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RSU has developed procedures for the prevention of corruption and conflict of interest (approved on 04.01.2024) and the RSU Corruption Risk Mitigation Plan, which includes several measures (approved on 20.03.2023), in order to ensure the establishment and monitoring of a control environment for the prevention of corruption and conflicts of interest.

Measures to be implemented:

  • To assess and identify functions and positions where there is a potential risk of corruption and/or conflict of interest in the performance of duties;
  • To evaluate the official status of staff signing student hostel contracts;
  • To add issues related to corruption/conflict of interest to the Employee Statement (PD-15);
  • To supplement the Code of Conduct with regard to the conduct of a staff member declaring that he/she is in a conflict of interest situation, as well as the procedure for the delegation of functions by a staff member in a conflict of interest situation to another staff member;
  • To develop RSU internal training material to inform employees on conflict of interest and corruption issues;
  • To establish a working group by rector’s decree to ensure the planning and monitoring of RSU anti-corruption measures.