149 residents graduate Rīga Stradiņš University Faculty of Residency this year
This year 149 medical residents graduated from the Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) Faculty of Residency. Paediatricians, dermatologists, general practitioners, and other physicians of 47 different specialties are starting their journey in healthcare. The graduates were congratulated in person by Minister of Health Hosams Abu Meri, Rector of the University and other officials, as well as family and friends.
Addressing the new residents, RSU Rector Aigars Pētersons said: ‘Today we congratulate the professionals who, above all, shouldered the crisis triggered by the pandemic. Their selfless work in risk areas will remain invaluable. Thank you for that!
Hippocrates’ phrase “Vita brevis, ars longa” about the brevity of life in contrast to the eternity of art or craft is very relevant and reminds us of the need for continuous learning and improvement.
Every specialty is essential for Latvian healthcare, which needs well-trained additional manpower.’
Following their graduation from a 6-year medical programme, residents continue their studies for three to six years in the speciality of their choice. In recent years, the number of graduates in the general practitioner’s specialty has increased the most – from 16 a few years ago to 22 this year. Compared to previous years, this autumn RSU also saw an increase of residents of the following specialities: psychiatrists and paediatric psychiatrists (13), dermatologists, venereologists (7), gynaecologists, obstetricians (6), as well as paediatricians (6).
Over the past years, RSU has purposefully promoted cooperation with regional medical institutions. Approximately 30% of this year's graduates were already working in a regional medical institution during their residency.
RSU is the leading higher medical education institution in Latvia, with the highest number of qualified doctors graduating each year. At the graduation ceremony, residents received their diplomas confirming that they have completed the Residency in Medicine study programme with a certain specialisation and acquired a qualification. Residency study programmes at RSU are led by leading specialists in each field in Latvia. The programmes include both practical training and simulation and manipulation. Research is an integral part of the programme.
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