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Emergency Care I

Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:6.00
Study Course Accepted:21.03.2022 11:12:04
Study Course Information
Course Code:AURK_021LQF level:Level 6
Credit Points:1.00ECTS:1.50
Branch of Science:Clinical Medicine; Anaesthesiology and ResuscitationTarget Audience:Public Health; Rehabilitation
Study Course Supervisor
Course Supervisor:Indulis Vanags
Study Course Implementer
Structural Unit:Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care
The Head of Structural Unit:
Contacts:Riga, 13 Pilsonu Street, VSIA P.Stradiņa KUS, Block No. 32, arkatrsu[pnkts]lv, +371 67069452
Study Course Planning
Full-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)2Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures4
Classes (count)4Class Length (academic hours)3Total Contact Hours of Classes12
Total Contact Hours16
Part-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)2Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures4
Classes (count)4Class Length (academic hours)3Total Contact Hours of Classes12
Total Contact Hours16
Study course description
Preliminary Knowledge:
Knowledge in biology at secondary school level.
To teach students to act in urgent, life-threatening situations before the arrival of a doctor. Perform patient’s primary and secondary survey in pre-hospital stage; perform basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation; perform defibrillation using an automatic defibrillator as indicated; be able to stop dangerous bleeding; immobilize the limb in case of skeletal trauma; provide assistance in case of choking, shock, thermal trauma, hyperthermia, hypothermia, frostbites and acute poisoning.
Topic Layout (Full-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Introduction. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation for adults and children, sequence of steps. Basic resuscitation algorithm (theory). Patient primary examination. Stable side lying – recovery position. First Aid in choking cases (theory).Lectures1.00clinical base
2Causes of hypoxia for children and adults. Airway opening methods: manual and instrumental. Use of ventilator, ventilation with a manual bag.Lectures1.00clinical base
3Cardiopulmonary resuscitation for adults and children. Basic resuscitation algorithm (practice). Defibrillation using the automatic defibrillator as instructed. Action in case of choking. Practical work with adult, children and infant mannequins.Classes1.00clinical base
4First aid in case of bleeding. Practical work with mannequin. Shock types and First Aid principles.Classes1.00clinical base
5First aid of soft tissue damage. Open and closed wounds, burns. Practical work with mannequins. First aid of musculoskeletal injuries. Injury patient. Spine trauma and head injury.Classes1.00clinical base
6Thermal disorder. Hypothermia and freezing. Three types of hyperthermia. Basic principles of first aid for the victim with overheating or frostbite. Acute poisoning. Action in case of poisoning. Situation tasks.Classes1.00clinical base
Topic Layout (Part-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Introduction. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation for adults and children, sequence of steps. Basic resuscitation algorithm (theory). Patient primary examination. Stable side lying – recovery position. First Aid in choking cases (theory).Lectures1.00clinical base
2Causes of hypoxia for children and adults. Airway opening methods: manual and instrumental. Use of ventilator, ventilation with a manual bag.Lectures1.00clinical base
3Cardiopulmonary resuscitation for adults and children. Basic resuscitation algorithm (practice). Defibrillation using the automatic defibrillator as instructed. Action in case of choking. Practical work with adult, children and infant mannequins.Classes1.00clinical base
4First aid in case of bleeding. Practical work with mannequin. Shock types and First Aid principles.Classes1.00clinical base
5First aid of soft tissue damage. Open and closed wounds, burns. Practical work with mannequins. First aid of musculoskeletal injuries. Injury patient. Spine trauma and head injury.Classes1.00clinical base
6Thermal disorder. Hypothermia and freezing. Three types of hyperthermia. Basic principles of first aid for the victim with overheating or frostbite. Acute poisoning. Action in case of poisoning. Situation tasks.Classes1.00clinical base
Unaided Work:
Preparing presentations on First Aid, using the recommended literature and Internet sources, following evaluation and analysis in practical lessons.
Assessment Criteria:
Exam: Theoretical MCQ test and oral test, practical basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation exam using adult and children manikins. Evaluation performing resuscitation on manikin: (1) step sequence and algorithm performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation – must know and be able to perform without any mistakes; (2) primary investigation of victim (ABC) – must know and be able to perform without any mistakes; (3) finding correct indirect heart compression point and depth of massage – must know and be able to perform without any mistakes; (4) airway manual opening, practical realization of artificial ventilation "mouth-mouth" or "mouth-nose" – at least 70% of attempts the correct inspiratory capacity must be achieved; (5) practical realization of stable lateral recovery position – must know and be able to perform without any mistakes; (6) realization of Heimlich method in case of choking – must know and be able to perform without any mistakes. Theoretical pre-test pass threshold: over 75%.
Final Examination (Full-Time):Exam
Final Examination (Part-Time):Exam
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge:On successful course completion students will be able to tell and describe sequence of steps in surveying the patient in pre-hospital stage, how to stop dangerous bleeding; immobilize the limb in case of skeletal trauma; how to provide assistance in case of shock, thermal trauma, hyperthermia, hypothermia and acute poisoning.
Skills:Students will be able to perform emergency care, including basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation algorithm, recognize symptoms of clinical and biological death, perform first aid in case of foreign body, perform ventilation with manual ventilator and oxygen inhalations via facial mask, diagnose inner and outer bleeding and perform its suspension, as well as demonstrate ability to work in a team.
Competencies:Provide emergency care, primary and secondary survey of the patient in pre-hospital stage, situation analysis providing basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation and other first-aid guidelines, assess the environmental impact of physical factors on the human body and health.
Clinical Skills:
1Bag-mask ventilationB1 - Basic level
2Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (basic)B1 - Basic level
3Nasopharyngeal airway insertionB1 - Basic level
4Oropharyngeal airway insertionB1 - Basic level
Required Reading
1Praktisko nodarbību materiāli un E-studiju resursi.
2First Aid Manual. Dorling Kindersley. Limited, 2021, 288 p.
3Neatliekamā medicīniskā palīdzība. Atdzīvināšana. Rīga: NMPC, D.Krieviņa redakcijā. 2004, 392 lpp. (akceptējams izdevums)
Additional Reading
1European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation 2021. Resuscitation (Elsevier), 2021, 161
2Klīniskā anestezioloģija un intensīvā terapija. I.Vanaga un A.Sondores redakcijā. Rīga: Medicīnas Apgāds, 2017, 1243.-1253. lpp. un 1282.-1284.lpp.
Other Information Sources