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To promote academic excellence and expand the diversity of the student community at RSU, the Tuition Fee Regulation sets out the following tuition fee categories for students in the English-language Medicine and Dentistry programmes.

The tuition fee discount procedure is currently being updated. Information on the new application period for tuition fee discounts spring 24/25 (Medicine and Dentistry international students) will follow in the near future.
1. Academic Excellence 
Students do not need to apply themselves in order to receive the tuition fee discount based on academic excellence. This is applied automatically according to the criteria below.
DiscountNo. of recipientsMain criteriaQualification

25% of the semester fee

  • 36 students in the Medicine programme
  • 4 students in the Dentistry programme

Highest weighted average grade in the previous semester, minimum weighted average grade: 8.500

3rd - 6th-year students

  • Based on the weighted average grade of the final assessments in the study courses of the previous semester (taking into account three decimal places), excluding elective study courses;
  • In case multiple students obtain an equal grade, the discount is granted through a blind draw;
  • Students are not required to apply for this discount as it is calculated and granted automatically.
2. Social Support
DiscountNo.of recipientsMain criteriaApplicants

10 % of the semester fee

  • 4 discounts for the Medicine programme
  • 1 discount for the Dentistry programme

The decision shall be made by the relevant Faculty Council.

The supporting documents that prove the necessity of financial support are required.

2nd - 6th-year students

3. Family Members
DiscountNo. of recipientsMain criteriaApplicants

5 % of the semester fee

The decision shall be made by the relevant Faculty Council.

  • 36 discounts for the Medicine programme
  • 4 discounts for the Dentistry programme

Discount for International students’ family members who are studying at RSU.

2nd to 6th year students

  • The discount is granted on the grounds of RSU student’s presented documents that certify kinship of the following relatives– mother, father, siblings, half-sisters and half-brothers, who are studying at RSU for their private financial resources
  • In the case of several relatives concerned, the present discount shall not be applied to the first of the relatives who commenced studies
  • When submitting copies of documents identifying another person, e. g. Relative's birth certificate, etc., the signature of this Relative with a transcript and a handwritten statement of the Relative confirming the consent of this Relative to submit the specific document containing his or her personal data to RSU for the processing of personal data, is required
  • Based on the financial possibilties, the Finance Department may determine the number of students that are to receive a discount.
4. RSU Recognition Enhancement
DiscountNo. of recipientsMain criteria

5 % of the semester fee

The decision shall be taken by the relevant Faculty Council.

  • 6 discounts for the Medicine programme
  • 1 discount for the  Dentistry programme

Discount for the participation in the public life of RSU and events promoting the recognition of RSU.

The following achievements and merits are assessed and should be proved by the documents (certificates, diplomas and etc.). NB: only documents dating 6 (six) months prior to submitting the discount application are accepted:

  • an award-winning place or a written recognition of a coach/head in a local or international sports or cultural competitions;
  • award or participation in student scientific research conference – competition;
  • presentation at an international and local scientific conference (with a poster presentation or an oral presentation;
  • scientific articles in peer-reviewed publications published in Latvia and abroad;
  • EPO, USPTO, JPO and EA patents;
  • Patents registered in the Patent Office of the Republic of Latvia;

Participation in RSU events and activities that aim to improve public life and development at RSU are evaluated. NB: only events from the 6 (six) months prior to submitting the discount application are accepted:

  • participation in the organisation of the RSU student scientific conference;
  • participation in the organisation of the RSU scientific conference;
  • contribution to the promotion of RSU clinical training in foreign clinics;
  • organisation of events organised by SU and ISA;
  • leading of RSU scientific and other interest groups;
  • participation with a presentation in RSU scientific interest groups.

There are some general rules to be considered for the tuition fee discount in order to have your application reviewed:

  • Applications for tuition fee discounts are only accepted when submitted during the application period – announced every semester in myRSU;
  • Applications are only considered when submitted with an official application form (including supporting documents, if required) electronically via the myRSU portal. (Exception: the discount for academic excellence. This discount is granted automatically. Students do not need to submit an application.)
    • The form can be found in the “Applications and Inquiries” section: Applications>Financial matters>About granting a discount on tuition fee). 
  • Tuition fee discounts are available only to international students who are studying in one of the following programmes:
    • Medicine,
    • Dentistry.
  • Discounts are not granted in the following situations:
    • If the student is re-taking one or more courses; 
    • If the student has tuition fee debts;
    • If the student has been disciplined less than one year ago;
    • For previous study semesters.
  • The tuition fee discount is only applied to tuition fees paid for regular studies (fees paid for Open University or other services are not included);
  • The submitted applications for tuition fee discounts are assessed and approved by the relevant Faculty Council;
  • If the supporting document is not available in English, the student should provide an English translation of the document for the relevant Faculty Council to understand its contents;
  • Each student can apply for tuition fee discounts for an unlimited number of semesters, as long as the student meets the discount requirements.
  • The discount is granted for one study semester.
  • The relevant Faculty Council may lay down additional or clarifying requirements.
  • If an international student is on academic leave and the granted discount period has not expired yet, the granted discount period is postponed to the time when the student resumes their studies at RSU.
  • If the student corresponds to several discount categories, they can receive only one discount chosen by the student.

Contact for the Medicine Programme

Contact for the Dentistry Programme