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Criminal Procedure Law

Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:6.00
Study Course Accepted:02.02.2024 12:29:15
Study Course Information
Course Code:JF_351LQF level:Level 6
Credit Points:3.00ECTS:4.50
Branch of Science:Law; Criminal RightsTarget Audience:Person and Property Defence
Study Course Supervisor
Course Supervisor:Jānis Baumanis
Study Course Implementer
Structural Unit:Faculty of Social Sciences
The Head of Structural Unit:
Contacts:Dzirciema street 16, Rīga, szfatrsu[pnkts]lv
Study Course Planning
Full-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)18Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures36
Classes (count)6Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes12
Total Contact Hours48
Part-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)6Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures12
Classes (count)3Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes6
Total Contact Hours18
Study course description
Preliminary Knowledge:
It is required to complete the study courses: Theory of Law, Criminal Law.
Acquire knowledge of the procedures and conditions for the application of criminal law provisions in criminal procedure. Raise awareness of criminal procedural relations with a particular focus on the stage of pre-trial criminal action - investigation. Tasks: 1. Acquaint students with the basic principles of the Criminal Procedure Law; 2. Gain an idea of the participants of the criminal procedure and their rights and obligations; 3. Acquire understanding of the types of criminal procedure, progress of criminal action in its separate stages and the correct application of criminal procedure law provisions.
Topic Layout (Full-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1It is required to complete the study courses: Theory of Law, Criminal Law.Lectures2.00auditorium
2Legal status of persons involved in criminal procedure. The nature and role of special procedural protection in criminal procedure. Mechanism of procedural coercive means and sanctions in criminal procedure. Understanding of evidence in criminal procedure. The process of proving.Lectures3.00auditorium
3The system of investigative actions. General and special investigation activities.Classes2.00auditorium
4Procedural documents and their drafting. Procedural documents in the investigation institution, State Police. Procedural deadlines. Calculation of deadlines. Regulation of property issues in criminal procedure.Lectures3.00auditorium
5Procedure for commencing criminal proceedings. Commencement of criminal proceedings in the investigation institution. Procedure for refusal to commence the proceedings. Refusal to commence the proceedings in the investigation institution.Lectures1.00auditorium
6The nature of the pre-trial procedure and understanding of general rules. Understanding and content of the investigation in the pre-trial procedure. Progress of general pre-trial procedure in the investigation institutionLectures1.00auditorium
7Prosecution. The nature and role in the criminal procedure.Lectures1.00auditorium
8Progress of the summary pre-trial procedure. Progress of the urgent pre-trial procedure. Completion of criminal proceedings in the investigation institution.Lectures1.00auditorium
9Application of the prosecutor’s injunction on penalty during the pre-trial procedure. Reaching agreement concerning the guilt and imposing penalties during the pre-trial procedure. Completion of the pre-trial procedure at the prosecutor’s office.Lectures1.00auditorium
10General rules of proceedings. Procedure for hearing of cases in the Court of first Instance and the content. Procedure of appeals and cassation in the proceedings. The process of court hearing.Classes2.00auditorium
11The nature of special criminal procedure. Criminal procedure for proceeds from crime.Lectures1.00auditorium
12Importance for ensuring the rights of minors in proceedings.Lectures2.00auditorium
13Revision of judgments in force.Lectures1.00auditorium
14International cooperation in criminal procedure. International criminal law and cooperation in the investigation institution, the State Police.Lectures1.00auditorium
Topic Layout (Part-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1It is required to complete the study courses: Theory of Law, Criminal Law.Lectures1.00auditorium
2Legal status of persons involved in criminal procedure. The nature and role of special procedural protection in criminal procedure. Mechanism of procedural coercive means and sanctions in criminal procedure. Understanding of evidence in criminal procedure. The process of proving.Lectures1.00auditorium
3The system of investigative actions. General and special investigation activities.Classes1.00auditorium
4Procedural documents and their drafting. Procedural documents in the investigation institution, State Police. Procedural deadlines. Calculation of deadlines. Regulation of property issues in criminal procedure.Lectures1.00auditorium
5Procedure for commencing criminal proceedings. Commencement of criminal proceedings in the investigation institution. Procedure for refusal to commence the proceedings. Refusal to commence the proceedings in the investigation institution.Lectures0.50auditorium
6The nature of the pre-trial procedure and understanding of general rules. Understanding and content of the investigation in the pre-trial procedure. Progress of general pre-trial procedure in the investigation institutionLectures0.20auditorium
7Prosecution. The nature and role in the criminal procedure.Lectures0.20auditorium
8Progress of the summary pre-trial procedure. Progress of the urgent pre-trial procedure. Completion of criminal proceedings in the investigation institution.Lectures0.20auditorium
9Application of the prosecutor’s injunction on penalty during the pre-trial procedure. Reaching agreement concerning the guilt and imposing penalties during the pre-trial procedure. Completion of the pre-trial procedure at the prosecutor’s office.Lectures0.20auditorium
10General rules of proceedings. Procedure for hearing of cases in the Court of first Instance and the content. Procedure of appeals and cassation in the proceedings. The process of court hearing.Classes1.00auditorium
11The nature of special criminal procedure. Criminal procedure for proceeds from crime.Lectures0.50auditorium
12Importance for ensuring the rights of minors in proceedings.Lectures1.00auditorium
13Revision of judgments in force.Lectures0.20auditorium
14International cooperation in criminal procedure. International criminal law and cooperation in the investigation institution, the State Police.Classes1.00auditorium
Unaided Work:
Work in the library; work with Internet resources, debates and discussions.
Assessment Criteria:
Learning the topics of the study course, participation in seminars and practical classes, passing regular examinations.
Final Examination (Full-Time):Exam (Written)
Final Examination (Part-Time):Exam (Written)
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge:Of Criminal Procedure Law as a sub-branch of the juridical science; of the concept of fair regulation of criminal legal relations; of the criminal process participants and stages; of evidence and proving in criminal procedure; of the legal aspects of the use of coercive measures; of the Criminal Procedure Law as a sub-branch of the juridical science, its subject and research methods.
Skills:Analyse, critically evaluate and interpret the legal provisions of the criminal procedure law; conduct procedural actions and formulate them correctly; evaluate specific situations and take the right procedural decisions; evaluate the evidence and establish the limits of proof in the particular process.
Competencies:Evaluate specific situations and take the right procedural decisions; evaluate the evidence and establish the limits of proof in the particular process; conduct investigation in the criminal procedure; choose the most appropriate type of the process; ensure a fair resolution of criminal legal relations in the criminal procedure.
Required Reading
1Normatīvie akti
2Latvijas Republikas Satversme.
3Eiropas Padomes 1950.gada Cilvēka tiesību un pamatbrīvību aizsardzības konvencija (ratificēta 1997.gada 27.jūnijā)//Latvijas Vēstnesis, 1997.gada 13.jūnijs.
4Līguma par Eiropas Savienību un Līguma par Eiropas Savienības darbību konsolidētās versijas 2012/C 326/01
52005.gada 21.aprīļa Kriminālprocesa likums, stājās spēkā 2005.gada 1.oktobrī;
6Judikatūra un tiesu parkse
7Tiesu prakses apkopojumi. Pieejami:…
8Judikatūras nolēmumu arhīvs. Pieejams:…
10Kriminālprocesa likumam - 10. Pagātnes mācības un nākotnes izaicinājumi. Kolektīva monogrāfija. Rīga: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2015. 448 lpp.
11Meikališa Ā. Strada-Rozenberga K. Kriminālprocess. Raksti. 2005–2010. Rīga: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2010. 832 lpp.
12Meikališa Ā. Strada-Rozenberga K. Kriminālprocess. Raksti. 2010–2015. Rīga: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2015. 656 lpp.
Additional Reading
1Normatīvie akti
21998.gada 17.jūnija Krimināllikums, spēkā no 1999.gada 1.aprīļa;
32007.gada 4.decembra Ministru kabineta noteikumi Nr.820 „Kārtība, kādā pirmstiesas izmeklēšanas iestādes, operatīvās darbības subjekti, valsts drošības iestādes, prokuratūra un tiesa pieprasa un elektronisko sakaru komersants nodod saglabājamos datus, kā arī kārtība, kādā apkopo statistisko informāciju par saglabājamo datu pieprasījumiem un to izsniegšanu”;
4Eiropas Padomes sekundārie tiesību normatīvie akti.
52017.gada 30.novembra Kriminālprocesā un administratīvo pārkāpumu lietvedībā nodarītā kaitējuma atlīdzināšanas likums. Stājas spēkā: 01.03.2018.
62006.gada 22.jūnijs „Apcietinājumā turēšanas kārtības likums”, spēkā no 2006.gada 18.jūlija;
72005.gada 13.oktobra „Aizturēto personu turēšanas kārtības likums”, spēkā no 2005.gada 21.oktobra;
82005.gada 19.maija „Personu speciālās aizsardzības likums”, spēkā no 2005.gada 1.oktobra;
92005.gada 17.marta „Valsts nodrošinātās juridiskās palīdzības likums”, spēkā no 2005.gada 1.jūnija;
1021.06.2018. „Fizisko personu datu apstrādes likums”, spēkā no 05.07.2018.;
112009.gada 22.decembra Ministru kabineta noteikumi Nr. 1613 „Kārtība, kādā bērnam, kurš cietis no prettiesiskām darbībām, sniedz nepieciešamo palīdzību”;
122008.gada 17.marta Ministru kabineta noteikumi Nr.176 „Noteikumi par īpaša dokumenta formu un saturu krimināltiesiskajā sadarbībā ar Eiropas Savienības dalībvalstīm”;
132005.gada 4.oktobra Ministru kabineta noteikumi Nr.754 „Noteikumi par kriminālprocesuālo izdevumu atlīdzināšanas kārtību un apmēru”;
142011.gada 27.decembra MĶ noteikumi Nr. 1025 „Noteikumi par rīcību ar lietiskajiem pierādījumiem un arestēto mantu”;
152011.gada 7.jūnija MK noteikumi Nr. 429 „Noteikumi par integrētajā iekšlietu informācijas sistēmā iekļaujamām ziņām personas, mantas vai dokumenta atrašanās vietas vai cilvēka personības noskaidrošanai vai neatpazīta cilvēka līķa identificēšanai”;
162010.gada 14.septembra MK noteikumi Nr.850 „Kriminālprocesa informācijas sistēmas noteikumi”;
172012.gada 19.jūnija Ministru kabineta noteikumi Nr.431 Kārtība, kādā mantas konfiskācijas rezultātā iegūtos naudas līdzekļus vai mantu sadala ar ārvalstīm, un kārtība, kādā naudas līdzekļus pārskaita uz ārvalstīm"
182009.gada 22.decembra MK noteikumi Nr.1493 „Noteikumi par valsts nodrošinātās juridiskās palīdzības apjomu, samaksas apmēru, atlīdzināmajiem izdevumiem un to izmaksas kārtību”;
20Juridisko terminu vārdnīca. Rīga: Nordik, 1998.
21Meikališa Ā. Strade-Rozenberga K. Kriminālprocess shēmās. A daļa. Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2007. 379 lpp;
22Meikališa Ā. Strade-Rozenberga K. Kriminālprocess shēmās. B , C daļa. Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2009. 432 lpp;
23Meikališa Ā. Strade-Rozenberga K. Kriminālprocess shēmās. Raksti. 2005-2010. Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2009. 131 lpp;
24Tiesu nolēmumi
25Anonimizētie tiesu nolēmumi. Pieejami:
Other Information Sources
1Tematiskie raksti žurnālos Jurista Vārds, Socrates, Administratīvā un Kriminālā Justīcija
2I.Bulgakova. Prokurora uzraudzība pār izmeklēšanu pirmstiesas procesā.