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The main objective of the (Re)moving Ties project is to carry out in-depth research and to foster the development of theoretical discussions on the intersection between practices of kinship and policies that encourage semi-permanent, periodic work mobility.

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The duration of the project is 36 months, during which researchers will collect and analyse data from ethnographic field work that consist of semi-structured in-depth interviews, in-depth mobility case studies, qualitative content analysis, and digital ethnography. This will provide an in-depth understanding of the interaction between kinship and contemporary mobile work regimes that facilitate semi-permanent, periodic work mobility. The study will look at work mobility in academia (researchers) and public administration (military and diplomatic service employees), focusing not on individuals and their perspectives, but rather at bundles of relationships. The central question of the (Re)moving Ties project is how people's semi-permanent work mobility affects the fundamentally important networks of human relationships. The results that are obtained will further develop the understanding of the modern phenomenon of kinship and lay the foundations for empirically and theoretically based improvements in the working environment.

Project phases

The work plan of the project has been created in such a way that activities within the project develop in three phases in a logical sequence. During the first phase, the team will develop the necessary research tools, further widen their knowledge base, prepare and carry out the data-gathering as well as analyse the obtained data. During the second phase, the empirical findings will be synthesised to further develop relevant theoretical insights and on the basis of the acquired understanding, produce academic publications. During the third phase, the research results will be actively distributed domestically and internationally with an aim to have both academic and applied impact.

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Project info

  • Project/agreement No.: lzp-2021/1-0213
  • Project funding: 299 960,00 EUR
  • Project manager: asoc. prof. Klāvs Sedlenieks
  • Project realization: 01.01.2022.–31.12.2024.