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The Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) History Museum is an academic unit of RSU dedicated to research and education. The museum deals with documenting the university’s heritage saving it for future generations. It also holds an exhibition of its collections.

The RSU History Museum is dedicated to preserving testimonies of the history of Latvian academic medicine and social science education in order to inspire the general public to study, explore and research humans in their interaction with the world.

The museum is considered to have been founded on 4 September 2001. This was the day that the museum's regulations were approved and the main principles and tasks were formed at a university senate meeting.

Permanent exhibition

The permanent exhibition can be found in the RSU Main Building at 16 Dzirciema iela in Rīga (Building K, Room 102).

The museum is open on weekdays from 9:00 – 19:00.

Guided tours of the exhibition are available in Latvian, Russian or English free of charge. Please contact us on +317 2200 3426 or muzejsatrsu[pnkts]lv (muzejs[at]rsu[dot]lv) if you wish to visit the museum and arrange a guided tour on a weekday between 9:00 - 17:00 or on a weekend.

Museum collection

The museum collection contains cultural assets in different forms - audio and audio-visual recordings, electronic documents, photos, etc. - which relate to RSU activities dating back to 1950. There are five main collections in the RSU History Museum.

The history of the institutional development of RSU

This collection includes tangible and intangible cultural and historical artifacts which reflect the status of RSU/RMI/LAM and the changes of its name. The historical period covered spans from 1950 to the present day. The collection includes tangible, written, audio visual and digital objects.


Letter of commendation from the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Latvian SSR, 1975.


Riga Medical Institute employee pass issued in 1950 to assistant Milda Ratniece.


Document folder with the symbols of the Latvian Academy of Medicine. Made around 1995.

The history of academic units

This collection comprises tangible and intangible cultural and historical items reflecting the structure of the management of RSU/LAM/RMI and the operational principles of its structural units. The historical period covered spans from 1950 to the present day. The collection consists of tangible, written, audio visual and digital exhibits.


A congratulatory poem written by students to a lecturer of the Department of Pharmacy on 18 December 1958.


Record No. 25 from the record kit of the 2nd edition of the Great Encyclopaedia of Medicine.
Made in Moscow in the Апрелевский завод (
Aprelevskiy Zavod) factory between 1955 to 1965. Heart tones (pericarditis) are recorded on both sides. The record belonged to professor Ieva Ranka, physician, Head of the Department of Paediatrics (1982-1998), and served as a teaching aid in the Faculty of Paediatrics.

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Metal plate: 2nd Department of Internal Diseases of the Latvian Academy of Medicine.
The department was located in the 3rd Riga Hospital (now the Bikur Holim Hospital), 1990s.

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A report from the Students’ Scientific Society, Therapeutic Dentistry hobby group, to the Director of RMI regarding student thesis abstracts, 
latter half of the 1950s.

The history of studies, research and academic activities

This collection comprises tangible and intangible cultural and historical objects reflecting the organisation and the content of the study process, scientific and research work at the university. The historical period covered spans from 1950 to the present day. In some cases the historical background dates back to 1919, as RMI was created from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Latvia. The collection includes tangible, written, audio visual and digital exhibits.


Examination records of the Department of Pathological Physiology. Entries from 1947-1948 until June 1957.

Important personalities in RSU History

This collection includes tangible and intangible cultural and historical items which illustrate the life and professional activities of people important to the history of the university and the state. The historical period covered spans from 1950 to the present day. In some cases the historical background dates back to 1919, as RMI was created from the  Faculty of Medicine of the University of Latvia, or even earlier depending on the person’s life. The collection includes tangible, written, audio visual and digital exhibits.


Book covers used by Prof. Vladislavs Korzāns for keeping lecture plans for Biochemistry and Medicine.
Protein Structure. Prof. Korzāns was one of the first to give lectures to international students, 1990s.

The history of traditions and extracurricular organisations

This collection comprises of tangible and intangible cultural and historical items which bear evidence of the activities of RSU amateur societies and sports teams, various public and political organisations, and traditions established and restored by the university at different times. The historical period covered spans from 1950 to the present day. The collection includes tangible, written, audio visual and digital exhibits

Museum Collection

RSU History Museum staff provide the opportunity to use the museum's materials and collection for research, exhibitions and presentations. They are also available for consultations. The museum collection is located at 26a Anniņmuižas bulvāris in Rīga.

Working hours: 9:00 - 17:00 (Mon-Fri).

Please contact RSU museum employees regarding the availability of the collection outside office hours: +371 2200 3426 or muzejsatrsu[pnkts]lv