Study Course Description
Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:10.00
Study Course Accepted:27.06.2024 14:06:48
Study Course Information | |||||||||
Course Code: | ORTK_001 | LQF level: | Level 7 | ||||||
Credit Points: | 4.00 | ECTS: | 6.00 | ||||||
Branch of Science: | Clinical Medicine; Orthopaedics | Target Audience: | Medicine; Medical Services | ||||||
Study Course Supervisor | |||||||||
Course Supervisor: | Andris Jumtiņš | ||||||||
Study Course Implementer | |||||||||
Structural Unit: | Department of Orthopaedics | ||||||||
The Head of Structural Unit: | |||||||||
Contacts: | Riga, 22 Duntes Street, Block No. 1, ortopedkat![]() | ||||||||
Study Course Planning | |||||||||
Full-Time - Semester No.1 | |||||||||
Lectures (count) | 8 | Lecture Length (academic hours) | 2 | Total Contact Hours of Lectures | 16 | ||||
Classes (count) | 16 | Class Length (academic hours) | 3 | Total Contact Hours of Classes | 48 | ||||
Total Contact Hours | 64 | ||||||||
Study course description | |||||||||
Preliminary Knowledge: | Normal and pathological human anatomy, physiology, aseptic and septic conditions, desmurgy, propaedeutic, pharmacology and microbiology. | ||||||||
Objective: | To provide students with opportunities to acquire knowledge and understanding of human musculoskeletal diseases, congenital and acquired deformities, injuries, their pathogenesis, causes, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation principles, as well as care in the context of individual, family and society health; as well as skills that will enable students to independently render first aid, diagnose musculoskeletal injuries and illnesses, be competent in treatment and rehabilitation principles and enable them to continue studies at a higher level. | ||||||||
Topic Layout (Full-Time) | |||||||||
No. | Topic | Type of Implementation | Number | Venue | |||||
1 | Trauma as a social problem. History of traumatology and orthopaedics. Mechanical trauma. Closed and open fractures. | Lectures | 1.00 | auditorium | |||||
2 | Polytrauma. | Lectures | 1.00 | other | |||||
3 | Osteomyelitis (septic complications in orthopaedics). | Lectures | 1.00 | other | |||||
4 | Benign and malignant tumors of the movement and support system. | Lectures | 1.00 | other | |||||
5 | Osteoarthritis. | Lectures | 1.00 | other | |||||
6 | Burns. | Lectures | 1.00 | other | |||||
7 | Spinal injuries and illnesses. | Lectures | 1.00 | other | |||||
8 | Radiological diagnosis of bone fractures. Visible and invisible. The most common diagnostic mistakes. | Lectures | 1.00 | auditorium | |||||
9 | The examination of patients with musculoskeletal trauma and orthopaedic diseases. | Classes | 1.00 | clinical base | |||||
10 | Conservative treatment methods of musculoskeletal trauma (transport immobilization, desmurgie (bandage technique), plaster casts). | Classes | 1.00 | clinical base | |||||
11 | Fractures and dislocations of the upper extremity bones. | Classes | 1.00 | clinical base | |||||
12 | Diseases of the upper extremity, ruptures of muscles and tendons. | Classes | 1.00 | clinical base | |||||
13 | Traumatic injuries of muscles and tendons of the lower extremities. Foot injuries and orthopedic diseases. | Classes | 1.00 | clinical base | |||||
14 | High energy trauma. Polytrauma. Traumatic injuries of pelvis. | Classes | 1.00 | clinical base | |||||
15 | Diaphyseal fractures of the lower extremity bones, diagnostics and treatment, complications. | Classes | 1.00 | clinical base | |||||
16 | Low energy trauma. Fractures of the proximal femur. Peculiarities of geriatric trauma. | Classes | 1.00 | clinical base | |||||
17 | Soft tissue structures damage of the knee joint. Diagnostic and treatment options in traumatology and orthopedics. | Classes | 1.00 | clinical base | |||||
18 | Intraarticular fractures and dislocations of the lower extremity bones. | Classes | 1.00 | clinical base | |||||
19 | Osteoarthritis. | Classes | 1.00 | clinical base | |||||
20 | Osteomyelitis and septic arthritis. | Classes | 1.00 | clinical base | |||||
21 | Spinal injuries and diseases. | Classes | 1.00 | clinical base | |||||
22 | Workshop on interactive analysis of clinical cases | Classes | 1.00 | E-Studies platform | |||||
23 | Colloquium (orthopedic tests, transport immobilisation, desmurgia,formulation of radiological diagnosis). | Classes | 1.00 | clinical base | |||||
24 | Clinical case interpretation test | Classes | 1.00 | clinical base | |||||
Assessment | |||||||||
Unaided Work: | Independent work with literature, Internet resources and materials from e-studies (according to the lesson topics). At the end of the course, an evaluation of the course is provided by filling in a questionnaire. | ||||||||
Assessment Criteria: | Assessment: a test in each lesson (not graded). At the end of the course, a colloquium (examination of practical manipulations, formulation of a radiological diagnosis) and a Test in the interpretation of a clinical case. Assessment criteria for the colloquium: Criteria for the colloquium assessment “pass”: 1. Knowledge and skills of the clinical tests in orthopaedics: 1.1. lecturer determines, which two clinical tests student shall demonstrate; 1.2. student shall perform these two clinical tests correctly and precisely; 1.3. if the two clinical tests are performed correctly and precisely, student gets the assessment “pass”; 1.4. if some of two clinical tests are not performed correctly and precisely, student gets the assessment “fail”. 2. Knowledge and skills of the transport immobilization and desmurgy: 2.1. lecturer determines, which localization shall be immobilized or bandaged; 2.2. student shall perform the transport immobilization or bandage correctly and precisely; 2.3. if the transport immobilization or bandage is performed correctly and precisely, student gets the assessment “pass”; 2.4. if the transport immobilization or bandage is not performed correctly and precisely, student gets the assessment “fail”. 3. Knowledge and skills of the evaluation of the movements in the joints, length and girth of the extremities: 3.1. lecturer determines the localization, in which movements in the joints, length or girth of the extremity shall be performed; 3.2. student shall perform the measurements correctly and precisely; 3.3. if the measurements are performed correctly and precisely, student gets the assessment “pass”; 3.4. if the measurements are not performed correctly and precisely, student gets the assessment “fail”. 4. Formulation of radiological diagnosis 4.1. the lecturer demonstrates a radiograph of a bone fracture or orthopedic disease 4.2. the student formulates the radiological diagnosis 4.3. if the radiological diagnosis is formulated correctly - rating "passed" 4.4. if the radiological diagnosis is formulated incorrectly or critically incomplete - the assessment is "failed". 4. The final grade for the colloquium is determined in a 10-point system, where each section accounts for approximately 25%. 5. If the final assessment for the colloquium is “fail”, student shall agree with lecturer about date and time for the colloquium repeatedly. The final test of the course is the Clinical case interpretation test. The lecturer demonstrates a clinical case of an injury or orthopedic disease with specific questions, the answers of which make up the percentage of the final assessment of the test: 100-96%-10 (with distinction) 95-86%-9 (excellent) 85-76%-8 (very good) 75-66%-7 (good) 65-60%-6 (almost good) 59-55%-5 (satisfactory) 54-50%-4 (almost satisfactory) 49% and below - failed test, must be retaken according to RSU Study Regulations. The cumulative final grade of the course is calculated according to the formula: (Colloquium rating+Test rating): 2= Course rating The final grade of the course can be increased by 0.5 points if at least two guest lectures have been attended. | ||||||||
Final Examination (Full-Time): | Exam | ||||||||
Final Examination (Part-Time): | |||||||||
Learning Outcomes | |||||||||
Knowledge: | Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: • recognise and describe bones, joints and soft tissues common illnesses and injuries, causes and aethiopathogenesis; • explain and ground the main principles of treatment; • explain side effects; • estimate prognosis. | ||||||||
Skills: | Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: • collect patient’s anamnesis; • perform examination; • establish a diagnosis; • prepare an additional examination and treatment plan; • perform transport immobilization. | ||||||||
Competencies: | Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to carry out independent work with the injured and orthopaedic patients in general medical practice, and will able to continue further education. | ||||||||
Clinical Skills: | |||||||||
No. | Skill | Level | |||||||
1 | "8" Form Bandage | B1 - Basic level | |||||||
2 | Anterior and posterior Drawer test | B1 - Basic level | |||||||
3 | Desault bandage | B1 - Basic level | |||||||
4 | Extremities length and girth measurements | B1 - Basic level | |||||||
5 | Lachman test | B1 - Basic level | |||||||
6 | Neck trasport immobilization | B1 - Basic level | |||||||
7 | Patellar tap test | B1 - Basic level | |||||||
8 | Piano key symptom | B1 - Basic level | |||||||
9 | ROM measurement | B1 - Basic level | |||||||
10 | Tompson test | B1 - Basic level | |||||||
11 | Transport immobilisation | B1 - Basic level | |||||||
12 | Transport immobilization of broken femor | B1 - Basic level | |||||||
13 | Transport imobilisation of lower leg | B1 - Basic level | |||||||
Bibliography | |||||||||
No. | Reference | ||||||||
Required Reading | |||||||||
1 | A. Jumtiņa redakcijā. “Traumatoloģija un ortopēdija”. Rīga. 2016. RSU | ||||||||
2 | Browner, Bruce D. Skeletal Trauma: Basic Science, Management, and Reconstruction. 6th Edition. Elsevier, 2020. | ||||||||
3 | Ārvalstu studentiem/For international students: | ||||||||
4 | Browner, Bruce D. Skeletal Trauma: Basic Science, Management, and Reconstruction. 6th Edition. Elsevier, 2020. | ||||||||
Additional Reading | |||||||||
1 | Ronald Mc Rae. „Pocketbook of Orthopaedics and Fractures”. Churchill Livingstone, 2006. | ||||||||
2 | Lācis A., Lācis G. Augšējās ekstremitātes un pleca joslas kaulu lūzumi. Jāņa Rozes apgāds. Rīga. 2007. | ||||||||
3 | Ejubs L., Peredistijs A. Slimību sindromu, testu un muskuloskeletālu bojājumu eponīmiskā vārdnīca. Rīga, 2006, Nacionālais apgāds. | ||||||||
4 | Jakušonoka R., Jodzeviča H., Gibners R. Transporta imobilizācija. Pārsēji. Rīga. 2008. Rīga. MULTINEO. | ||||||||
5 | Jumtiņš A. Kaulu lūzumi. Metodiskās rekomendācijas studentiem. Rīga, 2009, RSU. | ||||||||
6 | Savicka M. Apdeguma trauma Rīga. Nacionālais apgāds. 2004. | ||||||||
7 | David J. Dandy, Dennis J. Edwards. „Essential Orthopaedics and Trauma”. Churchill Livingstone, 2009. | ||||||||
8 | David J. Magee. „Orthopaedic Physical Assessment”. 4th Edition. Saunders, 2021 | ||||||||
9 | Ārvalstu studentiem/For international students: | ||||||||
10 | Ronald Mc Rae. „Pocketbook of Orthopaedics and Fractures”. Churchill Livingstone, 2006. | ||||||||
11 | David J. Dandy, Dennis J. Edwards. „Essential Orthopaedics and Trauma”. Churchill Livingstone, 2009. | ||||||||
12 | David J. Magee. „Orthopaedic Physical Assessment”. 4th Edition. Saunders, 2021. | ||||||||
Other Information Sources | |||||||||
1 | Interneta resursi: | ||||||||
2 | AO Foundation Home | ||||||||
3 | American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons – AAOS | ||||||||
4 | The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery | Home | ||||||||
5 | Mayo Clinic | ||||||||
6 | Osteoarthritis - Arthritis Foundation (Diseases) | ||||||||
7 | www.instantanatomy.net | ||||||||
8 | www.anatomyatlases.org/ |