Fee Payment Information
Tuition fees cover:
- Attendance at scheduled lectures, practical and laboratory classes;
- Attendance at scheduled tutorials held weekly by teaching staff of the university;
- Testing of acquired knowledge and skills via weekly tests, colloquiums, examinations, or final semester tests;
- Use of lecture halls, rooms, laboratories, clinics, and equipment during the academic year;
- The tuition fee includes dental materials for those studying in the Dentistry study programme.
- General instructions
The tuition fee payment schedule and deadlines are specified in the Annex to Study Contract that each student signs with the University. The tuition fee must be paid in accordance with the schedule and deadline.
NB: the deadline indicates the date when the tuition fee has to be in the RSU account - it is NOT the final date for making the payment.
RSU accepts direct bank transfers only, preferably in euros (EUR). Other currencies are accepted as well (e.g., USD, GBP, NOK, SEK).
Recipient Rīga Stradiņš University Address: 16 Dzirciema iela, Rīga, LV–1007, Latvia Registration No.: LV90000013771 IBAN Account No.: LV02HABA0551000376050 Recipient bank: Swedbank Bank address: 1a Balasta dambis, Rīga, LV-1048, Latvia S.W.I.F.T.: HABALV22 Purpose of payment: [Name], [surname], [RSU student ID number], [study programme], [semester], [study year], "Tuition fee" Other account options:
When sending payments by direct bank transfer to he RSU bank account add your name, surname, and semester to guarantee that the tuition fee amount is allocated correctly.A minimum of 5 working days are required for the payment to register in the student’s RSU finance account.
- Payments from a third party
The University accepts payments for student fees from third parties, e.g. family members. However, the liability for paying fees will always remain with the student – the payment of fees will not constitute a binding contract between the University and a third party. A third party has no right to demand a refund from the University of any payment made on behalf of a student.
When the tuition fee is paid by a third party, it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all of the information (as listed above) is included in the payment.
If a sponsor, e.g., a government agency or any other organisation, is paying the tuition fee, the student is liable for ensuring that the payment is made to the University in time and in full.
- Refunds
If a student terminates their studies at RSU, they are able to receive a partial refund of the tuition fee they have paid. Each refund is calculated individually by the RSU Finance Department. The sum is determined based on section 7.4 of the student’s contract.
To receive a refund, students need to fill out the "Payment refund/transfer" form that can be found in the "Applications and Inquiries" section of the RSU Services page. It needs to be submitted via the myRSU portal after they have officially left their studies. The payment can take up to 60 days after the official date that the student terminates their studies to be processed. To avoid delays, exact bank account information should be entered on the application (including IBAN, SWIFT, and BIC codes).
- Extensions
To receive an extension on a tuition fee payment, students need to fill out the "Review of the tuition fee payment term" form that can be found in the "Applications and Inquiries" section of the RSU Services page and submit it via myRSU portal. Once the application has been received, RSU management reviews the application and the student is informed about management's decision via their RSU e-mail. The application has to be submitted at least 1 (one) day before the tuition fee deadline.
Full list of faculty and department contacts
If a student is not able to fill out an application form on the myRSU portal due to technical difficulties, forms can also be found here and sent to Student Services (studentuservissrsu[pnkts]lv) via myRSU.
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