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About the lecture

For thousands of years, maps have played an important role in human mobility and survival. However, our increasing reliance on digital navigation tools is undermining our innate cognitive spatial abilities. What happens if using digital tools causes us stress, and we fail to function optimally, make mistakes and become frustrated? How do stress and emotions affect our perception of space when we use digital devices? 

Prof. Fabrikant studies the impact that digital tools have on human perception and interaction with biological abilities, as well as the relationship between visual and navigational processes and emotions, both in everyday situations and in the laboratory setting. Prof. Fabrikant's research in the field of neuroadaptive cartography offers solutions to improve navigation, enabling people to remain independent from geo-information technologies.

The lecture will be held in English.

About Prof. Sara Irina Fabrikant

Dr. Sara Irina Fabrikant is a professor of geography and the head of the Geographic Information Visualization and Analysis (GIVA) group at the GIScience Center of the Geography Department of the University of Zurich, Switzerland. She has established the Digital Society Initiative at the University of Zurich and chaired the Department of Geography at the University of Zurich. Prof. Fabrikant has been a visiting professor and researcher at numerous universities, including Tokyo, the University of California, Santa Barbara, the University of California, San Diego, Harvard University, MIT and others. Prof. Fabrikant is a member of the Swiss Science Council and an elected member of several honorary titles, societies and scientific academies, and was for many years Vice President of the World Cartographic Association. Among her many awards she has received the Waldo-Tobler GIS Science Prize from the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

guest lecture University of Zurich

About the Robert Blumberg Distinguished Lecture in Cognitive Science series

The Distinguished Lecture in Cognitive Science was created by Robert Blumbergs, Honorary Member of the University of Latvia, philanthropist, board member of the organisation Friends of the University of Latvia and Honorary Consul of the Republic of Latvia to the State of Illinois, in collaboration with the Laboratory of Perceptual and Cognitive Systems of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Latvia. This Excellence Lecture in Cognitive Science is the only one of its kind not only in the Baltic States, but also in Eastern Europe. This tradition has brought together leading researchers from perception, psychology, music, mathematics, neuroscience and many other fields in Latvia for several years.


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