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Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:4.00
Study Course Accepted:07.09.2021 14:11:57
Study Course Information
Course Code:LF_619LQF level:Level 5
Credit Points:12.00ECTS:18.00
Branch of Science:Clinical MedicineTarget Audience:Medicine
Study Course Supervisor
Course Supervisor:Inga Krēvica-Rozenberga
Study Course Implementer
Structural Unit:RSU Liepāja Branch
The Head of Structural Unit:
Contacts:Liepāja, Riņķu Street 24/26, lfatrsu[pnkts]lv, +371 63442118, +371 63442119, +371 63484632
Study Course Planning
Full-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)2Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures4
Classes (count)Class Length (academic hours)Total Contact Hours of Classes0
Total Contact Hours4
Full-Time - Semester No.2
Lectures (count)2Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures4
Classes (count)0Class Length (academic hours)0Total Contact Hours of Classes0
Total Contact Hours4
Full-Time - Semester No.3
Lectures (count)2Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures4
Classes (count)0Class Length (academic hours)0Total Contact Hours of Classes0
Total Contact Hours4
Study course description
Preliminary Knowledge:
Knowledge and skills acquired prior to the placement in the Physician’s Assistant programme of the relevant year of studies.
To strengthen the knowledge acquired in each course and to improve practical skills in working with patients of different ages, in developing an effective communication process, in assessing the state of health, in examining patients, in providing emergency care and treatment, in educating patients, in creating a safe work environment, basing practical activities on legal and ethical principles, respecting confidentiality.
Topic Layout (Full-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Information on the placement documentation, placement process in the first year of studies, reports.Lectures2.00auditorium
2Information on the placement documentation, placement process in the second year of studies, reports.Lectures2.00auditorium
3Information on the placement documentation in the third year of studies, placement process, reports.Lectures2.00auditorium
Unaided Work:
1. During the placement, the student is guided by the RSU Liepāja Branch Placement Regulation, Placement Programme and current guidelines in order to implement the goals and tasks set for the placement, as well as by the internal regulations of the relevant structural unit. 2. During the placement, the student completes a Placement Logbook in compliance with the conditions (see the Placement Programme). 3. The student works at least 40 academic hours per week (1 academic hour = 45 min). The assignments and duration of the placement depend on the curriculum. During the placement, the student is involved in the daily work. 4. At the end of the placement, the student submits the Placement Logbook within 3 days after the end of the placement to the head of the study programme and completes the placement evaluation questionnaire.
Assessment Criteria:
1. The student’s performance in each part of the placement (in the first, second and third year of studies) is assessed by the placement supervisor. 2. Within three days (in the first, second and third year of studies), the student shall submit properly prepared Placement Documents (see Section VII) to the head of the study programme. 3. Head of the RSU Liepāja Branch programme (in the first, second and third year of studies), on the basis of the documents submitted, prepares an overall assessment of the placement. 4. The placement is passed (in the first, second and third year of studies), if the student: a) has worked 100% of the hours prescribed in the study programme; b) submits a correctly drawn up Placement Logbook on time; c) has obtained a positive assessment at each place of placement, i.e. not less than 9 points, equivalent to the grade of 4 points. 5. After the placement (in the first, second and third year of studies), the placement process and report documents, including the self-assessment, are analysed. 6. If the student receives a negative evaluation in any of the placements (in the first, second and third year of studies), then the provisions of Academic Regulations I 5.13–5.16.3 shall apply.
Final Examination (Full-Time):Report (Placement)
Final Examination (Part-Time):
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge:Will strengthen and improve the knowledge acquired in the study process before the placement on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases, emergency care of the injured, as well as work organisation and teamwork.
Skills:Will develop the skills listed in the occupational standard of Physician’s Assistant in interacting with patients, examination, emergency care, diagnosis, treatment, organisation and planning of work, according to the planned course plan.
Competencies:Will be able to apply the skills acquired in the course and prescribed in the Physician’s Assistant programme and evaluate the results of the activities undertaken to achieve the objectives of the Physician’s Assistant programme.
Required Reading
1Prakses nolikums