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Learn how to make a lunch bowl by following the advice of Ilze Lutere, a lecturer and nutritionist at Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU). In this video, you can learn how to make a healthy and simple lunch by using ingredients you currently have available, or things you like.

1 portion (450 kcal)

  • 1 medium-sized chicken fillet
  • 1 egg
  • 30g quinoa
  • A handful of iceberg lettuce or other salad
  • 1 tomato, or several cherry tomatoes
  • 30g zucchini
  • 50g avocado
  • Dressing: olive oil, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar and mustard

First, mix the dressing in a small jar. Take olive oil, naturally fermented soy sauce with reduced salt content, add a little mustard and balsamic vinegar or lemon juice. 'When buying soy sauce in the store, make sure that the product is naturally fermented, because this contains a lot of good bacteria that the intestinal microflora needs,' advises Ilze Lutere.
Boil the chicken fillet with salt and pepper, slice it and place it in a bowl with fresh salad leaves. Then add the zucchini, sliced avocado, boiled egg, tomato and pre-cooked quinoa to the bowl. Quinoa ranks highly in terms of nutrition because it is a high in protein, iron and calcium.
Pour the dressing on. You can also add sour cream, yogurt or a warm sauce, if you'd like. 'You can also add more ingredients to the bowl, but this simple recipe is suitable for taking to work or on a picnic. The ingredients can be mixed together, or brought in separate containers,' says the nutritionist.