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Study year
Year 4
Country of mobility
Study programme
Type of mobility
Mobility duration

How did you draw up your Learning Agreement?

I needed the course list and timetable from the University of Giessen, as well as the RSU programme for the next two semesters. The study plan was aligned as much as possible with the RSU curriculum. This was followed by meetings and approval from the Erasmus coordinators. When I arrived in Germany, the Erasmus office further discussed and adjusted the plan (overlapping subjects, etc.).

How is the study process organized in the receiving university? What is different compared to RSU?

During the semester in Germany, the student has more freedom, there are no weekly tests like in some of the clinical subjects at RSU. But there is exam time (mostly written, multiple choice tests) at the end of the semester for about a month, and then you have to prepare quite intensively.

What were the living conditions?

The cheapest accommodation was the dormitory with shared kitchen and WC. So, a lot depends on the dorm mates, but in general everything is tidy and organised. German students mostly rent flats together, which is more comfortable but also more expensive.

Did the Erasmus+ grant cover the living expenses?

Living and eating may be enough, but you'll also want to have fun and get out and travel.

Your advice and recommendations for others choosing this city for their mobility

1) It helps to have your own bike and your own pan.

2) The Unterhof dormitory is the closest to the medical studies and clinic.

3) A good way to get to know other Erasmus students is to attend language courses. Because there are not so many international students in the city.

4) Take the opportunity to attend one of the many sports trainings or language courses that are held during the semester for free or for a nominal fee (you have to apply early because there are a lot of people willing to participate).

5) Participate in the Gießen kocht, a socialising and cooking event that takes place about twice a year all over the city.

6) Organise and pay the Rundfunk (local broadcasting company that sends bills to each apartment) in time.

The best memory or experience from Erasmus+ mobility

Performing on the local stage.

The most valuable realization or lesson you have learned

Being fluent in the local language makes life much easier. But you can do without.