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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Inga Šamarova
Study type:Part time
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Person and Property Defence
Branch of science:Law; Theory and History of Rights


Acquire theoretical knowledge and develop practical skills in implementation of criminal intelligence.

Tasks: Acquire theoretical knowledge of criminal intelligence, functioning of the criminal intelligence model at the State Police, on national and international level; develop theoretical understanding of analytical work and the opportunities for its use in combating crime and safeguarding public order. Develop practical skills for working with information and the ability to apply separate operational and strategic analysis methods.


Completed study course “ Basics of Information Systems and Technologies”.

Learning outcomes


Understand criminal intelligence, functioning of Criminal Intelligence Model at the State Police on national and international level. Understand the role of work with information in police work, knowledge of operational and strategic analysis and its use for combating crime and safeguarding public order.


Develop practical skills for working with information and the ability to apply separate operational and strategic analysis methods.


Understand and know how to use criminal intelligence to fight crime and protect public order.

Study course planning

Course planning not avalible right now.