RSU hosts guest lectures by library experts from the US
The RSU Library invites you to two days of guest lectures by library experts from the US. The aim of the lectures is to improve the understanding and practice of library services and research, focusing on the importance of systematic reviews and research data management.
As part of Latvian Library Week (22-25 April), the RSU Library will host guests from the University of New Mexico, US, with guest lectures by Prof. Melissa L. Rethlefsen, Executive Director of the Health Sciences Library & Informatics Center, and Danielle E. Maurici-Pollock, Research Data Specialist at the Health Sciences Library & Informatics Center.
About the guest lecturers
Melissa Rethlefsen, MSLS, AHIP, is a professor and the executive director of the Health Sciences Library & Informatics Center at the University of New Mexico. Her research focuses on systematic review search reproducibility. She is also the lead author of PRISMA-S, an extension to the PRISMA reporting guideline focused on reporting literature searches for systematic reviews and other evidence syntheses.
Danielle Maurici-Pollock is an assistant professor and a research data specialist at the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center. She has a PhD in Communication and Information from the University of Tennessee, and a master’s degree in library and information science from the University of Missouri. Her work focuses on researchers’ adoption of new information technologies and practices, research data management and sharing, information technology instruction, and library services to underserved populations.
This project is organised with the financial support of the Baltic-American Freedom Foundation (BAFF).
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