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In accordance with bilateral agreements on co-operation in education and science made between the Latvian government and a number of countries, the State Education Development Agency of Latvia (Valsts izglītības attīstības aģentūra, VIAA) offers scholarships to foreign students, researchers and teaching staff for studies, research and participation in summer schools in Latvian higher education institutions (HEIs).

VIAA homepage

Eligible applicants

  • Citizens from countries which have signed an Agreement on co-operation in education and science
  • Citizens from countries that offer scholarships for Latvian students, researchers and teaching staff without formal agreements on cooperation in education and science
The exact list of eligible countries whose citizens can apply for the scholarships can be found on the VIAA homepage

Scholarship for studies

Applications for Bachelor's and First level of professional higher education studies will be accepted from students who have successfully completed at least one academic year of studies (at their home higher education institution or at a Latvian higher education institution, if they have already been studying in Latvia).

Scholarships for Bachelor's and Master's studies are granted for one academic year – a time period up to 10 months (for PhD students – up to 11 months).

If a student wants to continue her/his studies in Latvia for one more year, she/he has to re-apply for the Latvian scholarship. The Latvian scholarship can be awarded to one individual for not more than two consecutive terms.

Application procedure

An applicant has to register in the system and make a profile with a unique login and password. The online application form is available here. After that an application form can be filled in online and the necessary documents can be attached there as well. The system will require that the following documents are uploaded:

  • Curriculum Vitae (CV). Please use the Europass template
  • Letter of motivation (including activities outside studies related to the study field in Latvia or in the home country, e. g. work in professional organisations, participation in scientific conferences, international projects)
  • Photocopies of a transcript of records of the last two study semesters (if studies are not completed) or diplomas of higher education and supplements
    • For students of RSU: please request the transcript of records by submiting the application form to Student Services
  • Copies of two letters of recommendation from academic staff members, signed within the last six months
  • The copy of a letter of the relevant Latvian higher education institution (HEI letter), confirming the foreigner’s opportunity to study in the chosen study programme and informing about the language of instruction (Latvian or other EU official language)
    • For students of Faculty of Medicine: please contact Ms dina[pnkts]egliteatrsu[pnkts]lv (Dina Eglīte)
    • For students of Faculty of Dentistry: please contact Ms Anna[pnkts]Lanskaatrsu[pnkts]lv (Anna Lanska)
    • For students of other faculties: please contact Ms liene[pnkts]rieznieceatrsu[pnkts]lv (Liene Riežniece)
  • Study plan for duration of the scholarship
  • A copy of a certificate or other document certifying the language proficiency required for studies (this is also stated in the HEI letter)
  • Copy of an ID (identification document) or a passport

All documents which are not in Latvian or English, shall be translated into Latvian or English.

Any incomplete applications will not be considered.

Financial provisions

The amount of the Latvian state scholarship for studies is:

  • for Bachelor's and 2nd level professional higher education students – 500 EURper month
  • for Master's and 2nd level of professional higher education students (from 4th year onwards) – 600 EURper month
  • for PhD students – 700 EUR per month

All study programmes in English at Latvian higher education institutions are not free of charge. The Latvian scholarship holder can use the scholarship to cover the tuition fee or for accommodation and meals. Please take into account that the amount of the scholarship is not enough to cover all expenses in Latvia.

No scholarship is provided for any month during which the foreign student is present in the territory of Latvia for less than 15 calendar days.

Recipients of the Latvian scholarship are required to prove their presence in Latvia by sending the Confirmation Document below via email to Ms Liene Riežniece at liene[pnkts]rieznieceatrsu[pnkts]lv:
Download Confirmation Document here
  • The Latvian scholarship cannot be awarded concurrently with other scholarships.
  • Travel expenses from a home country to and from Latvia are not covered by the Latvian scholarship.
  • Scholarship holders are required to make their own arrangements for insurance coverage.
  • Scholarships for applicants from one country may not exceed 10 % from the total grant amount for study scholarships.
For information about the evaluation of applications and information results, see the VIAA homepage

Other scholarships

The State Education Development Agency of Latvia also offers the following scholarships and fellowships:

Latvian fellowships for research

Latvian scholarships for summer schools


Liene Riežniece
Senior service support officer, Student Services
Rīga Stradiņš University Main Building
16 Dzirciema iela, Rīga, LV-1007
liene [pts] rieznieceatrsu [pts] lv