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With the support of the Fundamental and Applied Research Project, Human papillomavirus genome associated correlates of disease progression and treatment response for cervical neoplasms and cancer, a virtual workshop on HPV infection and HPV-associated carciongenesis will be held Monday, 15 May.


To attend the workshop, you will have to register by emailing to TECHVAC2023atgmail[pnkts]com, with cc to Maria[pnkts]Issagouliantisatrsu[pnkts]lv. Please, provide the following details: full name, affiliation, position, mobile telephone number, and e-mail address. The Deadline to register is 15 May 10:00 a.m. Rīga time (GMT+3). Participants wishing to register after the deadline are not guaranteed timely provision of Zoom access.
tiešsaistē, platformā Zoom
