2023 RSU Academic Ball and Award Ceremony
The Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) Academic Ball will take place on Saturday, 9 September this year at 19:00 at the Riga Latvian Society House (doors open at 18:00). The RSU Annual Awards will also be presented at the event.
The Academic Ball is a celebration of the RSU community’s contribution to the University. This sentiment is also expressed in the ball's motto: Ad honorem artes, scientia, veritas (In honour of art, science, and truth).
The RSU Academic Ball will gather RSU students, staff, and special guests to celebrate the University’s achievements. The Annual Awards that honour the best students, staff, alumni, researchers, and university departments will be presented at the ball, including the Lifetime Achievement Award. Traditionally, the ball begins with a polonaise, after which participants can spend the rest of the evening socialising and dancing. This year, performers include Bigband Jelgava, Daumants Kalniņš, Dziļi Violets and DJ Kārlis Ķilkuts who will be playing in the venue’s Great Hall and Golden Hall. There will be different creative activities and masterclasses happening in the White Hall.
Actress Maija Doveika and musician Edgars Ošleja will be the evening’s hosts.

We invite all staff and students to attend the RSU Academic Ball and celebrate together!
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