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Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:9.00
Study Course Accepted:21.03.2022 12:13:49
Study Course Information
Course Code:PEK_006LQF level:Level 7
Credit Points:2.00ECTS:3.00
Branch of Science:Clinical Medicine; PaediatricsTarget Audience:Dentistry
Study Course Supervisor
Course Supervisor:Jana Pavāre
Study Course Implementer
Structural Unit:Department of Paediatrics
The Head of Structural Unit:
Contacts:Riga, 45 Vienibas gatve, pkatrsu[pnkts]lv, +371 67621730
Study Course Planning
Full-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)1Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures2
Classes (count)10Class Length (academic hours)3Total Contact Hours of Classes30
Total Contact Hours32
Study course description
Preliminary Knowledge:
1. Disciplines of humanitarian and social sciences, which develop the student’s critically creative thinking skills, the understanding of the human as a living being and its place in society. 2. Foreign languages (English, Latin). 3. Preclinical disciplines: human anatomy, physiology, call and medical biology, microbiology, genetics, medical and bio-physics, medical chemistry, histology, pharmacology. 4. Medical terminology in English and Latin.
The aim of the study course is to provide students with knowledge on the child’s growth and development, the most common illnesses from birth to the age of 18 years related to oral health and that are connected to dentistry, develop the necessary skills and attitude for the everyday work with children in dentistry.
Topic Layout (Full-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Fever in children: assessment, investigation, and treatment. Febrile seizures in children. Infectious diseases of childhood, main clinical features. Role of a dentist in diagnostics of these illnesses. Prevention, principles of treatment.Lectures1.00auditorium
2Characteristics of stages of childhood, history taking, and evaluation of obtained data. Physical, motor, psychosocial and sexual development. Collection and evaluation of data.Classes1.00clinical base
3Structural and functional features of gastrointestinal tract in children, clinical significance. Principles of infant feeding. Advantages of breastfeeding.Classes1.00clinical base
4Chronic nutritional disorders: causes (malabsorption – lactose intolerance, celiac disease, cystic fibrosis; malnutrition etc.), clinical manifestations, impact on the development of face, jaw and teeth, principles of treatment. Disturbances of mineral and vitamin metabolism: causes, pathogenesis, impact on the development of face, jaw and teeth. Vitamin D deficient rickets – causes, clinical manifestations, especially on face, prevention and principles of treatment.Classes1.00clinical base
5Structural and functional features of skin, subcutaneous tissues and respiratory organs in children, clinical significance. Childhood allergies, particularly in oral cavity; prophylaxis and principles of treatment.Classes1.00clinical base
6Causes, clinical manifestations and treatment of acute respiratory diseases.Classes1.00clinical base
7Structural and functional features of haemopoetic system in children. Iron deficiency anaemia – causes, clinical manifestations, prevention and principles of treatment.Classes1.00clinical base
8Haemophilia – causes, clinical manifestations, principles of treatment and tactics of a dentist. Thrombocytopenias and thrombocytopathies – causes, clinical manifestations, prevention and principles of treatment. Role and tactics of a dentist in treatment and prevention of patients with rheumatic fever.Classes1.00clinical base
9Structure of urological disease in children, possibilities and methods of diagnostics. Role and actions of a dentist in prevention and treatment of various illnesses (e.g., glomerulonephritis).Classes1.00clinical base
10Infectious diseases of childhood, main clinical features. Role of a dentist in diagnostics of these illnesses. Prevention, principles of treatment.Classes1.00clinical base
11Examination.Classes1.00clinical base
Unaided Work:
During the study course, each student must individually prepare the answers to questions for self-assessment, which are listed in the e-studies section for each class. The description of the study course includes precise references to literature (video materials, presentations, textbooks with assigned pages, methodological recommendations) where these answers can be found. After preparation of the answers to questions for self-assessment, the student would be enabled to fully participate in discussion with the teacher and other students in the class, to analyse clinical situations, examine patients, and succeed in other forms of tests. Students are kindly requested to evaluate the course and give the constructive feedback in e studies. Your opinion is highly appreciate and will help us to improve the course in order to achieve better study results.
Assessment Criteria:
The student’s knowledge, skills and competencies after completion of individual preparation are tested in the following ways: 1) assessment of practical skills by the bedside of a patient; 2) written tests during each class, which consists of 3 parts: multiple-choice questions, clinical situation, and essay question; 3) discussion of clinical situations during the class; 4) analysis of clinical tasks via discussion in small groups. At the end of the course, there is an exam. The final grade is cumulative – 50% of it consists of average grade for all tests performed in seminars, and the other 50% of the final grade will be affected by the result of the written final exam. The final exam will consist of three parts: a definite number of multiple-choice questions; analysis of clinical situation, and an essay type question.
Final Examination (Full-Time):Exam (Written)
Final Examination (Part-Time):
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge:After successful completion of the course, the students will be able to: 1. Define childhood periods and describe the normal characteristics and pathology of each of them. 2. Assess the growth and development of a child, to identify the abnormalities and explain their causes. 3. Describe the principles of nutrition in children according to age, to evaluate the role of nutrition in the growth and development of a child, especially the effects of a healthy oral cavity. 4. Describe the causes of disturbances in metabolism of vitamins and minerals, and their subsequent impact on the development of face, jaw, and teeth. 5. Name the most common chronic nutritional disorders in children and their clinical manifestations. 6. Describe the structural and functional peculiarities of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, to describe the manifestations of allergies in different organ systems, especially in the oral cavity. 7. Outline the clinical manifestations and treatment of acute respiratory illnesses, haemorrhagic syndrome, uropoietic disorders, and rheumatological illnesses, especially in the context of the health of the oral cavity; to define the principles of emergency treatment in dentistry. 8. Describe the most common infectious diseases in children, their incubation periods, clinical characteristics, principles of treatment, and the appropriate actions to be taken by a dentist in case of an infectious disease. 9. Know the immunization schedule of the Republic of Latvia, and to describe the role of vaccination in healthcare.
Skills:After a successful completion of the course, the students will be able to: 1. Formulate key words of the topics of interest, and to find information on childhood illnesses in textbooks and online databases. 2. Find a successful form of communication with the patient (appropriate to the age) and the parents, in order to perform physical examination of the child. 3. Apply appropriate tools on evaluation of the child’s growth and development, to recognize and explain the abnormalities in the findings. 4. Evaluate the child’s nutrition according to the age group, to recognize possible deviations, and make corrections if necessary. 5. Collect a purposeful medical history in case of most common childhood illnesses, to evaluate the condition of the patient, formulate the key problems and suggest solutions as possible in accordance to the student’s own competencies, and to refer the patient to a paediatrician for further investigation. 6. Recognize the signs of the studied childhood illnesses in the oral cavity of the patient, to suggest principles of treatment and prevention.
Competencies:A result of the completion of the study course, the acquired competencies will allow the students to: 1. Perform and independent analysis of the health problems of a child’s teeth and oral cavity related to most common childhood illnesses, including those requiring integration of preclinical sciences and previous knowledge in clinical medicine, to provide goal-oriented solutions. 2. Integrate their knowledge and skills in the diagnostic process, with a purpose to evaluate the condition of the oral cavity and teeth as a characteristic of the child’s general health, to contribute to the development of an individual health care plan for a child, together with other specialists. 3. Formulate decisions on a child’s health and provide augmented explanation to the parents, to provide a holistic approach to the child’s health. 4. Respond to paediatric emergency situations according to principles of evidence-based medicine.
Required Reading
1Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. Robert Kliegman Joseph St. Geme. 21st Edition, Published Date: 19th April 2020
Additional Reading
1Principles and Practice of Pediatric Infectious Diseases. Long, Sarah S. 2023, Elsevier Inc
2Nelson Essentials of Pediatrics. Karen J. Marcdante MD and Robert M. Kliegman MD, 8th Edition, 2023
Other Information Sources