcutaneously, intramuscularly and intravenously, make profilaksis and management for possible complications. Abtaine competence to communicate and clinically investigate patient and to make diagnosis of pathology in clinical setting, to abtaine competence to make dentoalveolar surgery with pain management according to dentoalveolar procedure and patient's general health status.


To start study course (or semester) all previous assessments according to Study plan (D1) should be successfully passed.
Human anatomy, normal and pathologic physiology, histology, biomaterials in dentistry, roentgenology and radiology, internal disease with basic propaedeutic, emergency care and pharmacology.

Learning outcomes


Describe patient's mouth and tooth examination methods, some of which are based on latest discoveries and technologies. Students will describe justified oro-facial pain control methods for patients of all ages and proper selection of these methods depending on the patient, basic diagnostic and treatment manipulations in oral surgery, such as simple and complicated exodontics and preprosthetic procedures and they will explain the use of medications in treatment.


Students will have acquired the basic knowledge of the most common oral surgical procedures in general dentistry practice. Students will abtaine competence to communicate and clinically investigate patient, do visual examination and examination by palpation and percussion methods. Students will be able to choose and apply surface, plexar and regional anaesthesia, explain the possible causes of failures and complications and perform patients’ monitoring. Students will be able to choose the most appropriate exodontic method and to perform simple exodontics with the erupted tooth explaining the steps, prevention and management for possible complications


Students will abtaine competence to communicate and clinically investigate patient and diagnose pathology, demonstrate pain, anxiety elimination methods for practical work in general dentistry, will be able to demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills of oral surgery for exodontic and preprosthetic procedures in general dentistry practice, prevention and management for possible complications.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Dentistry, ZF5Master’sRequiredLilija Antoņēviča
Dentistry, SSNSFz6Master’sRequiredJuris Svaža, Ilze Akota, Andris Bīgestāns, Kaspars Stāmers
Dentistry, SSNSF5Master’sRequiredIlze Akota, Kaspars Stāmers, Ilze Šalma, Evija Melbārde
Planning period:Year 2025, Spring semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Dentistry, SSNSF6Master’sRequired
Dentistry, ZF6Master’sRequired
Dentistry, SSNSFz5Master’sRequired