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About Study Course

Department: Department of Conservative Dentistry and Oral Health
Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Anda Brinkmane
Study type:Full time
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Dentistry
Language:English, Latvian
Study course description Full description, Full time
Branch of science:Clinical Medicine; Oral Medicine


1. To develop skills and competencies in assessing a patient's oral health status and disease risk, and to practise evidence-based caries management and control methods for patients at different risk groups 2. To raise awareness of possibilities for public dental care, to create a positive, professional attitude to the promotion of general and oral health and to raise awareness of planning and development of different oral health promotion and education programmes for different age groups.


Biology, microbiology, chemistry, biochemistry, anatomy, histology, embryology, dental anatomy, preventive dentistry, public health, periodontology, paediatric dentistry.

Learning outcomes


1st part - Eliciting and assessing patients’ needs, preferences, and best interests for the management of caries and other dental hard tissue disorders.
Be familiar with treatment options, including when to refer to specialist medical and dental care, for other, rarer disorders of dental hard tissues or medical illnesses causing dental hard tissue disorders.
2nd part - Will include understanding of the evidence based principles of primary health care, common risk factor approach, systems for Oral healthcare in Latvia and abroad. Understanding of principles, approaches for oral health promotion and education, role of the dental team in oral and health promotion. Understanding the principles of new approaches in oral health promotion and wide use of new indicators of oral health.


1st part - Eliciting and assessing patients’ needs, preferences and best interests for the management of caries. Synthesising all relevant findings from histories and examinations by combining and interpreting them in order to enable patient-centred and shared clinical decision-making. Making clinical decisions incorporating, when appropriate, findings from monitoring, review and reassessment of caries.Upon completion of the course the students will be able to evaluate and use into their practical work the basic principles of health promotion and education.
2nd part - Will be able at first to understand and suggest preventive programmes and strategies opposite to treatment regimen in dentistry. Will be able to evaluate dental patients preventive needs – eating habits, dental hygiene skills, give smoking cessation advice, intervention (5A`s), educate dental patients how to prevent dental trauma and act in case of trauma.


1st part - Synthesising all relevant information by combining and interpreting findings from risk assessment and diagnostic processes; patients’ needs, preferences and best interests; and monitoring, review and re-assessment findings, when available.
2nd part - Upon completion of the course the students will have ability to educate dental patients and to provide primary oral health care for population in different age groups, also with special needs. Will have ability to develop different oral health promotion programmes for different age groups. To evaluate experiences of other countries in oral health education and smoking cessation programmes.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2025, Spring semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Dentistry, SSNSFz9Master’sRequiredEgita Senakola, Guna Siliņa