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Advanced Physical Examination

Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:4.00
Study Course Accepted:21.09.2023 17:07:31
Study Course Information
Course Code:ISK_222LQF level:Level 7
Credit Points:2.00ECTS:3.00
Branch of Science:Clinical Medicine; Internal MedicineTarget Audience:Medicine
Study Course Supervisor
Course Supervisor:Valdis Ģībietis
Study Course Implementer
Structural Unit:Department of Internal Diseases
The Head of Structural Unit:
Contacts:Riga, 2 Hiprokrāta Street, iskatrsu[pnkts]lv, +371 67042338
Study Course Planning
Full-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)1Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures2
Classes (count)4Class Length (academic hours)3Total Contact Hours of Classes12
Total Contact Hours14
Full-Time - Semester No.2
Lectures (count)1Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures2
Classes (count)5Class Length (academic hours)3Total Contact Hours of Classes15
Total Contact Hours17
Study course description
Preliminary Knowledge:
Successful completion of the study course “Introduction to Clinical Medicine”. Successful completion of the study course “Medical Communication”. Skills in the subjective part of the clinical history acquired: an interview on the main complaint, current history of the disease, history of previous diseases and the screening of systems.
Teach how to draft complete medical records: taking academic and clinical medical history and integrating them into clinical practice. Carry out a detailed patient assessment with physical examination methods: specific inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation. Ensure the possibilities to use physical examination methods during the third year of study.
Topic Layout (Full-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Taking in-depth medical history. Critical thinking.Lectures1.00E-Studies platform
2Specific physical examination.Lectures1.00E-Studies platform
3Extensive medical records.Classes2.00clinical base
4In-depth general physical examination.Classes2.00clinical base
5In-depth chest examination.Classes2.00clinical base
6In-depth abdominal examination.Classes2.00clinical base
7Critical thinking in clinical environment.Classes1.00clinical base
Unaided Work:
Students independently familiarise themselves with the requirements for each class and learn clinical manipulations using the recommended sources. Students are required to individually look up the latest information on patient physical examination methods using the sources advised by the department or the sources of their own choice. In order to evaluate the quality of the study course as a whole, the student must fill out the study course evaluation questionnaire on the Student Portal.
Assessment Criteria:
Full class attendance is required. Theoretical knowledge is assessed with the help of tests during lectures – 30% of the total assessment. Practical skills are assessed with the help of clinical cases – 70% of the total assessment.
Final Examination (Full-Time):Exam
Final Examination (Part-Time):
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge:On completion of the course students will know how to: • structurally interview and record patient medical history: academic and/or clinical; • perform in-depth physical examination according to the presented disease/condition; • make objective the patient's subjective experience with the condition; • think critically in a clinical environment.
Skills:On completion of the course students will be able to: • engage in clinical reasoning and decision making; • communicate with patients, their relatives, colleagues, other persons involved in the process of health care; • specify the complaints, medical history, structurally interviewing and recording history data; • perform systematic physical examination using the method of inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation and other derived methods.
Competencies:1. Evaluate the acquired symptoms, linking them with pathological processes in the patient's body. 2. Able to analyse situations, substantiate, logically formulate and explain their own opinion.
Clinical Skills:
1"Testing ott’s symptomA - Beginner level
2Ankle joint mobility test.A - Beginner level
3Anterior and lateral comparative percussion of lungsA - Beginner level
4Anterior and lateral fremitus pectoralisA - Beginner level
5Apex beat mobility testA - Beginner level
6Auscultation of lungsA - Beginner level
7Ballotation symptom in the knee jointA - Beginner level
8Blumberg's symptomA - Beginner level
9Bronchophonia on the backA - Beginner level
10Colon descendens palpationA - Beginner level
11Demonstration of murphy's symptomA - Beginner level
12Detection of ascitesA - Beginner level
13Detection of ascites (by means of palpation)A - Beginner level
14Detection of gallbladder projection siteA - Beginner level
15Determination of a vessels bundle widthA - Beginner level
16Determination of the chauffard's triangleA - Beginner level
17Determination of the left border of heart relative dullnessA - Beginner level
18Determination of the superior border of heart relative dullnessA - Beginner level
19Elbow joint palpationA - Beginner level
20Examination of muscle-induced rigidity of the abdominal wallA - Beginner level
21Examination of the elbow joint active flexionA - Beginner level
22Examination of the elbow joint extensionA - Beginner level
23Examination of the elbow joint passive flexionA - Beginner level
24Examination of the elbow joint pronationA - Beginner level
25Examination of the elbow joint supinationA - Beginner level
26Examination of the hip joint testing active abductionA - Beginner level
27Examination of the hip joint testing external rotationA - Beginner level
28Examination of the hip joint testing flexionA - Beginner level
29Examination of the hip joint testing internal rotationA - Beginner level
30Examination of the hip joint testing passive abductionA - Beginner level
31Fallen’s symptomA - Beginner level
32Gallbladder palpation - checking for Volsky's symptomA - Beginner level
33Gallbladder palpation - examination of a svirksic symptomA - Beginner level
34Gallbladder palpation - examination of Courvoisier's symptomA - Beginner level
35Gallbladder palpation - examination of the saccharine symptomA - Beginner level
36Heart auscultation (hemodynamic order)A - Beginner level
37Heart auscultation (topographic order)A - Beginner level
38Heart auscultation (traditional)A - Beginner level
39Height of lung's apex in the frontA - Beginner level
40Height of the lung's apex on the backsideA - Beginner level
41Hygienic Hand DisinfectionA - Beginner level
42Liver percussionA - Beginner level
43Mayo-Robson's point detectionA - Beginner level
44Orthner symptomA - Beginner level
45Palpation of apex beatA - Beginner level
46Palpation of apex beatA - Beginner level
47Palpation of caput pancreatisA - Beginner level
48Palpation of colon transversumA - Beginner level
49Palpation of corpus pancreatisA - Beginner level
50Palpation of spleenA - Beginner level
51Palpation of the abdominal surfaceA - Beginner level
52Palpation of the ankle jointA - Beginner level
53Palpation of the liverA - Beginner level
54Palpation of the terminal ileumA - Beginner level
55Percussion and palpation of bladderA - Beginner level
56Percussion of spleenA - Beginner level
57Pleural and intercostal painsA - Beginner level
58Posterior fremitus pectoralisA - Beginner level
59Posterior lungs comparative percussionA - Beginner level
60Schober’s symptomA - Beginner level
61Shoulder joint examination abductionA - Beginner level
62Shoulder joint examination active extensionA - Beginner level
63Shoulder joint examination active abductionA - Beginner level
64Shoulder joint examination active external rotationA - Beginner level
65Shoulder joint examination active flexionA - Beginner level
66Shoulder joint examination active internal rotationA - Beginner level
67Shoulder joint examination passive abductionA - Beginner level
68Shoulder joint examination passive extensionA - Beginner level
69Shoulder joint examination passive external rotationA - Beginner level
70Shoulder joint examination passive flexionA - Beginner level
71Shoulder joint examination passive internal rotationA - Beginner level
72Testing the fist symptomA - Beginner level
73The width of the apices of the lungsA - Beginner level
74Tomayer’s symptomA - Beginner level
75Topographic percussion of the lung's inferior edgeA - Beginner level
76Triangle symptomA - Beginner level
77Wrist movement test.A - Beginner level
Required Reading
1Bates’ guide to physical examination and history taking / Lynn S. Bickley, Peter G. Szilagyi. 2017
2The Merck Manual of Patient Symptoms: A Concise, Practical Guide to Etiology, Evaluation, and Treatment. 1st Edition, 2008 (akceptējams izdevums)