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Differential Diagnostics and Current Issues in Treatment of Internal Diseases

Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:4.00
Study Course Accepted:04.04.2022 09:14:14
Study Course Information
Course Code:ISK_218LQF level:Level 7
Credit Points:3.00ECTS:4.50
Branch of Science:Clinical Medicine; Internal MedicineTarget Audience:Medicine
Study Course Supervisor
Course Supervisor:Jūlija Voicehovska
Study Course Implementer
Structural Unit:Department of Internal Diseases
The Head of Structural Unit:
Contacts:Riga, 2 Hipokrata Street, iskatrsu[pnkts]lv, +371 67042338
Study Course Planning
Full-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)0Lecture Length (academic hours)0Total Contact Hours of Lectures0
Classes (count)16Class Length (academic hours)3Total Contact Hours of Classes48
Total Contact Hours48
Study course description
Preliminary Knowledge:
Preliminary knowledge of propaedeutics, pathology, pharmacology, immunology, dermatology, biochemistry. Students should know the topics of previous internal diseases courses.
Students learn the latest updates and issues of diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment in the field of Internal diseases.
Topic Layout (Full-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Chronic coronary syndrome. Etiology, pathogenesis diagnostics, treatment. Acute coronary syndrome. Diagnosis, pathogenesis, treatment. Definition of myocardial infarction. Complications of acute coronary syndrome, their diagnosis, treatment, prevention, clinical case analysis.Classes1.00clinical base
2Arterial hypertension. Etiology, pathogenesis, definition, – latest updates. Identification of risk groups, novel biomarkers. Secondary hypertension. Arterial hypertension – treatment options, tactics. Resistant hypertension. Specific cases of arterial hypertension. Clinical case assessment.Classes1.00clinical base
3Heart rhythm disorders – role of electrocardiography. Various diagnostic options. Cardiac blockade. Atrial fibrillation and atrial undulation. Diagnostics, treatment. Recognition and reduction of risk of stroke and thromboembolism. Ventricular arrhythmias. Risk factors, identification. Implantable rhythm correction equipment – PM, ILR, ICD, CRT. Clinical case analysis.Classes1.00clinical base
4Acute conditions in cardiology. Life-threatening arrhythmias.Classes1.00METC
5Pulmonary embolism. Prevention, treatment approach. Risk assessment, prognosis. Clinical case assessment.Classes1.00clinical base
6The concept of cardiomyopathy. Diagnostics, mechanisms, treatment. Chronic heart failure. Mechanisms, pathophysiology. Treatment options. Multimorbid patients, concept. Clinical case assessment.Classes1.00clinical base
7Differential diagnosis of dyspnoea – clinical case study.Classes1.00clinical base
8Obstructive and central sleep apnoea. Causes, pathogenesis, diagnostic and treatment options.Classes1.00other
9Obstructive lung diseases, differential diagnosis and novelties of treatment. Hemoptysis - causes, differential diagnosis, examination and treatment.Classes1.00clinical base
10Abdominal pain differential diagnosis (value of image techniques, nonabdominal causes of abdominal pain). Hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseases: differential diagnosis and treatment approach.Classes1.00clinical base
11Functional gastrointestinal disorders. Differential diagnosis and treatment possibilities. Differential diagnosis and treatment approach of gut diseases. Clinical case analysis.Classes1.00clinical base
12Urine syndromes, urine albumin excretion, differential diagnosis; diagnostic and treatment of primary and secondary glomerulopathy. Chronic kidney disease: long time observation, starting the kidney replacement therapy.Classes1.00clinical base
13The most common disorders of acid-base balance, diagnostic approach. Renal syndromes, measures to correct. Emergency cases in kidney patients with coexisting multimorbid conditions, differential diagnosis, treatment.Classes1.00clinical base
14Differential diagnosis of anemia, investigation and treatment plan for anemia.Classes1.00clinical base
15Diffuse connective tissue diseases, vasculitis, diagnostic approach, clinical case analysis.Classes1.00clinical base
16Endocrine hyper- and hypotension, emergencies. Differential diagnosis of thyroid pathology. Clinical case analysis.Classes1.00clinical base
Unaided Work:
Individual work with patient – history collection, interpretation of examinations, development of a treatment plan, formulation of a possible diagnosis; establishment of a patient's case under the lecturer's and physician's supervision; presentation and defence of study research work.
Assessment Criteria:
According to State Exam evaluation criteria.
Final Examination (Full-Time):Test (Semester)
Final Examination (Part-Time):
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge:The acquisition of study course results in knowledge of the most important etiology of internal diseases, pathogenesis, diagnostic criteria, differential diagnosis and treatment. Students will learn about the principles of filling medical documentation in hospital conditions.
Skills:As a result of the study course acquisition students will be able to communicate with patients and colleagues, identify the severity and course of internal diseases listed in the study course description, differentiate them, substantiate the diagnosis, prescribe the necessary examination plan and evaluate results, prescribe treatment for specific patients, draw up necessary medical documentation.
Competencies:The acquired competencies of the study course will allow purposeful and structured examination of the patient's history, assessment of the patient's vital signs (namely, patient's state of consciousness, breathing, heart rate, central and peripheral pulse, arterial blood pressure, blood oxygen saturation, body temperature, diuresis) the components and symptomatology that affect it will allow the patient's health status to be evaluated, normality and deviation interpreted, and the finding and specific situation to be attributed, and the next tactic to be decided upon. It will allow to recognize acute medical conditions, to organize timely assistance, to interpret the results of various examinations and formulate the appropriate conclusions, to plan treatment tactics. The acquired competencies will allow to perform manipulations appropriate to the respective pathological condition, to write prescriptions, to fill in medical documentation in accordance with the requirements of regulatory enactments.
Clinical Skills:
1Auscultation of lungsC1 - High level
2Detection of ascitesA - Beginner level
3Detection of ascites (by means of palpation)A - Beginner level
4Heart auscultation (hemodynamic order)C1 - High level
5Heart auscultation (topographic order)C1 - High level
6Right hepatic lobe palpationB1 - Basic level
Required Reading
1ESC Clinical practice guidlines
2Klīniskā medicīna. prof. A.Lejnieka redakcijā. Medicīnas Apgāds, 785-914, 2010
3S.Lejniece. Klīniskā hematoloģija. Nacionālais Medicīnas Apgāds, 2020.
4S.Lejniece. Klīniskā hematoloģija. Nacionālais Medicīnas Apgāds, 2002.
5S.Lejniece Dzselzs deficīta anēmija. Medicīnas Apgāds, 2015.
6S.Lejniece, A.Lejnieks, B.Janicka-Kupra. Dzelzs deficīts. Absolūts vai funkcionāls. Medicīnas Apgāds, 2018.
7Conn's Current Therapy. Kellerman, Rick D. Rakel, David P. 2019, Elsevier Inc
8The Merc Manual
9A.Kalvelis. Kardioloģija. Rīga, 2018.
10Braunwalds Heart Disease: A textbook of cardiovascular medicine
11Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine. 19th Edition
12E. Vēverbrants, A. Pētersons. Nephrology in your pocket. e-textbook, iBooks Store, Apple, 2015.
13Oxford Textbook of Clinical Nephrology. 3rd Edition, 2005.
14Imboden J., Hellmann D., Stone J. Current Diagnosis & Treatment in Rheumatology. 3rd Edition (LANGE CURRENT Series)
15Kelley’s Textbook of Rheumatology, current edition
16Safron Whitehead, John Miell. „Clinical endocrinology”. Scion, 2013.
17Williams Textbook of Endocrinology. 12th Edition, 2011.
18J. Pokrotnieks. Gastrointestinālā endoskopija. Rīga, 2000, „Pilatus”, 144 lpp.
19A.Danilāns. Hroniskas aknu slimības I, II un III daļa. Medicīnas apgāds, 2009-2013.
20E. Vēverbrants, A. Pētersons. Nefroloģija kabatā. e-grāmata, iBooks Store, Apple, 2015.
21A. Pētersons, E. Vēverbrants, I. Lazovskis. „Kā atklāt un ārstēt nieru slimības”. 1998, Rīga.
22A.Kalvelis, A.Lejnieks. Galveno kardiovaskulāro slimību un izpausmju klīniskas formas un diagnozes formulējumi. Rīga, 2017.
23ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment
Additional Reading
1Hoffbrand's Essential Haematology (Essentials). 7th Edition by A. Victor Hoffbrand and Paul A. H. Moss, Willey Blackwell, 2015.
2Postgraduate Haematology. A. Victor Hoffbrand and Douglas R. Higgs, 2016.
3Blood Cells: A Practical Guide. Barbara J. Bain. 5th Edition, Wiley Blackwell, 2015.
4Haematology: A Core Curriculum. 1st Edition. Barbara Jane Bain, 2010.
5Tytgat G.N.J., Tytgat S.H.A.J. Grading and Staging in Gastroenterology. Thieme Stuttgart. N.Y., 2009.
6Oxford Textbook of Rheumatology, current edition
7A.Kalvelis. Elektrokardioloģijas pamati. Nacionālais apgāds, 2009
8Gerd Herold and colleagues. Internal Medicine. 2nd Edition
9Disease Management : a guide to clinical pharmacology / Michael D. Randall, Karen E. Neil. 2016
Other Information Sources
1EHA mājas lapa (
2ASH mājas lapa (
3Rome Fundation
4 First Principles of Gastroenterology
5World Endoscopy Organization
6Gastroenteroloģijas Atbalsta biedrības mājas lapa