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Philosophy and Medical Ethics

Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:4.00
Study Course Accepted:08.11.2022 12:27:34
Study Course Information
Course Code:LUSDK_036LQF level:Level 6
Credit Points:2.00ECTS:3.00
Branch of Science:Philosophy; EthicsTarget Audience:Medical Services; Nursing Science
Study Course Supervisor
Course Supervisor:Helmuts Caune
Study Course Implementer
Structural Unit:Department of Welfare and Social Work
The Head of Structural Unit:
Contacts:Riga, 26a Anninmuizas boulevard, socdkatrsu[pnkts]lv, +371 67061575
Study Course Planning
Full-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)6Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures12
Classes (count)10Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes20
Total Contact Hours32
Part-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)6Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures12
Classes (count)6Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes12
Total Contact Hours24
Study course description
Preliminary Knowledge:
Not required.
In the Philosophy section: giving students a systematic picture and basic knowledge of the historical development of philosophical thought in the world and in Latvia; developing independent thinking skills and ability for students to gain their confidence in the ongoing processes in society and in the world as a whole; to be aware and understand their place as an individual in it; to present students with key philosophic categories, concepts and theories in the historical process, and with portraits of the most prominent philosophers of the past and present; In the Medical ethics section: to provide students with basic knowledge and understanding of the place and role of ethics and morality in society; their historical development in the world and in Latvia, and their role in the development and growth of personality; to present the beginnings of the ethics of Medicine to our day's modern scientific and technological discoveries and their challenges in the field of medical ethics; to provide students with adequate and deep knowledge of the conditions and role of medical ethics in health care; patient and medical staff of health-care relations, responsibilities, rights and possible conflict solutions; to provide understanding of the mandatory observance of the rules and principles of medical ethics and their promotion.
Topic Layout (Full-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Ethical issues, history, directions and areas of activity. Ethical aspects of human life. The beginning and development of Medical ethics. The main features, differences and characteristics of Medical ethics.Lectures1.00auditorium
2Key issues of Medical ethics and their grounds for the determination of ethical principles in medicine and observance of rules of law. Patient rights and ethics in medicine. Solutions for different cases (situational ethics/dilemmas) in the field of Medical ethics.Lectures1.00auditorium
3Understanding the place and role of ethics and morality in society. Historical development of ethics in the world and Latvia. Their role in creating and developing personality. Special nature and importance of Medical ethics.Classes1.00auditorium
4The essential aspects and nature of Medical ethics. Hippocratic oath (460-377 BC). Basic fundamental principles of Medical ethics. De-ontology’s place and role in the development of Medical ethics and today's challenges.Lectures1.00auditorium
5The Code of Medical ethics and the issues and meanings contained. Mutual cooperation between medics and patients, potential challenges and solutions to the ethical decision-making processes in health-care environment and levels of responsibility. Issues/challenges and solutions for the cooperation of medical and health-care personnel (medical staff).Classes1.00auditorium
7Cooperation issues, problems, solutions for physicians and health-care personnel. Medical research study, testing rules, procedures, meaning. Medical ethics Committees, their activities, powers, meaning. Aspects of the rules and internationally adopted guidelines for Medical ethics. World Medical Association. Modern technology in the field of medical research and ethical aspects. Medical ethics and issues in Latvia.Lectures1.00auditorium
8Procedures and ways of establishing ethical principles and rules for the monitoring of ethics of medical (health-care) research. The responsibility of individuals in medical studies and health-care. Organ transplantation issues. Euthanasia. Other issues.Classes1.00auditorium
10The Medical ethics Law (norms), regulations and the history of their development. The role of international organizations in ensuring the standards of Medical ethics. International norms in Medical ethics, their impact and implementation in National regulations. Patient rights issues and practical solutions in Latvia.Classes1.00auditorium
11Philosophy, its description and fundamental issues: Greek “phileo” (love) and “sophia” (wisdom) – “love for wisdom”, a form of cognition about the world and other processes; human intelligence on the processes and principles of nature, society, thinking and knowledge; a view and discussion of life (intellectual activity). Key basic aspects of philosophy (what is human, the origin, nature, mind, thinking, logic, rights, virtue, axiology, gnosis, ontology, etc.)Classes1.00auditorium
12History of philosophy and development of cognition processes. Antique philosophy (East and West). Greek classical philosophy and its impact in the world. The main representatives of the philosophical thought in the Ancient World and their significance of further development of philosophy.Lectures1.00auditorium
14Empiricism and Rationalism, the main representatives. The balanced role of Empiricism and Rationalism in the future cognition and research processes. Philosophy’s post-classic period. The legacy of J.G. Fihte and G.Hegel on the development of philosophical thoughts in Europe. Marxist philosophy. The expansion of Marxist-Leninism ideology in the world and today's situation.Lectures1.00auditorium
15Philosophy of life. Existentialism. A quest for the meaning and existence of life. The most important representatives of the Existentialism and their philosophical thought. Zigismund Freud and the Concept of Psychoanalysis. Karl Gustav Jung, founder of the Analytical Psychology. Criticism of Freud's philosophy.Classes1.00auditorium
16The historical development of philosophical thought in Latvia. The most prominent representatives of the Latvian philosophy and their contribution to the philosophical thought. Modern Latvian philosophy.Classes1.00auditorium
17The concept and use of the term “Modernism” and “Post-modernism”. The hallmarks and ideas of Modernism: a significant shift of values and principles. A change in the world's view of the 20th/21st century. Globalization.Classes1.00auditorium
18Philosophy as power, its use in historical review. The development and fundamental value of the Rights philosophy. The importance of philosophy. Fostering a common sense of trust and mutual respect in society. The need for criticism, opportunities and rights. Philosophy as a “Hand book” for relationships.Classes2.00auditorium
Topic Layout (Part-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Ethical issues, history, directions and areas of activity. Ethical aspects of human life. The beginning and development of Medical ethics. The main features, differences and characteristics of Medical ethics.Lectures1.00auditorium
3Understanding the place and role of ethics and morality in society. Historical development of ethics in the world and Latvia. Their role in creating and developing personality. Special nature and importance of Medical ethics.Classes1.00auditorium
4The essential aspects and nature of Medical ethics. Hippocratic oath (460-377 BC). Basic fundamental principles of Medical ethics. De-ontology’s place and role in the development of Medical ethics and today's challenges.Lectures1.00auditorium
5The Code of Medical ethics and the issues and meanings contained. Mutual cooperation between medics and patients, potential challenges and solutions to the ethical decision-making processes in health-care environment and levels of responsibility. Issues/challenges and solutions for the cooperation of medical and health-care personnel (medical staff).Classes1.00auditorium
6Basic principles of medical care (health-care): Respect for Human rights. Compassion. Competency. Patient’s autonomy/Rights of self-determination. Informed consent. Confidentiality.Lectures1.00auditorium
9Medical staff relationships and assessment of behaviour earlier and now. The impact of the hierarchy of medical staff on their relationships. The most important ethical principles of mutual relationships and their regulations. Potential conflict issues, problems and solutions. The role of professional ethics in improving and promoting health-care environment.Lectures1.00auditorium
10The Medical ethics Law (norms), regulations and the history of their development. The role of international organizations in ensuring the standards of Medical ethics. International norms in Medical ethics, their impact and implementation in National regulations. Patient rights issues and practical solutions in Latvia.Classes1.00auditorium
11Philosophy, its description and fundamental issues: Greek “phileo” (love) and “sophia” (wisdom) – “love for wisdom”, a form of cognition about the world and other processes; human intelligence on the processes and principles of nature, society, thinking and knowledge; a view and discussion of life (intellectual activity). Key basic aspects of philosophy (what is human, the origin, nature, mind, thinking, logic, rights, virtue, axiology, gnosis, ontology, etc.)Classes1.00auditorium
13Further development of the philosophical thought and its characteristics. Medieval period. Renaissance. Enlightenment. The latest times. The most important philosophers, their thoughts and significance in the world.Lectures1.00auditorium
14Empiricism and Rationalism, the main representatives. The balanced role of Empiricism and Rationalism in the future cognition and research processes. Philosophy’s post-classic period. The legacy of J.G. Fihte and G.Hegel on the development of philosophical thoughts in Europe. Marxist philosophy. The expansion of Marxist-Leninism ideology in the world and today's situation.Lectures1.00auditorium
15Philosophy of life. Existentialism. A quest for the meaning and existence of life. The most important representatives of the Existentialism and their philosophical thought. Zigismund Freud and the Concept of Psychoanalysis. Karl Gustav Jung, founder of the Analytical Psychology. Criticism of Freud's philosophy.Classes1.00auditorium
17The concept and use of the term “Modernism” and “Post-modernism”. The hallmarks and ideas of Modernism: a significant shift of values and principles. A change in the world's view of the 20th/21st century. Globalization.Classes1.00auditorium
Unaided Work:
1. Analysis and presentation of philosophical/medical ethics texts (according to lecturer's instructions); 2. Systematic, independent study of theoretical literature; 3. Presentation of independently prepared-designed work. In addition to attending lectures and work-shops for successful studies students are requested to use, in their own work, both the sources already indicated here as well as actively search and use the necessary documents in the libraries and internet sources.
Assessment Criteria:
1. Regular attendance of lectures/work-shops; 2. Activity in lectures and work-shops; 3. Final (written) exam. During the course of studies, according to lecturer's instructions, students will have to develop and defend their paper of thought (in the form of discussion), based on lectures, practical work and knowledge acquired. A particular attention will be paid to students' ability to use acquired knowledge in their work and the analysis of the selected topic (problem). In addition, students must prepare a presentation that would reflect the freely chosen issue from the area of Philosophy or Medical Ethics. Finally, there is a written exam in which students will have to answer 2 questions from Philosophy section and 2 questions (issues) from Medical ethics section. The final grade will be judged on the 10-point evaluation system.
Final Examination (Full-Time):Exam
Final Examination (Part-Time):Exam
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge:As a result of study course acquisition, students will gain basic knowledge about the specificity of philosophical thought in the different historical epocha; will know to identify and name the most important representatives, their ideas and contribution in the world; students will learn the most important aspects, directions and scope of various ethics; name and describe the main principles, values, conditions and rules of medical ethics; will gain knowledge of medical research various issues and patient care; patients' rights and their relationship with the treating staff; will know how to apply medical ethics in their professional work, and recognize, evaluate and point to medical ethics dilemmas and their solutions.
Skills:Students will have skills and be able to choose the most appropriate philosophical lessons in the solutions of certain problems; will be able to apply their knowledge of philosophical thought to practical situations; will be skilled to discover, see and analyze general ethics, but in particular the various issues of medical ethics and morality in their professional work; skilled to see and address the various challenges, dilemmas, their causes; take the necessary steps to prevent potential medical ethics violations in their working environment and surroundings; act in most professionally way in various situations in health care; will be able to demonstrate in practice the high standards of their personal professionalism applying medical ethics and morality.
Competencies:Students will be competent and able to formulate what philosophical lessons in certain circumstances are the most appropriate and effective for solutions of certain problems; as a result of studies, students will be able to address the society's socio-political challenges with a high level of competence; with acquired knowledge and skills, students will be competent to demonstrate their professionalism and their moral and ethical behavior in the field of medical ethics, its application in the relevant working environment based on ethical values, principles and rules; with their personal example students will improve the competence and professionalism of the work environment they will be in, especially in respect of medical ethics; students acquired competence will greatly contribute to the high level of professional and ethical health care in their further professional tasks.
Required Reading
1M.Kūle, R.Kūlis. Filosofija. – Rīga, 1998. (izdevums akceptējams)
2A.Vilks. Ievads filozofijā vidusskolām. – Rīga: RaKA, 2000. (izdevums akceptējams)
3A.Vilks. Vārdnīca filozofijā vidusskolām. – Rīga: RaKa, 2000. (izdevums akceptējams)
4Allen, James F. Health law & medical ethics for healthcare professionals / James F. Allen Jr. Boston : Pearson, 2012, c2013. xxii, 242 lpp.
5Biomedicīnas ētika : teorija un prakse / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. Humanitāro zinātņu katedra ; sastādītāja Vija Sīle ; [autori: G. Ķilkuts ... [u.c.]. Rīga : Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte, 2006. 226 lpp. (izdevums akceptējams)
6Corey, Gerald. Issues and ethics in the helping professions / Gerald Corey, Marianne Schneider Corey, Patrick Callanan. 8th ed. Belmont, CA : Brooks/Cole / Cengage Learning, c2011. xxv, 597 lpp. (pbk., international ed.).
7Medicīnas ētikas rokasgrāmata, Pasaules Medicīnas Asociācija, II izdevums, Latvijas Ārstu biedrība, SIA „Nacionālais apgāds”, Rīga, 2009. (izdevums akceptējams)
8Signe Dauškāne-Platace,Veselības aprūpes un veicināšanas institūcijās iesaistītā personāla izglītošana pacientu tiesību aktuālos jautājumos. Nacionālais apgāds, Rīga, 2009. (izdevums akceptējams)
9Sīle V. „Medicīnas ētikas pamatprincipi”, Rīga, 1999. (izdevums akceptējams)
10Biomedicīnas pētījumus reglamentējošie tiesību akti Latvijā. Eiropas Sociālais Fonds, Eiropas Savienība, 2009. (izdevums akceptējams)
11Ētikas vadlīnijas bioloģijas un biomedicīnas pētījumiem ar cilvēku iesaisti. Eiropas Sociālā Fonda projekts, Latvijas Universitāte, 2009. (izdevums akceptējams)
12Pēteris Apinis, Medicīnas ētika 21. gadsimtā, žurnālā „Latvijas Ārsts", 2015. janvāris
13WMA International Code of Medical Ethics, World Medical Association
14World Medical Association Medical Ethics Manual. 3rd ed., 2015.
15David Albert Jones, Human Dignity in Healthcare: A Virtue Ethics Approach In Journal „The New Bioethics”, Volume 21, - Issue 1, pages 87-97., 2015.
16Medical Ethics and Nursing Ethics: Is There Really Any Difference? March/April 2006, Volume 29 Number 2 , page 182 – 183, Lippincott Nursing Center. (izdevums akceptējams)
17Raanan Gillon, Nursing ethics and medical ethics, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London University
18Top Ten philosophical issues of the 21st Century
19What are the current problems/issues/disputes in modern philosophy?
20Agnes Oluoch, 5 Skills you Gain from Studying Philosophy
21Philosophy. Encyclopedia Britannica Academic Edition
22Ārvalstu studentiem/For international students
23Philosophy. Encyclopedia Britannica Academic Edition
24Medical Ethics and Nursing Ethics: Is There Really Any Difference? March/April 2006, Volume 29 Number 2 , page 182 – 183, Lippincott Nursing Center. (izdevums akceptējams)
25David Albert Jones, Human Dignity in Healthcare: A Virtue Ethics Approach In Journal „The New Bioethics”, Volume 21, - Issue 1, pages 87-97., 2015.
26Top Ten philosophical issues of the 21st Century
Additional Reading
1A.Vilks. Politiskā pūļa latvietis. – Rīga: N.I.M.S., 2013.
2A.Vilks. Pasaules filozofija: Antoloģija, 1. daļa. – Rīga: RaKa, 2001.
3A.Vilks. Pasaules filozofija: Antoloģija, 2. daļa. – Rīga: RaKa, 2002.
4Apinis, Pēteris, Latvijas ārsti un pacienti globalizācijas laikmetā / Pēteris Apinis. Rīga : Nacionālais apgāds, 2007. 126 lpp.
5Casebook on ethical issues in international health research. Krievu val. Этические аспекты проведения международных исследований в области здравоохранения. Сборник ситуационных задач / редакторы: Ричард Кэш ... [и др.] ; заместитель редактора: Рева Гутник ; под общей редакцией Астрид Штукельбергер и Филиппа Шатонэ; Всемирная Организация Здравоохранения. Женева : Всемирная Организация Здравоохранения, 2012. 210 lpp.
6„Ethically speaking”, A Newsletter of the European Group on Ethics in Science and Journal of Medical Ethics. London, U.K., periodisks izdevums, RSU Ētikas komiteja
7Kalniņa, Zaiga Priede. Māsas prakse, pamatota teorijā / Zaiga Priede Kalniņa, prof. (ASV) Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1998. 210 lpp
8O’Neill. Autonomy and Trust in Bio-ethics, Cambridge University Press
9Connie M. Ulrich, Nursing Ethics in Everyday Practice, Sigma Theta Tau International, USA, 2012.
10What Can You Do With a Philosophy Degree? 2015.
11Philosophy Timeline: Greek, Roman Timeline, Middle Ages, Renaissance, Enlightenment Industrial Revolution Modern Timeline.
12Ārvalstu studentiem/For international students
13Philosophy Timeline: Greek, Roman Timeline, Middle Ages, Renaissance, Enlightenment Industrial Revolution Modern Timeline.
14Connie M. Ulrich, Nursing Ethics in Everyday Practice, Sigma Theta Tau International, USA, 2012.
15O’Neill. Autonomy and Trust in Bio-ethics, Cambridge University Press
Other Information Sources
1Medicīnas ētikā:
2Sīle,V. „Profesionālās ētikas aktuālās problēmas”. RSU Zinātniskie Raksti, Rīga, 2005.
3Citi avoti:
4Ārsta (mediķu) profesionālā ētika.
5Biomedicīnas pētījumus reglamentējošie tiesību akti Latvijā.
6Council of Europe, Health and Bioethics
7Council of Europe, Committee on Bioethics
8Informēta piekrišana dalībai biomedicīnas pētījumā. Informācija par dokumentāciju pētījumos
9Pasaules Veselības organizācijas (PVO) vadlīnijas ētikas komitejām pētījumu izvērtēšanai (2000) pieejams teksts angļu valodā
10The International Association of Bioethics
11Ārvalstu studentiem/For international students
12The International Association of Bioethics
13Council of Europe, Health and Bioethics