Immigration procedure for EU/EEA citizens
To graduate and receive the RSU diploma registration in Latvia is compulsory.
Other situations when registration might be necessary include: remotely renewing public transportation card (e-talons), declaring an address in Latvia, opening a bank account in Latvia, going to driving school and getting services like the internet. Please see the steps below or contact the RSU Immigration Officers via email at immigrationrsu[pnkts]lv.
ID Card sample |
Getting your Latvian eID card is fairly easy: all you have to do is take the steps outlined below!
- STEP 1: Submit all the necessary documents to OCMA
- To apply for the Latvian Identity card (eID) card you have to submit the list of the following documents to the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (OCMA) (you have to submit only copies, it means all required documents have to be copies and not originals)
Documents can be sent to any of the OCMA divisions only via regular mail (Postal Office). Usually, students choose 2nd or 3rd divison as they are the closest to the RSU.Before starting the process write an email to RSU immigration officers - immigration
The Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (OCMA) is accepting applications only via regular mail (Postal Office).
Documents can be sent to any of the OCMA divisions.To apply for the Latvian Identity card (eID), you must submit the following documents to the OCMA:
- APPLICATION FORM (file: ua_anketa_es_2016) (Original)
- Please see the sample PDF with the fields to be filled
- OCMA LETTER (file: EU_Letter_OCMA_with_comments) (Original)
- Please see the sample PDF with the fields to be filled
- PASSPORT SIZE PHOTO (glued to the form – Page 1, top right corner)
- STUDY CONTRACT (Certified copy. See the instructions below)
- PASSPORT/ID card (Certified copy. See the instructions below)
- Reference Letter from RSU (that you are a current student of RSU and the date of graduation. You can get the reference from the student services at studentuserviss
rsu[pnkts]lv or from your MyRSU portal) can be either in Latvian or English, paper or with e-signature. E-signed documents have to be sent to the OCMA division's e-mail where you have sent the application (Original).
For the STUDY CONTRACT and PASSPORT/ID card copies to be certified, write on them (example provided by the OCMA):
Top right corner write: Kopija
Bottom of the page:
Kopija pareiza
Your name, surname, date of birth
Your Signature
DateThe forms can be filled on the computer, but have to be printed and signed with a pen. - APPLICATION FORM (file: ua_anketa_es_2016) (Original)
- STEP 2: Submit Biometric data
From the moment OCMA receives and registers your application, it takes two to three weeks to receive a decision from the OCMA.
After the decision, you will have to visit the OCMA and submit the Biometric data (photo, fingerprints) for the eID card to be prepared. To submit Biometric data, you have to visit any of the OCMA Riga divisions in person and wait in a live queue. We recommend going at least an hour before the OCMA opening time.
- STEP 3: Collect your Identity card (eID)
After you have submitted the Biometrics, the OCMA will let you know when you will be able to collect the eID card. During the OCMA visit you will have to:
- take with you submitted document originals (STUDY CONTRACT, PASSPORT/ID card)
- HEALTH INSURANCE (original and a copy). Health insurance has to be an internationally recognized policy and:
- Be valid in Latvia and Schengen Area for at least one year Compensation of a minimum of EUR 43 000 (health-related expenses)
- Cover repatriation expenses to the country of origin
- European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) is not valid as it does not cover the repatriation expenses
- Students usually get local health insurance (travel insurance for a year. It costs ~40Eur)
- RENTAL AGREEMENT (to declare address)
Collect the eID Card and declare your address (Step 4)!
- STEP 4: Declare your address
Declare your address at the OCMA during the appointment when you receive your eID Card. This service costs EUR 4.27 (can be paid only with a bank card).
At the OCMA you cannot make payments in cash, as only bank cards are accepted.For more information please view the OCMA article DECLARATION OF RESIDENCE PLACE.- STEP 5: Update RSU
Send the photos of the eID Card (both sides) to the RSU Immigration Office (K-218) via email: immigration
Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) Immigration Officer must have the following information about you:
- eID card (both sides)
- declared place of residence in Riga (address)
- phone number
- passport
- What to do in the case of loss of an eID Card?
To inform about the loss of the personal certificate and process an application for obtaining a new personal certificate, you must be physically present when turning to the division of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (OCMA) or the diplomatic service of the Republic of Latvia in foreign countries.
More information at the OCMA website.
- About what do I have to inform the OCMA?
Once you have made the eID Card you are obliged to inform the OCMA if you have changed your declared address or your country's passport. In failure to cooperate person can be penalized up to EUR 500.
Fri. 9.00-16.00