Traditional Events
Matriculation Ceremony
The Matriculation Ceremony is the opening ceremony of the academic year at which first year students are welcomed to the University. During the ceremony, students are welcomed by representatives of the governing body of the University: the Chairman of the Senate, the Rector, Vice-Rectors, Deans and Vice-Deans. Students are introduced to the different student organisations, the RSU Sports Club, and other cultural groups.
White Coat Celebration
The White Coat Celebration is organised annually by the University's Faculty of Dentistry and symbolically marks 3rd-year dental students’ transition from preclinical to clinical training (when they go from practicing on mannequin to working with patients). Doctor supervision continues until graduation. The celebration begins with the students’ oath, after which they are symbolically transferred to their new status, and they participate in role play.
Academic Meeting
The RSU Academic Meeting is held at the beginning of each study year, during which representatives from the University's governing body inform employees about the goals for the new study year and the achievements of the past year. The RSU Rector gives a presentation. The meeting is followed by a reception and a concert or musical performance.
Freshers' Sports Day
One of the goals of Freshers' Sports Day is to encourage first-year students to lead an active lifestyle during their studies. Freshers can participate in different sports and learn about what opportunities for sports and exercise are available to them at RSU. The RSU Sports Club traditionally organises basketball and volleyball championships and other competitions in various sports where teaching staff are also welcome to participate.
Graduation Ceremony
Students receive their diplomas at the RSU graduation ceremony. The deans of each faculty issue diplomas to graduates; students who have graduated with Summa cum laude receive their diplomas from the Rector. Having accepted their diploma, students move the tassel on their academic cap from the right to the left to symbolise their academic achievement. During the ceremony all present unite in singing the National Anthem of Latvia Dievs, svētī Latviju!, as well as the academic song Gaudeamus Igitur.
At the Faculty of Medicine graduation ceremony, students give the Physicians' Oath, while students from other medical and healthcare study programmes give the Hippocratic Oath – a solemn oath in which the graduate publicly takes responsibility for the health and life of their future patients.
Research Week
RSU Research Week is the main medical and social sciences event in Latvia. It is organised every two years by the RSU Research Department. Research Week is an international forum for science and research, where faculty members, researchers, residents and PhD students from Latvia and abroad have the opportunity to present their research. Research Week brings together several thematic conferences and side events, the first of which is the student-organised International Student Conference.
Academic Ball
The Academic Ball is attended by students and staff of the University, as well as specially invited guests, to celebrate the University's achievements. The RSU Annual Award is presented in several categories. Traditionally, the ball starts with a polonaise, and the participants lead the rest of the evening talking, dancing, and taking part in various activities.
Honorary Doctorates
At the inauguration ceremony for honorary doctors (Doctor Honoris Causa), the recipients are awarded the diploma of Doctor Honoris Causa. it is a distinction that the RSU Senate awards individuals who have demonstrated outstanding contribution to the development of Latvia and RSU. At ceremony, representatives of the RSU governing body, dressed in their official robes, present the honorary doctors with their diplomas as well as with the honorary doctor robe and cap. During the ceremony, the Laudatio is recited with the recipients' merit description. This formal part is followed by speeches and a musical performance.
Senior Evening
The aim of the University's Senior Evening is to thank seniors – former and long-term employees – for their contribution and to inform them of current events taking place at the University. Senior evenings usually take place at the beginning of the year in January or February, and they are attended by former employees, the Rector, the Chairman of the Senate, Vice-Rectors and other invited guests.
Open Days
RSU organises Open Days every year. The attending prospective international students are addressed by the Rector, the Vice-Rector for Education, Deans, Vice-Deans, heads of the different study programmes, current students, members of the selection committee, and more. Those interested in studying at RSU can obtain additional information about the university, study programmes, as well as go on a tour of RSU and the Medical Education Technology Centre.
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