Remote registration for health care professionals
The procedure for remote registration of employees in Latvian health care in the RSU Library
Remote registration – the possibility to register remotely without visiting the Library.
A registered user has the opportunity to use the offered electronic resources (subscribed databases) outside the Library's premises, as well as to receive individual passwords that allow using the Library's resources from home or workplace.
Reģistrētam lietotājam ir iespēja izmantot piedāvātos elektroniskos resursus (abonētās datubāzes) ārpus Bibliotēkas telpām, kā arī saņemt individuālās paroles, kas ļauj izmantot Bibliotēkas resursus no mājām vai darba vietas.
Remote registration step by step
- The user registration form must be filled out and printed (see below);
- You should familiarize yourself with the terms of use of the RSU Library and their appendices (see below);
- The filled-in questionnaire must be signed and the date of its completion indicated;
- The completed, signed and scanned form should be sent to kristine[pnkts]priedniecersu[pnkts]lv.
After receiving your completed and signed user questionnaire, you will be informed about the next steps to be taken in order to receive passwords for the use of databases.
You will be registered as a remote user in the RSU Library.
If in doubt, please call or write to the library staff.
Contacts: +37167409192 or 67409113, e-mail: bibliotekarsu[pnkts]lv (biblioteka[at]rsu[dot]lv)