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RSU students can access the library's subscribed databases remotely using the username and password assigned by RSU. These credentials can be found on the Student Portal MyRSU, where the databases are available under "E-databases and tools".


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The database contains multimedia materials section Multimedia, where you can view video materials and images in various fields of medicine.


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The following ProQuest multimedia databases are available for information retrieval:

  • APA PsycTherapy -  an APA database of psychotherapy videos. Featuring expert psychotherapists demonstrating the approaches for which they are known in unscripted, spontaneous sessions, APA PsycTherapy provides access to hundreds of hours of therapy demonstrations involving diverse participants and various presenting issues;
  • Academic Video Online - video material available with curricular relevance: documentaries, interviews, performances, news programs and newsreels, and more.

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Alexander Street

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The following multimedia databases are available for information retrieval on the Alexander Street platform:

  • Disability in the Modern World: History of a Social Movement - 150,000 pages of primary sources, supporting materials, and archives, along with 125 hours of video. The content is essential for teaching and research—not only in the growing disciplines of disability history and disability studies, but also in history, media, the arts, political science, education, and other areas where the contributions of the disability community are typically overlooked;
  • APA PsycTherapy -  an APA database of psychotherapy videos. Featuring expert psychotherapists demonstrating the approaches for which they are known in unscripted, spontaneous sessions, APA PsycTherapy provides access to hundreds of hours of therapy demonstrations involving diverse participants and various presenting issues;
  • Academic Video Online - video material available with curricular relevance: documentaries, interviews, performances, news programs and newsreels, and more.

Sage Research Methods Video

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The following video databases are available for information retrieval on the Sage Research Methods platform:

1) Practical Research and Academic Skills

This collection of streaming video on the SAGE Research Methods platform offers support on the practical skills that you need to successfully complete your research. Key areas such as writing a research proposal, planning and designing a research project, and securing ethical approval are explicitly covered. Practical skills such as project management, writing for publication, presenting work, and building networks are also presented through helpful explanatory videos. This video collection will give you the confidence to successfully navigate your research, take responsibility for your professional development and identify the transferable skills needed to progress your careers.

2) Research Ethics and Integrity

This collection of videos covers key theories and concepts in research ethics and integrity. Video tutorials discuss ethical practices, processes, and techniques for doing research across the social, health, and behavioural sciences, so researchers can ensure their research meets accepted ethical standards. Case study videos show research ethics and integrity in action, with researchers discussing their experiences in preparing and applying for ethical approval, and navigating ethical challenges during research design, data collection, analysis, and beyond.


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AccessMedicine from McGraw-Hill Medical is a comprehensive online medical resource that provides a complete spectrum of knowledge from the best minds in medicine, with essential information accessible anywhere. AccessMedicine contains full text for more than 80 textbooks, a unique collection of more than 250 examination and procedural videos, to more than 1,000 diagnoses through Diagnosaurus, practice guidelines, diagnostic tests, patients education information, drug database, images, etc.


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AccessPharmacy gives pharmacy students instant access to multimedia and pharmacy textbooks that will establish an important foundation for learning, and allows practicing pharmacists to get information instantly about drugs, herbs and supplements, and consult features and editorials concerning the vast array of current pharmacy publications.


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AccessDermatologyDxRx is a comprehensive resource for all physicians and other healthcare providers including medical students, dermatology residents, internists, oncologists, and infectious disease specialists. With thousands of images that include all of the essential information to help you with clinical decision-making, this resource covers the full scope of dermatologic conditions.