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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Dita Rietuma
Study type:Part time, Full time
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Communication Science
Branch of science:Communication Sciences; Communication Theory


To create understanding of the theory of art films, the most prominent film directors in the world – authors and their works, which were created from the middle of the 20th century until nowadays. The notion of “art films” created by film theorists of the French “New Wave” and its theory is a thankful method to understand the most important phenomena of the film history, as well as modern film processes. The art film theory allows following up accomplishments of the world-renowned film directors understanding how the method – stylistic techniques, signature peculiarities, thematic of works – of each specific author (director) differ from the supply of commercially oriented cinematograph, which uses stylistic conditions of the classical Hollywood and classical narration techniques. Concept of art films was created in Europe, France at the turn of 1950s–1960s emphasising that signs of a bright, individual signature can be viewed in works of European directors and works of individual authors working in America.
Objectivel of the course: to view and analyse works of prominent authors of the 20th century, who have made a significant contribution to the development of the world cinematograph, its multifacetedness and stylistic diversity.
To familiarise themselves with accomplishments of the most prominent authors of art films of the end of the 20th century and the 21st century, as well as works of several Asian directors, authors of which have already become important concepts in the world cinematograph.
To analyse the most important texts on film theory, which allows to evaluate art film practices in a more multifaceted manner, their relations to classical narrative principles and genre conventions.


It is preferable to master the course Introduction to Film History and Theory.

Learning outcomes


• to obtain knowledge about the most prominent art film authors in the world, their creative works and peculiarities of their artistic signature;
• to obtain knowledge about latest news in world film processes;
• to obtain knowledge about the theory of art films and to comprehend the most important studies in film theory in this area;
• to be able to define the link between modern audiovisual culture and theoretical and practical achievements in different periods of time.


• ability to orient themselves in the nature of art film theory and to participate in a discussion on the use of art film theory in modern practices;
• ability to analyse the use of different stylistic techniques and film languages in works of different authors;
• ability to orient themselves in works of authors at the turn of the 20th and the 21st century;
• ability to orient themselves in the most important world film festivals and understand their importance in a broader context;
• ability to evaluate the impact of cinematic art on public communication;
• skills to analyse works of authors and examples of cinematic art;
• skills to interpret the impact of cinematic art on public communication;
• skills to use cinematic art message approaches in multimedia communication.


• competence to evaluate audiovisual works of different authors;
• competence to recognise different uses of film language in works of different authors;
• competence to orient themselves in classical principles of film language, as well as in the use of alternative modernism principles;
• competence to orient themselves in the main art film development stages and prevailing stylistic principles;
• competence to see the link between modern audio-visual culture and important stages of development of cinematic art and theoretical and practical achievements in different periods of time;
• competence to orient themselves in cinematic film distribution platforms, including the system of European festivals.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Multimedia Communication, MK5Bachelor’sLimited choiceDita Rietuma
Planning period:Year 2025, Spring semester
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Photography, FON 6Bachelor’sLimited choice
Multimedia Communication, MKN6Bachelor’sLimited choice