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Medical and Legal Problems of Communication

Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:9.00
Study Course Accepted:02.02.2024 12:29:50
Study Course Information
Course Code:JF_067LQF level:Level 7
Credit Points:2.00ECTS:3.00
Branch of Science:LawTarget Audience:Juridical Science
Study Course Supervisor
Course Supervisor:Laura Šāberte
Study Course Implementer
Structural Unit:Faculty of Social Sciences
The Head of Structural Unit:
Contacts:Dzirciema street 16, Rīga, szfatrsu[pnkts]lv
Study Course Planning
Full-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)6Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures12
Classes (count)4Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes8
Total Contact Hours20
Part-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)4Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures8
Classes (count)2Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes4
Total Contact Hours12
Study course description
Preliminary Knowledge:
Legal theory. Human rights. Administrative law. Administrative process. Civil law. Civil procedure. Criminal law. Criminal process. Commercial law. Medical law. Health care organisation rights.
To develop understanding of the peculiarities of the actual implementation of legal provisions in the health sector by training the ability to identify and distinguish between actual legal conflicts and apparent legal conflicts. To develop students’ ability to understand and critically analyse information about the health sector published in information communication media, observing regulatory enactments regulating media activities.
Topic Layout (Full-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Legal framework for communication in health care. Analysis of practical examples and problem questions. Discussion.Lectures1.00auditorium
2Medical and legal problems of communication and their solutions in an inpatient treatment facilityLectures2.00other
3Legal problems of communication and their solutions in the context of the safety of healthcare professionals and patientsLectures1.00other
4Qualitative communication - the basis for successful implementation of healthcare. Analysis of practical examples and problem questions. Discussion.Classes2.00auditorium
5Communication in the field of healthcare. Regularities of the formation of individual and public opinion, media effects. Communication of healthcare service providers. Practical possibilities and legal conditions.Lectures2.00other
Topic Layout (Part-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Legal framework for communication in health care. Analysis of practical examples and problem questions. Discussion.Lectures1.00auditorium
2Medical and legal problems of communication and their solutions in an inpatient treatment facilityLectures1.00other
3Legal problems of communication and their solutions in the context of the safety of healthcare professionals and patientsLectures1.00other
4Qualitative communication - the basis for successful implementation of healthcare. Analysis of practical examples and problem questions. Discussion.Classes1.00auditorium
5Communication in the field of healthcare. Regularities of the formation of individual and public opinion, media effects. Communication of healthcare service providers. Practical possibilities and legal conditions.Lectures1.00other
Unaided Work:
Seminar work, independent work, and examination work are organized according to the instructions in e-studies. Within the study course students develop an independent work. Students choose a publication or a TV story from the mass media, or a situation that has been analysed in several publications or TV stories, that is related to the health sector (further – a source). It suggested to choose a source from the last three years. To analyse the source according to what has been acquired in lectures. The structure of the independent work: 1. Front page. 2. Information about the source (to copy publications, web address of the TV story or other references of where the publication can be found). If a student chooses the analysis of a situation – all publications and web addresses of the TV stories must be copied and shown as to where the materials can be found. 3. Source analysis from perspective of an individual and public opinion formation in the health care. 4. Source analysis from perspective of mediation in health care. 5. Source analysis from perspective of professional interaction in health care. 6. Source analysis from perspective of legal aspects in health care. 7. Conclusion – student's individual thoughts on the research. 8. Bibliography. In order to evaluate the quality of the study course as a whole, the student must fill out the study course evaluation questionnaire on the Student Portal.
Assessment Criteria:
The course assessment consists of three parts: seminar assessment (criterion I), independent work (criterion II), and final written examination (criterion III).
Final Examination (Full-Time):Exam
Final Examination (Part-Time):Exam (Written)
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge:Students understand the diversity of communication-related problems in the health sector. Students are able to comprehensively analyse and understand communication problem situations from the perspective of different parties involved, as well as to critically evaluate and identify opportunities for legal resolution of conflicts. After completing the study course, students are able to integrate knowledge of different fields and contribute to the creation of new knowledge.
Skills:Students understand the patterns of individual and public opinion formation and media effects in the health sector, as well as health service communication. Students acquire knowledge of the implementation of regulatory requirements in the health sector from the point of view of medical practitioners and medical institutions, with their specificities and problems in relation to different patient groups, different situations and diseases in the context of the professional activity of journalists. As a result of the lessons, students understand the circumstances in which regulatory requirements have to be implemented and the factors that influence their implementation. Students understand the functioning of the mass media in the health sector, are able to critically evaluate information in the public domain and are able to provide an informed opinion on it. This strengthens the student's ability to critically assess whether there has been an apparent or actual infringement of rights in relation to individual practical cases. Students understand the medical and legal problems of communication from the point of view of an inpatient medical institution. Learners formulate issues of professional communication in healthcare from the perspective of the healthcare worker (principally medical practitioners and healthcare support persons) and the patient (or his/her representative). As a result of the lessons, students have a basic knowledge of the safety aspects of communication and a basic ability to identify them when dealing with conflicts in the health sector. Students evaluate the legal framework of communication in the context of the protection of patients' rights and in the context of health care services. As a result of the lessons, students are familiar with the legal framework and the practicalities of its application and are able to apply them. Students are able to explain and discuss complex medical and legal communication problems in a reasoned way, both with professionals and with others.
Competencies:Students are able to analyse conflicts in the health sector in a comprehensive way, as well as critically distinguish between apparent conflicts and actual conflicts.
Required Reading
1A-Slokenberga S. ( "Medicīnas tiesības", nodaļa "Pārskats par pacientu tiesībām". TNA, 2015.
2Reņģe V. "Psiholoģija. Personības psiholoģiskās teorijas". Rīga, Zvaigzne ABC, 1999.
3ANO Vispārējā Cilvēktiesību Deklarācija
4Starptautiskais pakts par pilsoņu un politiskajām tiesībām
5Eiropas Cilvēka tiesību un pamatbrīvību aizsardzības konvencija
6Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes 2016. gada 27. aprīļa regula (ES) 2016/679 par fizisku personu aizsardzību attiecībā uz personas datu apstrādi un šādu datu brīvu apriti un ar ko atceļ direktīvu 95/46/EK (Vispārīgā datu aizsardzības regula)
7Administratīvā procesa likums
8Advokatūras likums
9Ārstniecības likums
10Biometrijas datu apstrādes sistēmas likums
11Civilprocesa likums - Trešā sadaļa "Pierādījumi"
12Civilstāvokļa aktu reģistrācijas likums
13Dokumentu juridiskā spēka likums
14Elektronisko dokumentu likums
15Fizisko personu datu apstrādes likums
16Iesniegumu likums
17Kriminālprocesa likums - eksperta atzinums; kompetentās institūcijas atzinums
18Latvijas Administratīvo pārkāpumu kodekss - administratīvās atbildības par veselības aprūpes pārkāpumiem veidi
19 Latvijas Republikas Satversme
20Likums "Par miruša cilvēka ķermeņa aizsardzību un cilvēka audu un orgānu izmantošanu medicīnā"
21Likums "Par presi un citiem masu informācijas līdzekļiem"
22Likums "Par valsts noslēpumu"
23Ministru kabineta 2005.gada 27.decembra noteikumi Nr.1037 "Noteikumi par cilvēka asiņu un asins komponentu savākšanas, testēšanas, apstrādes, uzglabāšanas un izplatīšanas kvalitātes un drošības standartiem un kompensāciju par izdevumiem zaudētā asi
24Ministru kabineta 2011. gada 17. maija noteikumi Nr. 378 "Zāļu reklamēšanas kārtība un kārtība, kādā zāļu ražotājs ir tiesīgs nodot ārstiem bezmaksas zāļu paraugus"
25Ministru kabineta 2013.gada 5.novembra noteikumu Nr.1268 "Ārstniecības riska fonda darbības noteikumi"
26Ministru kabineta 2014.gada 6.maija noteikumi Nr.234 "Biometrijas datu apstrādes sistēmas noteikumi"
27Pacientu tiesību likums
28Personu apliecinošu dokumentu likums
29Valsts pārvaldes iekārtas likums
30Institūciju nolikumi: Pilsonības un migrācijas lietu pārvalde Iekšlietu ministrijas informācijas centrs Veselības ministrija Veselības inspekcija Zāļu valsts aģentūra Konkurences padome.
31Autoru kolektīvs. 2022. Medicīnas tiesības. Otrais papildinātais izdevums. S.Slokenbergas un S.Olsenas zinātniskajā redakcijā. Rīga: Tiesu namu aģentūra.
32Autoru kolektīvs. 2019. Pacientu tiesību likuma komentāri. LL.D. S. Slokenbergas zinātniskajā redakcijā. Rīga: Latvijas Vēstnesis.
Additional Reading
1Dubkēvičs L. "Saskarsme un pacientu aprūpe". Rīgas 5. medicīnas skola, 1995.
2Karpova Ā. "Personība. Teorijas un to radītāji". Rīga, Zvaigzne ABC, 1998.
3Pikeringa P. "Strīdi, nesaskaņas, konflikti." R., Jāņa Rozes apgāds, 2000.
Other Information Sources
1Claudia Bernasconi, M.Arch Mariarosaria Di Palo, M.Arch Krysia Bussière, B.S. Arch.The role of media and public opinion efforts in the transit field: the Detroit region case study. 2014.
2Part II Theories of Public Opinion Formation and Change. Public Opinion Research (SAGE Handbook) 2007.
3Bogusława Dobek-Ostrowska and Michal Głowacki (eds) Democracy and Media in Central and Eastern Europe
4Teena Gabrielson University of Wyoming, Laramie.James Madison’s Psychology of Public Opinion.Political Research Quarterly Volume 62 Number 3 September 2009 431-444. 2009. University of Utah
5Carol L. Schmitt, Laurel E. Curry, Ghada Homsih etc. Public and Opinion Leader Willingness to Fund Obesity-Focused Policies. Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice 2017, Vol. 18(3) 125–134
6Rebecca Utz, Michael Hollingshaus, and Peter Dien. Public opinion and health care. 2010. Contexts, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 66-67.
7Francisco Fatas-Villafranca,Dulce Saura, Francisco J.Vazquez. A Dynamic model of public opinion formation. 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Journal of Public Economic Theory, 13 (3), 2011, pp. 417–441.
8Janusz Ziolkowski. Democracy, public opinion and the media. Democracy. Reality and Responsibility Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, Acta 6, Vatican City 2001.
9Morio Watanabe Kyushu International University, Japan. Public opinion and mass media. Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS). 2002-2019.
10Seta Hadeshian Director MECC Unit On Life & Service. Public Opinion - The role of Media. CCR International refugee rights conference 17 – 19 June 2006, Toronto.
11Latvijas Republikas Augstākās tiesas Civillietu departamenta 2008.gada 29.decembra spriedums lietā Nr.PAC-0408
12ECT 2013.gada 15.janvāra sprieduma lietā "Csoma v. Romania"
13Satversmes tiesas 2011.gada 14.marta spriedums lietā Nr.2010-51-01
14Latvijas Republikas Talsu rajona tiesas 2015.gada 9.jūlija spriedums lietā Nr.C30621614
15ECT 2008.gada 28.jūlija spriedums - Flux pret Moldovu
16Latvijas Ārstu Ētikas kodekss.
17Es, stādamies ārsta amatā...
18Marina Kamenecka-Usova, Karina Palkova. Mediator’s Personality in Specific Legal Disputes: Sports Related Disputes and Healthcare Related Disputes.JURIDICA.AUDJ, vol. 13, no. 2/2017, pp. 5-18.
19Sheea Sybblis Follow. Mediation in the Health Care System: Creative Problem Solving. Pepperdine Dispute Resolution Law Journal. Published by Pepperdine Digital Commons, 2006.
20R. Wayne Thorpe, JAMS. Effective Use of Mediation and Arbitration in Health Care Disputes. 2011. Bloomberg Finance L.P.
21Zane Pētersone. Tiesas atvasinātā mediācijas modeļa ieviešana 12 civiltiesisku strīdu risināšanā Latvijā. Latvijas Republikas Augstākās tiesas biļetens Nr.4. 2012.gada maijs.