Phage Research Group
The phage research group at Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) is composed of various specialists who conduct daily research on the possible use of bacteriophages in the prevention and treatment of resistant bacterial infections.
The focus of group's research activity is on multidrug resistant bacteria such as K.pneumoniae, P. aeruginosa, E. coli, MRSA, and others. The group assesses the phage lytic effect in bacterial biofilms as well as the possible application strategies of bacteriophages to limit biofilm-associated infections. One of the directions of the group's scientific activity is to study and evaluate bacteriophage interactions with antibiotics. To prevent infections associated with biomaterials, solutions are being studied to impregnate bacteriophages in biomaterials.
Head of the group
Prof. Juta Kroiča – clinical microbiologist who participates in the development of new ideas and in the results of the research team. The professor has long-standing experience in organising and managing research work. She mainly focuses on the analysis and evaluation of various risks associated with the possible use of phages.
Research lead
Asst. Prof., Dr. med. Kārlis Rācenis – vice-dean of sciences, internist, and nephrologist who leads the group's day-to-day work, evaluates patient clinical situations, and bacteriophage therapy options for certain patients. The main purpose of his research is to evaluate phage activity in planktonic and biofilm-producing bacteria, as well as to understand the development of phage resistance. Rācenis defended his doctoral thesis, “Antimicrobial Activity of Bacteriophages in Multidrug-Resistant and Biofilm Associated Infections" in December 2023.
Dr. biol. Nikita Zrelovs – a researcher with a wide range of skills, starting from traditional micro- and molecular biology to bioinformatics. Using multidisciplinary approaches, Zrelovs has already participated in the isolation of several dozen unknown tailed bacteriophages and has described their properties with the aim of expanding the known diversity of phages. Within the group, he determines and analyses the full genome sequences of phages and their hosts isolated in our laboratory. In February 2024, Zrelovs defended his doctoral thesis, “Expansion of the Known Tailed Bacteriophage Diversity One Phage at a Time”.
Dr Dace Rezevska – medical resident and PhD student in clinical microbiology. The aim of Rezevska's research is to impregnate bacteriophages as antimicrobial agents in biomaterials to use such innovative impregnated materials in the prevention and treatment of infections associated with biomaterials. She significantly supplements the group's research activity with expertise in clinical microbiology. Her doctoral thesis focuses on bacteriophage impregnation in biomaterials.
Laima Sevastjanova (née Mukāne), MSc Clin. Pharm. – clinical pharmacist whose main tasks on the team are to study and evaluate the effectiveness of antibiotics, bacteriophages, and their combinations, as well as to make pharmaceutical recommendations for the improvement of research methods in the working group. As a clinical pharmacist, Sevastjanova is interested in looking for new solutions to improve treatment methods using bacteriophages and their combinations with antibiotics.
Sandis Mauriņš – medical student who is interested in ways to reduce antibacterial resistance, which has become a worldwide problem. In medicine, he sees bacteriophage therapy as a potential alternative for treating multi-resistant bacterial infections.
Nikola Brauča – medical student who as part of her work within the group finds, isolates, and propagates bacteriophages. Brauča began her scientific research with bacteriophages already while in high school and continues to develop in this field during her studies.
Renāte Rūta Apse – medical student who has embarked on research within the phage group. She is more deeply interested in the application and effectiveness of bacteriophages in treating patients against various resistant bacterial strains.
Phage research group during the RSU Research Week 2023 (left to right): Sandis Mauriņš, Laima Mukāne, prof. Juta Kroiča, Dace Rezevska, Kārlis Rācenis.
Lytic P. aeruginosa bacteriophage on double layer TSA plates
Presence of Siphovirus in Transmission Electron Microscopy
Lytic effect of eleven different bacteriophages in uropathogenic E. coli
Latest scientific publications
- Pirnay JP, Djebara S, Steurs G, Griselain J, Cochez C, De Soir S, Glonti T, Spiessens A, Vanden Berghe E, Green S, Wagemans J, Lood C, Schrevens E, Chanishvili N, Kutateladze M, de Jode M, Ceyssens PJ, Draye JP, Verbeken G, De Vos D, Rose T, Onsea J, Van Nieuwenhuyse B; Bacteriophage Therapy Providers; Bacteriophage Donors; Soentjens P, Lavigne R, Merabishvili M. Personalized bacteriophage therapy outcomes for 100 consecutive cases: a multicentre, multinational, retrospective observational study. Nat Microbiol. 2024 Jun;9(6):1434-1453
doi: 10.1038/s41564-024-01705-x. Epub 2024 Jun 4. PMID: 38834776; PMCID: PMC11153159 - Grase L, Onufrijevs P, Rezevska D, et al. "Effect of Femtosecond Laser-Irradiated Titanium Plates on Enhanced Antibacterial Activity and Preservation of Bacteriophage Stability." Nanomaterials (Basel). 2023;13(14):2032. Published 2023 Jul 9.
doi:10.3390/nano13142032 - Jean-Paul Pirnay, Sarah Djebara, Griet Steurs, Johann Griselain, Christel Cochez, Steven De Soir, Tea Glonti, An Spiessens, Emily Vanden Berghe, Sabrina Green, Jeroen Wagemans, Cédric Lood, Eddie Schrevens, Nina Chanishvili, Mzia Kutateladze, Mathieu de Jode, Pieter-Jan Ceyssens, Jean-Pierre Draye, Gilbert Verbeken, Daniel De Vos, Thomas Rose, Jolien Onsea, Brieuc Van Nieuwenhuyse, Bacteriophage Therapy Providers, Bacteriophage Donors, Patrick Soentjens, Rob Lavigne, Maya Merabishvili medRxiv 2023.08.28.23294728;
doi: - Racenis K, Lacis J, Rezevska D, et al. "Successful Bacteriophage-Antibiotic Combination Therapy against Multidrug-Resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa Left Ventricular Assist Device Driveline Infection." Viruses. 2023;15(5):1210. Published 2023 May 20.
doi:10.3390/v15051210 - Mukane L, Racenis K, Rezevska D, Petersons A, Kroica J. "Anti-Biofilm Effect of Bacteriophages and Antibiotics against Uropathogenic Escherichia coli." Antibiotics (Basel). 2022;11(12):1706. Published 2022 Nov 26.
doi:10.3390/antibiotics11121706 - Racenis K, Rezevska D, Madelane M, et al. "Use of Phage Cocktail BFC 1.10 in Combination With Ceftazidime-Avibactam in the Treatment of Multidrug-Resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa Femur Osteomyelitis-A Case Report." Front Med (Lausanne). 2022;9:851310. Published 2022 Apr 25.
doi:10.3389/fmed.2022.851310 - Stipniece L, Rezevska D, Kroica J, Racenis K. "Effect of the Biopolymer Carrier on Staphylococcus aureus Bacteriophage Lytic Activity." Biomolecules. 2022;12(12):1875. Published 2022 Dec 14.
doi:10.3390/biom12121875 - Racenis K, Kroica J, Rezevska D, et al. "S. aureus Colonization, Biofilm Production, and Phage Susceptibility in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients." Antibiotics (Basel). 2020;9(9):582. Published 2020 Sep 7.
New knowledge and approaches to reduce antimicrobial resistance, limit the spread of HIV and expand community vaccination coverage
Innovative Strategies to Combat Antibacterial Resistance in Klebsiella spp.: Harnessing the Synergy of Phage and Antibiotics
Read more on phage research at RSU (in Latvian):
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Phage Research Group
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