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Family Pedagogy

Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:8.00
Study Course Accepted:15.08.2022 09:37:12
Study Course Information
Course Code:VPUPK_027LQF level:Level 6
Credit Points:2.00ECTS:3.00
Branch of Science:Pedagogy; Social PedagogyTarget Audience:Management Science; Dentistry; Sports Trainer; Social Anthropology; Political Science; Nursing Science; Pedagogy; Psychology; Rehabilitation; Public Health; Biology; Health Management; Business Management; Sociology; Information and Communication Science; Medical Services; Clinical Pharmacy; Medical Technologies; Law; Person and Property Defence; Marketing and Advertising; Life Science; Civil and Military Defense; Pharmacy; Medicine; Juridical Science; Communication Science; Social Welfare and Social Work
Study Course Supervisor
Course Supervisor:Aira Aija Krūmiņa
Study Course Implementer
Structural Unit:Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
The Head of Structural Unit:
Contacts:Riga, 5 J. Asara Street, vppkatrsu[pnkts]lv, +37167061587
Study Course Planning
Full-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)8Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures16
Classes (count)8Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes16
Total Contact Hours32
Study course description
Preliminary Knowledge:
Not required.
To expand students' knowledge and understanding about family pedagogy, to deepen understanding about the role of pedagogical competence of a specialist (medical practitioner, health care professional, social worker, etc.) in educating families and solving social problems.
Topic Layout (Full-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1The concept of family pedagogy. Family development trends.Lectures1.00METC
2Family as an institution. Family as environment for implementation of the values and morals of personality.Lectures1.00METC
3Relationships in the family. Couple relationships. Relationships between parents and children. Children's relationships.Lectures1.00METC
4Parenting skills in upbringing of children in different age groups. Education.Lectures1.00METC
5Communication in family and family traditions. Relations between the generations.Lectures1.00METC
6Psychological-pedagogical description of family needs.Lectures1.00METC
7Family pedagogy in the transformative society of Latvia.Lectures1.00METC
8The role of a specialist (medical practitioner, health care professional, social worker, etc.) in family education.Lectures1.00METC
9Parents’ role in upbringing of children. The role of a father and a mother in the family.Classes1.00METC
10Intellectual and emotional upbringing of children.Classes1.00METC
11Parents’ role in upbringing of children. Consequences of insufficcent upbringing.Classes1.00METC
12The specifics of upbringing in various families. Situation analysis.Classes1.00METC
13A happy child in a happy family.Classes1.00METC
14Support of a specialist in providing the educational needs of a family.Classes1.00METC
15Learning and upbringing in the context of paradigm shift in education.Classes1.00METC
16Practical solutions for family education.Classes1.00METC
Unaided Work:
Pursuant to the total lenght of the study course (at least 48 hours), within the framework of student's independent work: 1) active involvement in lectures and classes, incl. discussion, problem/case analysis, role play and other study methods, 2) independent reading of the suggested literature, preparation for seminars on the material being read, 3) three independent works were developed and submitted: family description, situation analysis and family education activity.
Assessment Criteria:
The assessment in the exam (points 1-10) consists of: Pedagogical and psychological characteristics of the family (1-2 p) – (20%). Analysis of the situation/case study based on the family pedagogy lessons is developed and presented. (1–2 p.) – (35%). A problem analysis of one type of family (foster families, bilingual families, one parent families, new families, families with a long-suffering child, destructive families, divorced families, etc.) is presented. A family education activity is developed (program 4–5 p.) Presentation (audio, video, prezi, clip, booklet, etc.) and a 5–7 minute presentation in the study group is prepared – (45%).
Final Examination (Full-Time):Exam (Written)
Final Examination (Part-Time):
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge:• knows the categories and problems of family pedagogy in nowadays; • characterises the family as a social institution and its interrelationships; • describes different types of families and the specifics of the functioning of the family.
Skills:• determines the model of relationships of children and adults in the family, assesses its impact on the child; • analyses situations from family pedagogy's point of view, uses theoretical knowledge in solving conflicts in specific situations; • explains the role of a family and upbringing in the development of the child's personality; • can discuss and debate with parents about upbringing problems in family.
Competencies:• develops a professionaly appropriate activity for family education; • reflects on the complexity of the situation of children and families in today's context, sees educational perspectives, provides pedagogical support; • recognises and evaluates the role of their pedagogical competences in solving social problems of families.
Required Reading
1Family life in an age of migration and mobility : global perspectives through the life course / Majella Kilkey, Ewa Palenga-Mölenbeck, editors. London : Palgrave Macmillan [2016]; resurss pieejams arī tiešsaistē, skatīt bibliotēku kopkatalogā.
2PWO (2018). Situation analysis of child maltreatment prevention in Latvia
3PWO. (2016). INSPIRE: Seven strategies for Ending Violence Against Children
4Pedagoģija: izglītības zinātnes un pedagoģija mūsdienu pasaulē = Pedagogy: educational sciences and pedagogy in the changing world /[atb. red. Ilze Kangro]. Rīga: Latvijas Universitāte, (2005). 180 lpp. Resurss pieejams tiešsaistē, skatīt bibliotēku kopkatalogā.
5Šteinberga A. (2013) Pedagoģiskā psiholoģija. Rīga: RaKa, 176.
Additional Reading
1Ancāne G. (2017) Vecākiem par sevi un bērniem. RSU, 48.
2Successful Family Language Policy Parents, Children and Educators in Interaction. (2013). - Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht,, 295.pp.
3Day, C., & Davis, H. (2010). Family partnership model: Reflective practice handbook (2nd ed.). London: The Centre for Parent and Child Support.
4Lee, A., Dunston, R., Fowler, C. (2012). Seeing is Believing: An Embodied Pedagogy of ‘Doing Partnership’ in Child and Family Health. In: Practice, Learning and Change. Practice-Theory Perspectives on Professional Learning, V 8, pp 267-276.
5Bērnu identitātes un pilsonības Eiropas asociācijas (Children's Identity & Citizenship European Association, CiCea) tīmekļvietne
6Azarovs J. (1986) Ģimenes pedagoģija. Rīga: Zvaigzne:1986, 186.
Other Information Sources
1Labklājības ministrija. Bērnu, jaunatnes un ģimenes pamatnostādnes 2021.-2027.gadam
2Jansone-Ratinika N. (2013) Tēva pedagoģiskā kompetence mūsdienu ģimenē Promocijas darbs. LU
3Rudzītis, J. (2011). Vardarbība pret bērniem Vecajā Derībā. Prommocijas darbs. LU.
4Medne D. (2010) Audzināšana ģimenē transformatīvajā sabiedrībā. Promocijas darbs. LU