Staff mobility between Rīga Stradiņš University and University of Iceland to establish scientific collaboration in the nutrition field
Project/agreement No.
Project funding
12 720.00 EUR
Project manager
doc. Una Veseta, Ivars Baltus
Project realization
01.01.2023. - 31.12.2023.
The aim of the project is to exchange of knowledge and experience between academic and administrative personnel Riga Stradins University and University of Iceland. It will enhance the study quality, will improve the contents of studies courses, study methods and knowledge transfer to labour market and also will help to integrate the research in the learning processes.
- Mobility from Rīga Stradiņš University to Iceland:
3 academic personnel, 1 weeks each and 2 administrative personnel, 1 week (5 weeks in total). - Mobility from University of Iceland to Latvia:
2 academic personnel 1 week each (2 weeks in total).
Activities of the project
The main tasks of the project are to exchange experience of organizing courses in nutrition field, to improve course contents, to define the direction of academic and scientific collaboration, and to review of possibilities of bilateral mobilities of students. The project results are integrating of acquired knowledge, skills and competencies in the content and implementation of nutrition courses, establishing further collaboration among the Higher Education Institutions by including regular mobilities of students and academic personnel and also to define academic and scientific collaboration directions.