Legal Methods
Study Course Description
Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:7.00
Study Course Accepted:29.02.2024 16:42:34
Study Course Information | |||||||||
Course Code: | JF_064 | LQF level: | Level 6 | ||||||
Credit Points: | 2.00 | ECTS: | 3.00 | ||||||
Branch of Science: | Law; Criminal Rights | Target Audience: | Juridical Science | ||||||
Study Course Supervisor | |||||||||
Course Supervisor: | Ilze Ziemane | ||||||||
Study Course Implementer | |||||||||
Structural Unit: | Faculty of Social Sciences | ||||||||
The Head of Structural Unit: | |||||||||
Contacts: | Dzirciema street 16, Rīga, szf![]() | ||||||||
Study Course Planning | |||||||||
Full-Time - Semester No.1 | |||||||||
Lectures (count) | 10 | Lecture Length (academic hours) | 2 | Total Contact Hours of Lectures | 20 | ||||
Classes (count) | 6 | Class Length (academic hours) | 2 | Total Contact Hours of Classes | 12 | ||||
Total Contact Hours | 32 | ||||||||
Part-Time - Semester No.1 | |||||||||
Lectures (count) | 4 | Lecture Length (academic hours) | 2 | Total Contact Hours of Lectures | 8 | ||||
Classes (count) | 1 | Class Length (academic hours) | 2 | Total Contact Hours of Classes | 2 | ||||
Total Contact Hours | 10 | ||||||||
Study course description | |||||||||
Preliminary Knowledge: | Theory of Law. | ||||||||
Objective: | To provide an opportunity to learn the methodology of the application of legal norms that conforms to the principles of a democratic law-governed state. | ||||||||
Topic Layout (Full-Time) | |||||||||
No. | Topic | Type of Implementation | Number | Venue | |||||
1 | The aim and place of the study of legal methods in the study programme of Law. Circumstances contributing to the need for legal methods. Sources of law and peculiarities of the application thereof. Actual composition and legal composition. Legal syllogism and subsumption. Determination and specification of legal consequences. | Lectures | 3.00 | auditorium | |||||
Classes | 2.00 | auditorium | |||||||
2 | The concept of interpretation of legal provisions. The methods of interpretation of legal provisions: (a) grammatical interpretation; (b) historical interpretation method; (c) teleological interpretation method; (d) systematic method for interpretation of legal provisions. | Classes | 2.00 | auditorium | |||||
3 | Peculiarities of the application of general legal principles. Axiological assumptions. Conflict of legal provisions and legal principles. Further formation of law: the concept of “gaps” in law, open and concealed “gaps” in law. Analogy, teleological reduction. Conclusion to the contrary. Conclusion from the largest to the smallest. Conclusion from the smallest to the largest. Court insights and further formation of law. Constitutional basis for the further formation of law. | Lectures | 4.00 | auditorium | |||||
Classes | 2.00 | auditorium | |||||||
4 | Peculiarities of interpretation of the Constitution. Peculiarities and problems of interpretation of European Union Law. Intertemporal applicability of legal provisions. | Lectures | 3.00 | auditorium | |||||
Topic Layout (Part-Time) | |||||||||
No. | Topic | Type of Implementation | Number | Venue | |||||
1 | The aim and place of the study of legal methods in the study programme of Law. Circumstances contributing to the need for legal methods. Sources of law and peculiarities of the application thereof. Actual composition and legal composition. Legal syllogism and subsumption. Determination and specification of legal consequences. | Lectures | 1.00 | auditorium | |||||
2 | The concept of interpretation of legal provisions. The methods of interpretation of legal provisions: (a) grammatical interpretation; (b) historical interpretation method; (c) teleological interpretation method; (d) systematic method for interpretation of legal provisions. | Classes | 1.00 | auditorium | |||||
3 | Peculiarities of the application of general legal principles. Axiological assumptions. Conflict of legal provisions and legal principles. Further formation of law: the concept of “gaps” in law, open and concealed “gaps” in law. Analogy, teleological reduction. Conclusion to the contrary. Conclusion from the largest to the smallest. Conclusion from the smallest to the largest. Court insights and further formation of law. Constitutional basis for the further formation of law. | Lectures | 1.00 | auditorium | |||||
4 | Peculiarities of interpretation of the Constitution. Peculiarities and problems of interpretation of European Union Law. Intertemporal applicability of legal provisions. | Lectures | 2.00 | auditorium | |||||
Assessment | |||||||||
Unaided Work: | Study of required reading, additional reading and case law. The topics of independent learning correspond to the topics specified during the contact hours, but include independent work with regulatory enactments and case law materials, studying the presented study material in depth. During group work, students prepare a presentation on a topical issue of legal methods that is presented in the auditorium. | ||||||||
Assessment Criteria: | Independent group work – 25% of the total assessment, 75% – exam. | ||||||||
Final Examination (Full-Time): | Exam (Written) | ||||||||
Final Examination (Part-Time): | Exam (Written) | ||||||||
Learning Outcomes | |||||||||
Knowledge: | After completing the course, students acquire knowledge about sources of law and their peculiarities, interpretation of legal provisions and further formation of legal provisions. | ||||||||
Skills: | After completing the course, students are able to interpret and apply legislation and general legal principles. When solving practical tasks, they identify factual circumstances, are able to find the applicable legal provision and to specify the legal consequences. Students understand the concept of “gaps” in law and are able to solve the practical situation by using an appropriate method of further formation of law. Students are able to interpret and apply legislation and general legal principles. Students understand the concept of “gaps” in law and are able to solve the practical situation by using an appropriate method of further formation of law. | ||||||||
Competencies: | After completing the course, students apply legal provisions in a methodologically correct manner, understand the place of general legal principles in the legal system and peculiarities of their application, are able to evaluate the constitutionality of legal provisions. Students are able to form and substantiate axiological assumptions when solving conflicts of legal principles. They base the solutions to conflicts of legal principles on the values specified in the constitution. Students are able to apply national and European Union law in an integrated manner. | ||||||||
Bibliography | |||||||||
No. | Reference | ||||||||
Required Reading | |||||||||
1 | Juridiskās metodes pamati. 11 soļi tiesību normu piemērošanā: Rakstu krājums, E.Meļķiša zinātniskā redakcijā. Rīga: BO SIA „Ratio iuris”, 2003. | ||||||||
2 | Meļķisis E. Latvijas tiesiskās sistēmas ceļš uz demokrātisku tiesisku valsti. Rakstu krājums. Tiesu namu aģentūra, 2014. | ||||||||
3 | Neimanis J. Juridisku kāzusu risināšanas tehnika. Rīga, 2004. | ||||||||
4 | Iļjanova D. Vispārējo tiesību principu nozīme un piemērošana. Rīga: BO SIA „Ratio iuris”, 2005. | ||||||||
5 | Kalniņš Voldemārs Romiešu civiltiesību pamati. Zvaigzne ABC apgāds, 2010. | ||||||||
6 | Sniedzīte Ginta Tiesnešu tiesības. Jēdziens un nozīme Latvijas tiesību avotu doktrīnā. Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2013. | ||||||||
7 | Neimanis J. Ievads tiesībās. Autora izdevums, 2004. | ||||||||
8 | Iļjanova D. Vispārējo tiesību principu nozīme un piemērošana. Rīga: SIA „Ratio iuris”, 2005 | ||||||||
9 | Joksts O., Grigersone B. Terminu skaidrojošā vārdnīca civiltiesībās (lietu tiesības, saistību tiesības), SIA Drukātava, 2011. | ||||||||
10 | Rezevska D. Satversmes 1.panta komentārs. Latvijas Republikas Satversmes komentāri I nodaļa. Vispārējie jautājumi. Rīga: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2014 | ||||||||
11 | Mieriņa A. Starptautiskās privāttiesības: ģenēze un sistēma. Latvijas Universitātes Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2015. | ||||||||
12 | Raihs N. Izprotot Eiropas Savienības tiesības. R.:TNA, 2004 | ||||||||
Additional Reading | |||||||||
1 | V.Jakubaņecs “Juridiski terminoloģiskā, skaidrojošā vārdnīca” (sast. V. Jakubaņecs) - Rīga “P&Ko” 2005, 287 lpp. | ||||||||
2 | Кашанина Т.В. Юридическая техника. Москва, 2007. | ||||||||
3 | Raisch P. Juristische Metodik: Vom antiken Rom bis zur Gegenwart. Heidelberg: Müller, 1995. | ||||||||
4 | Peczenik A. On Law and Reason. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1989. | ||||||||
Other Information Sources | |||||||||
1 | Satversmes tiesas 2009. gada 7. aprīļa spriedums lietā Nr. 2008-35-01 „Par likuma „Par Lisabonas līgumu, ar ko groza Līgumu par Eiropas Savienību un Eiropas Kopienas dibināšanas līgumu” atbilstību Latvijas Republikas Satversmes 101. pantam”. Latvijas | ||||||||
2 | Satversmes tiesas 2000. gada 30. augusta spriedums lietā Nr. 2000-03-01 „Par Saeimas vēlēšanu likuma 5. panta 5. un 6. punkta un Pilsētas domes un pagasta padomes vēlēšanu likuma 9. panta 5. un 6. punkta atbilstību Latvijas Republikas Satversmes 89. un 101. pantam, Eiropas Cilvēka tiesību un pamatbrīvību aizsardzības konvencijas 14. pantam un Starptautiskā pakta par pilsoņu un politiskajām tiesībām 25. pantam”. Latvijas Vēstnesis, | ||||||||
3 | Satversmes tiesas 2006. gada 8. novembra spriedums lietā Nr. 2006-04-01 „Par likuma „Par valsts pensijām’’ pārejas noteikumu 16. punkta 12. apakšpunkta atbilstību Latvijas Republikas Satversmes 1., 91. un 109. pantam’’. Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2006. gada 15. novembris, Nr. 183 | ||||||||
4 | Satversmes tiesas 2006. gada 16. oktobra spriedums lietā Nr. 2006-05-01 „Par Radio un televīzijas likuma 46. panta sestās, septītās, astotās un devītās daļas atbilstību Latvijas Republikas Satversmes 58. un 91. pantam”. Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2006. gada 24. oktobris, Nr. 169 |