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Work Organisation of Police (Institution) Services, Regulatory Legislation and Problems

Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:8.00
Study Course Accepted:02.02.2024 12:29:01
Study Course Information
Course Code:JF_361LQF level:Level 6
Credit Points:2.00ECTS:3.00
Branch of Science:Law; Police RightsTarget Audience:Person and Property Defence
Study Course Supervisor
Course Supervisor:Valdis Voins
Study Course Implementer
Structural Unit:Faculty of Social Sciences
The Head of Structural Unit:
Contacts:Dzirciema street 16, Rīga, szfatrsu[pnkts]lv
Study Course Planning
Full-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)12Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures24
Classes (count)4Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes8
Total Contact Hours32
Part-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)4Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures8
Classes (count)2Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes4
Total Contact Hours12
Study course description
Preliminary Knowledge:
It is required to complete the following courses: “First Aid”, “Powers of the Police” (the course of service, disciplinary practice, and problematic issues), "General Physical Training" and "Criminal Law".
To acquaint students with the specific character and competence of work organisation of the police departments, as well as to expand the knowledge acquired in previously studied courses and to develop professional skills and abilities needed for actions of police officials when responding to various cases of criminal offences and the search and detention of perpetrators, while simultaneously acquiring tactical and strategic way of thinking to ensure a successful execution of the police tactical tasks with the lowest possible risk. Tasks: 1. Provide the opportunity to acquire knowledge of the competence and work organisation of the State Police departments, their functions and powers. 2. Broaden the knowledge and skills acquired in the previous study courses for the actions of police officials required in response to criminal offences and for the search and detention of perpetrators; 3. Develop stress-reducing communication and the ability to assess the degree of complexity of the situation; 4. Be able to properly classify the situations discussed during the classes and to make legally and tactically correct decision for their resolution: 5. Develop practical skills in communicating with the parties involved in stressful situations; 6. Develop strategic thinking skills and increase focus on respect for security measures when engaging in conflict situations, cessation of delinquencies and the detention of perpetrators; 7. Increase practical knowledge of the use of communication facilities, special devices of the police and special combat techniques.
Topic Layout (Full-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Structure of the State Police and the competence of main departments. Structure and competence of the Regional police administration. Internal regulations in the State Police Unit.Lectures3.00auditorium
2Work planning and types of plans in the State Police Unit The specific features of police work organisation in response to events in railway infrastructure. Procedures and deadlines for the review of applications and materials in the police unit.Lectures2.00auditorium
3Organisation of police work in the event of an explosion hazard. The role of the public support and police assistants in organisation of the police work. Legal aspects for the use of the service firearms.Lectures2.00auditorium
4Police work tactics for detention of mentally imbalanced individuals. Police strategy and tactics on the site of criminal offence. Tactical and legal preconditions for police action in detaining dangerous individuals in the premises.Lectures2.00auditorium
5Police search tactics, using the verbal description of the suspect. Principles of police action in the planning and management of detention of persons.Lectures3.00auditorium
Topic Layout (Part-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Structure of the State Police and the competence of main departments. Structure and competence of the Regional police administration. Internal regulations in the State Police Unit.Lectures0.50auditorium
2Work planning and types of plans in the State Police Unit The specific features of police work organisation in response to events in railway infrastructure. Procedures and deadlines for the review of applications and materials in the police unit.Lectures1.00auditorium
3Organisation of police work in the event of an explosion hazard. The role of the public support and police assistants in organisation of the police work. Legal aspects for the use of the service firearms.Lectures0.50auditorium
4Police work tactics for detention of mentally imbalanced individuals. Police strategy and tactics on the site of criminal offence. Tactical and legal preconditions for police action in detaining dangerous individuals in the premises.Lectures1.00auditorium
5Police search tactics, using the verbal description of the suspect. Principles of police action in the planning and management of detention of persons.Lectures1.00auditorium
Unaided Work:
Analysis of literature and Internet sources.
Assessment Criteria:
Passed tests.
Final Examination (Full-Time):Exam (Written)
Final Examination (Part-Time):Exam (Written)
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge:Students know the structure of the State Police, the competence of the main units; students know the responsibilities, rights and behaviour tactics of the State Police officers in specific work situations; students know the practical aspects of detention and the use of firearms and the legal framework for the operation; students know the issues of internal regulations, general work organisation and planning at the State Police; students know the basic elements of risk analysis and action tactics in high-risk situations.
Skills:Ability to classify the police work situations and make a legally and tactically correct decision for their resolution; ability to apply the principles of strategic thinking, putting an emphasis on respecting personal safety measures; ability to act with as little risk as possible, respecting human rights and instructions of the legal framework; ability to navigate the sources of legal framework and independently find a successful solution to the specific issue of the service; ability to draw up service documentation.
Competencies:Able to describe, formulate and communicate practical issues and offer solutions to the problems and analyse practical problems; capable of taking professional responsibility and making decisions on the performance and planning of complex tasks; able to properly qualify the offence and to independently choose an appropriate pattern of action in a given situation, appropriately documenting the circumstances of the event; able to operate in a team, as well as to take a decision independently in high-risk work situations; plan and organise small group work in people search and detention situations.
Required Reading
1Autoru kolektīvs. „Juridisko terminu vārdnīca”, Nordik Rīga 1998.
2Gaņģis O. „Policijas darbinieku šaujamieroču pielietošanas apmācības metodikas aspekti”, LPA, Rīga 1996
3Personīgā drošība policijas dienestā -VFR Ziemeļreinas-Vestfāles Iekšlietu ministrijas izdevums, Rīga, LPA, 1998., -61.lpp.
4”Policija un Sabiedrība”, LPA, Rīga 1997.
5Pļaviņš E., Rozenbilds G., Kozuliņš J. Modulis „Ielu noziedzība” Mācību līdzeklis – R.:LPA, 2003, - 87.lpp.
6Remsbergs Č. „Policijas taktika bīstamās situācijās” VI;
7Remsbergs Č. „Policijas taktika bīstamās situācijās” I I I ;
8„Spēka un šaujamieroču pielietošana. Studenta rokasgrāmata” Sorosa fonds – Latvija, 2000.;
9Trautmans N. ”Kā kļūt par īstu policistu” LPA, Rīga 1993.;
10Žeivots M. Kā ar vienotu likumu regulēt šaujamieroču lietošanu. LV 26.06.2001;
11Žeivots M. Šaujamieroču pielietojuma tiesiskie pamati un prakse.Zvaigzne ABC 2000.;
12”Saskarsme ar cietušajiem. Studenta rokasgrāmata” Sorosa fonds – Latvija, 2000.
13Крис Макнаб /Психологическая подготовка подразделений специального назначения/[пер. с англ. Ю. Бондарева]/ Москва : Фаир-Пресс, 2002-376 c.
14Vispārēja cilvēka tiesību deklarācija (ANO Ģenerālā Asambleja pieņēmusi 1948.gada 10.decembrī)
15Bērnu tiesību deklarācija (ANO Ģenerālā Asambleja pasludinājusi 20.11.1959.)
1604.11.1950. Eiropas Cilvēktiesību konvencija un tās 1.,2.,4.,7.,11. protokols.
17Deklarācija par policiju. EP Parlamentārā asambleja 08.05.1979.
1810.12.1984. Konvencija pret spīdzināšanu un citādu cietsirdīgu, necilvēcisku vai cilvēka cieņu pazemojošu apiešanos un sodīšanu.
1915.02.1922. likums„Latvijas Republikas Satversme” ("LV", 43, 01.07.1993.) [stājas spēkā 07.11.1922.];
2016.06.2010. likums "Paziņošanas likums" ("LV", 102 (4294), 30.06.2010.) [stājas spēkā 01.01.2011.];
2127.09.2007. likums „Iesniegumu likums” ("LV", 164 (3740), 11.10.2007.; Ziņotājs, 22, 22.11.2007.) [stājas spēkā 01.01.2008.];
2215.06.2006. likums „Iekšlietu ministrijas sistēmas iestāžu un Ieslodzījuma vietu pārvaldes amatpersonu ar speciālajām dienesta pakāpēm disciplināratbildības likums” ("LV", 199/200 (1260/1261), 08.07.1998.; Ziņotājs, 15, 04.08.1998.) [stājas spēkā 01.04.1999.];
2321.04.2005. likums „Kriminālprocesa likums” ("LV", 74 (3232), 11.05.2005.; Ziņotājs, 11, 09.06.2005.) [stājas spēkā 01.10.2005;
2417.06.1998. likums „Krimināllikums” ("LV", 199/200 (1260/1261), 08.07.1998.; Ziņotājs, 15, 04.08.1998.) [stājas spēkā 01.04.1999.];
2504.06.1991. likums „Par policiju” (Ziņotājs, 37, 24.09.1992.) [stājas spēkā 04.06.1991.].;
2607.12.1984. likums „Latvijas Administratīvo pārkāpumu kodekss” (Ziņotājs, 51, 20.12.1984.) [stājas spēkā 01.07.1985.] ;
2721.03.2017. Ministru kabineta noteikumi Nr.153. “Kārtība, kādā policija veic novērošanu, izmantojot tehniskos līdzekļus, kā arī šādas novērošanas rezultātā iegūto datu apstrādi”: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2017. 23.marts, Nr.61.;
2831.01.2017. Ministru kabineta noteikumi Nr.57. “Aizturēto, apcietināto un notiesāto personu konvojēšanas kārtība”: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2017. 2.februāris, Nr.26.;
2926.10.2010. Ministru kabineta noteikumi Nr.999 "Dzelzceļa satiksmes negadījumu klasifikācijas, izmeklēšanas un uzskaites kārtība" ("LV", 174 (4366), 03.11.2010.) [stājas spēkā 04.11.2010.];
30[stājas spēkā ar 21.04.2012.];
3127.11.2007. Ministru Kabineta. noteikumi Nr.812 "Policijas darbinieka palīgu darba organizācijas un pienākumu pildīšanas noteikumi" ("LV", 193 (3769), 30.11.2007.) [stājas spēkā 01.12.2007.];
3216.09.2014. Valsts policijas iekšējie noteikumi Nr.36 „Valsts policijas ētikas kodekss”;
3305.07.2011.Valsts policijas Iekšējie noteikumi Nr.10 “Noteikumi par bruņojuma aprites kārtību Valsts policijā un Valsts policijas koledžā”;
3418.01.2011. Ministru kabineta. noteikumi Nr.55 "Noteikumi par speciālo līdzekļu veidiem un kārtību, kādā tos lieto policijas darbinieki un robežsargi“ ("LV", 15 (4413), 27.01.2011.) [stājas spēkā 28.01.2011.];
3518.01.2005. Ministru kabineta noteikumi Nr.46 "Valsts policijas nolikums" ("LV", 12 (3170), 21.01.2005.) [stājas spēkā 22.01.2005.] ar grozījumiem: 28.06.2011. MK noteikumi Nr.501 ("LV", 102 (4500), 05.07.2011.) [stājas spēkā ar 06.07.2011.];
3605.08.2008. Ministru kabineta instrukcija Nr.12 "Instrukcija par atbildīgo institūciju rīcību nezināmas izcelsmes vielas vai priekšmeta atrašanas gadījumā, ja ir aizdomas, ka tas satur sprādzienbīstamas, radioaktīvas, bīstamas ķīmiskas vai bioloģiskas vielas, kā arī, ja konstatētas terora akta pazīmes" ("LV", 138 (3922), 05.09.2008.) [stājas spēkā 06.09.2008.] ar grozījumiem;
3724.07.2012. Ministru Kabineta instrukcija Nr.9 “Kārtība, kādā notiek elektronisko dokumentu aprite Publiskās pārvaldes dokumentu pārvaldības sistēmu integrācijas vidē” ("LV", 175 (4573), 04.11.2011.) [stājas spēkā ar 05.11.2011.]; 17.04.2012. MK instrukcija Nr.5 ("LV", 62 (4665), 20.04.2012.);
3804.04.2007. Valsts policijas noteikumi Nr.5 „Darba kārtības noteikumi Valsts policijā”;
3912.05.2009. Valsts policijas noteikumi Nr.8 ''Valsts policijas lietvedības noteikumi'';
4022.02.2010. Valsts policijas noteikumi Nr. 5 “Dienesta pienākumu izpildes organizācija un kontrole sabiedriskās kārtības nodrošināšanas un satiksmes uzraudzības jomā”.
4125.01.2013.Valsts policijas pavēle Nr.250 „Par policijas palīgu darba organizāciju”.
4223.02.2010. Valsts policijas Rīgas reģiona pārvaldes pavēle Nr.243 „Par Valsts policijas Rīgas reģiona pārvaldes struktūrvienību darba plānošanas organizāciju”.
Additional Reading
1Indrikovs Z., Cilvēktiesības un policija, 1998, R., LPA, 32 lpp;
Other Information Sources