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Placement III

Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:4.00
Study Course Accepted:03.05.2022 09:01:50
Study Course Information
Course Code:VPUPK_103LQF level:Level 7
Credit Points:4.00ECTS:6.00
Branch of Science:Pedagogy; Adult PedagogyTarget Audience:Pedagogy
Study Course Supervisor
Course Supervisor:Baiba Pumpiņa
Study Course Implementer
Structural Unit:Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
The Head of Structural Unit:
Contacts:Riga, 5 J. Asara Street, vppkatrsu[pnkts]lv, +37167061587
Study Course Planning
Full-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)0Lecture Length (academic hours)0Total Contact Hours of Lectures0
Classes (count)6Class Length (academic hours)4Total Contact Hours of Classes24
Total Contact Hours24
Study course description
Preliminary Knowledge:
Acquired study courses – Individual supervision, group supervision, Entrepreneurship, Consulting and problem solving methods in supervision, Team and organization supervision.
To develop professional knowledge, skills and competence in practical work with the organization/team; to train the ability to perform the process of evaluation and supervision of the organization and/or team.
Topic Layout (Full-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Organizational culture and its influence on the supervision process.Classes1.00auditorium
2Evaluation of organizational processes. Organigramma. Concluding a contract with an organization. Hypothesis proposing. Solution alternatives.Classes1.00auditorium
3Theoretical approaches and evidence-based practice at work relevant to the needs of the organization / team development.Classes1.00auditorium
4Application of different supervision methods in practice in the organization.Classes1.00auditorium
5Supervision of student work in practice. Case supervision. Ethical dilemmas. Group process analysis.Classes1.00auditorium
6Presentation and growth evaluation. Self-reflection.Classes1.00auditorium
Unaided Work:
Under the supervision of the supervisor, students evaluate the situation of the organisation and/or the team (i.e., prepare an organisation chart), draw up an organisational and/or team development plan and lead the supervision of the organisation and/or team, arguing the chosen working methods. Keep a record of own activities. Prepare a presentation on the evaluation process, hypothesis, methods used and team dynamics. Describe the formulated criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of supervision. Write a professional development diary.
Assessment Criteria:
1) participation in classes and supervisions, reflecting on their activities. (2) presentation of practice work. (3) self-assessment of professional development.
Final Examination (Full-Time):Exam
Final Examination (Part-Time):
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge:Describes the supervision process at the organizational level, recognizes and describes the factors that promote and limit the evaluation and supervision process. Selects the appropriate theoretical basis for work with the supervisee. Explains organigramm diagrams and describes processes systematically.
Skills:Carries out an assessment of the organisation's situation and/or team, draws up an organizational and/or team development plan and manages supervision for the organization and/or team, applying appropriate supervisory working methods. Executes supervision documentation. Evaluates his/her work (self-reflection). Provides feedback to the organization's management on the results of supervision.
Competencies:Analyses and evaluates the development needs of the supervised organisation and/or team and selects an appropriate supervision method. Evaluates the dynamics of organisational and/or team development. Appropriate supervisory work methods are applied to promote the consolidation of change in the organisation/team, in accordance with change management theory and practice. After the analysis of the organisation's management system, reasoned conclusions are drawn about the needs for the improvement of management processes. Reflectively evaluates and describes his work with the organisation/team, as well as evaluates and describes the development dynamics of the organisation/team. Works according to their professional competence, recognises their professional limitations and opportunities. Respects professional ethics.
Clinical Skills:
1Application of the body language and facial expression in consultingB2 - Intermediate level
2Application of voice and speech qualities in consultingB2 - Intermediate level
3Asking questionsB2 - Intermediate level
4ConfrontationB2 - Intermediate level
5Eye contact in consultingB2 - Intermediate level
6Eye contact in group counselingB2 - Intermediate level
7EncouragingB2 - Intermediate level
8FeedbackB2 - Intermediate level
9FocusingB2 - Intermediate level
10Group contractB2 - Intermediate level
11Hear key wordsB2 - Intermediate level
12I/ Others noticing statementsB2 - Intermediate level
13Noticing of body language in counselingB2 - Intermediate level
14Noticing of facial expressions in counselingB2 - Intermediate level
15ParaphrasingB2 - Intermediate level
16Pause of silenceB2 - Intermediate level
17RecommendationsB2 - Intermediate level
18Self-disclosure in consultingB2 - Intermediate level
19Structuring the session / consultationB2 - Intermediate level
20SummarizingB2 - Intermediate level
Required Reading
1Besona, Ž., Bro, Ī. (2018). Psihoterapeitiskās attiecības. Eksistence, identitāte, vēsture. Rīga: LPOA
2Lūis, T., Amini, F., Lenons, R. (2003). Mīlestības teorijas pamati. Rīga: Madris. (akceptējams izdevums)
3Malans, D.H. (1997). Individuālā psihoterapija un psihodinamikas zinātne. Rīga: RaKa. (akceptējams izdevums)
4McWilliams (2011). Psychoanalytic Diagnosis. 2nd Edition. Understanding Personality Structure in the Clinical Process. Guilford Press (akceptējams izdevums)
5Wiener, Jan. (2009). The Therapeutic Relationship: Transference, Countertransference, and the Making of Meaning (akceptējams izdevums)
6Zakriževska- Belogrudova M. (2020). Supervīzija Latvijā: Izpētē pamatota attīstības iespēja, Rīga, RISEBA
Additional Reading
1Кулаков, С.А. (2002). Практикум по супервизии в консультировании и психотерапии С-Петербург Речь
2Мак-Вильямс, Н. (2009). Психоаналитическая диагностика. Понимание структуры личности в клиническом процессе. M.: К
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