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Work experience



Faculty of Continuing Education, Division of Postgraduate Courses

2014 - Present

head of Balttransplant Latvian dept.

P. Stradins University Hospital, Latvian Transplantation Center

2014 - Present


Eurpean Committee on Organ Transplantation (CD-P-TO)

2013 - Present

Assistant Professor

Faculty of Medicine, Department of Surgery

2007 - Present

Leading Researcher (Research)

Laboratory of Transplantology

2002 - Present

transplant surgeon

P. Stradins University Hospital, Latvian Transplantation Center

2000 - 2002


P. Stradins University Hospital, Latvian Transplantation Center

1997 - 2000

trainee in surgery

P. Stradins University Hospital, Latvian Transplantation Center

1995 - 1997

trainee in surgery

Riga Emergency Hospital

Education and training

2004 - 2007

Dr. med.

Rīga Stradiņš University

PhD thesis "Impact of vascular condition on hemodialysis and renal transplantation outcomes"

1997 - 2002

Qualification in transplantology

Rīga Stradiņš University

1989 - 1995

Medical Doctor’s Diploma

Latvian Medical Academy


Continuing education a.o. qualification upgrade

1999. – 2000. European College of Transplantation

2000. Ultrasound of abdominal organs and duplex scanning of blood vessels.

2002. ESOT – Novartis grant in transplantation. Practical training in liver and renal transplantation. (Liver and Kidney Transplantation Department,

Helsinki University Hospital, Finland)

2004. Intermediate training on transplantation coordination (TPM) (Italy)

2006, 2008, 2016. Scandiatransplant congresses

2009, 2011, 2013, 2015. European Society for Organ Transplantation congresses.

2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2015. The Transplantation Society and ASTS/AST congresses.

Field of research

  • Organ donation for transplantation, safety and quality of donation, ethical and legislative aspects
  • Transplantation of abdominal organs
  • Vascular accesses for hemodialysis and intensive care
  • posttransplant complications

Objects of intellectual property

Patents (Latvian Patent Office):

Jušinskis J, Rozentāls R, Bicāns J. Patent "Central venous catheter" No. 13499 (20.02.2007.).

Jušinskis J, Rozentāls R, Bicāns J. Patents "Appliance for introduction of guidewire during percutaneous cannulation of blood vessel or cavities" No. 13759 (20.12.2008.).

Supervised study programme

Rīga Stradiņš University, residency in transplantology

Head of the study programme

Rīga Stradiņš University, residency in transplantology

Head of study course

Basics of organ transplantation (in course of Surgical Diseases for MF 6th year)

Lectured study course

transplant coordination

Topical Issues in Angiology, Transplantology

Supervised and reviewed student research papers


doctoral theses: 1

Master's theses: 2

qualification papers: 2


Participation in projects:

* Coordinating a European initiative among national organizations for organ transplantation (COORENOR), EU Health Programme 2008-1013

* Mutual Organ Donation and transplantation Exchanges:Improving and developing cadaveric organ donation and transplantation programs (MODE), EU Health Programme 2008-1013

* A 24 months, multi-center, open-label, randomized, controlled trial to investigate efficacy, safety and evolution of cardiovascular parameters in de novo renal transplant recipients after early calcineurin inhibitor to everolimus conversion. (CRAD001A2429,Novartis Pharma AG)

* Achieving Comprehensive Coordination in Organ Donation throughout the EU (ACCORD) EU Health Programme 2012-2015


Member of the Latvian Medical Association

President of Latvian Transplant Association

Member of European Society for Organ Transplantation​

Awards and recognitions

2007. Riga Stradins University, "Doctoral student of the year"

2011. Latvian Academy of Sciences and "Latvijas Gāze" award for participation in the first liver transplantation in Latvia (2011)​

2016. Latvian Academy of Sciences and "Latvijas Gāze" diploma and medal for contribution in development of donation from non-standard risk donors


Research articles​​

Herpesvīrusu, parvovīrusa B19 un poliomas BK vīrusa infekcija nieres transplantātu donoriem / I.Ziediņa, S.Čapenko, I.Folkmane, M.Murovska, M.Čistjakovs, J.Jušinskis, R.Rozentāls // Zinātniskie raksti : 2009.g. medicīnas nozares pētnieciskā darba publikācijas / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2010. - 22.-27.lpp.

Suhorukovs, Vadims. Impact of subclinical rejection on kidney graft function during the first year after transplantation / V.Suhorukovs, J.Jushinskis, R.Rozental // Acta Chirurgica Latviensis. - N 10/2 (2010), p.25-27.

Surgical complications in early period after renal transplantation / J.Jushinskis, R.Rozentals, V.Suhorukovs ...[et al.] // Acta Chirurgica Latviensis. - N 10/2 (2010), p.21-24.

Influence of demographical and administrative factors on the deceased organ donor rate in Latvia / J.Jushinskis, S.Trushkov, R.Rozental ...[et al.] // Organ Transplantation : ethical, legal and psychosocial aspects. Expanding the European platform : [2nd Ethical, Legal and Psychosocial Aspects of Organ Transplantation (ELPAT) Congress (Netherlands, Rotterdam, Apr. 17-20, 2010) : Proceedings] / ed by W.Weimar, M.A.Bos, J.J.V.Busschbach. - Rotterdam, 2011. - P.289-293.

Maļcevs, Aleksandrs. The use of deceased donors for kidneys transplantations / A.Maltsev, J.Jushinskis, R.Rozentals // Acta Chirurgica Latviensis. - N 11 (2011), p.111-113.

Rozentāls, Rafails. Biomarkers and their potential use in transplantation / R.Rozentāls, J.Jušinskis, D.Amerika // Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Sect.B. - Vol.66, Nr.6 (2012), 219.-224.lpp. - Kopsav. latviešu val.

Development of the organ transplant service in Latvia : a review / R.Rozentāls, J.Bicāns, J.Jušinskis ...[et al.] // Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Sect.B. - Vol.67, Nr.1 (2013), 61.-64.lpp. - Kopsav. latviešu val. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Jušinskis, Jānis. Delayed renal graft function in the early post-transplant period and its impact on the late post-transplant results / J.Jušinskis, D.Amerika, A.Maļcevs // Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Sect.B. - Vol.67, Nr.1 (2013), 19.-23.lpp. - Kopsav. latviešu val. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Urine neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin determination as a donor auxiliary examination method - first results / A.Maļcevs, J.Jušinskis, R.Rozentāls ...[et al.] // Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Sect.B. - Vol.67, Nr.1 (2013), 14.-18.lpp. - Kopsav. latviešu val. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Bondare, Līga. Hroniskas hemodialīzes vaskulārās pieejas veidi / L.Bondare, J.Jušinskis, H.Čerņevskis // Latvijas Ārsts. - Nr.1 (2014, janv.), 13.-18., 20.lpp.

Latvijas transplantologi par plaušu transplantācijas iespējām Latvijā / V.Ševeļovs, J.Jušinskis, A.Maļcevs, R.Rozentāls // Latvijas Ārsts. - Nr.3 (2014, marts), 77.-78.lpp.


Association of inductiom immunosuppression with viral infections and kidney graft function : [abstract] / S.Chapenko, I.Folkmane, J.Jushinskis, M.Murovska, R.Rozental ...[et al.] // 9th International Conference on New Trends in Immunosuppression and Immunotherapy (Geneva, Switzerland, Febr.4-6, 2010). - Geneva, 2010. - P.152.

Co-infection of polioma BK virus and beta-herpes viruses in kidney transplant recipients / S.Chapenko, I.Folkmane, J.Jushinskis, M.Murovska, R.Rozentals ...[et al.] // The Scandinavian Transplantation Society XXV Congress (Helsinki, Finland, May 19-21, 2010) : Final Programme & Abstracts. - Helsinki, 2010. - P.54.

Influence of demographical and administrative factors on the deceased organ donor rate in Latvia / J.Jushinskis, R.Rozental, J.Bicans ...[et al.] // Organ transplantation : Ethical, legal and psychosocial aspects. Expanding the European platform : 2nd ELPAT Congress (Rotterdam, Netherlands, Apr.17-20, 2010) : Programme and Abstracts. - Rotterdam, 2010. - Abstr. N 45.

Polyoma BK virus in kidney transplant recipients : [abstract] / I.Folkmane, S.Chapenko, M.Murovska, A.Sultanova, J.Jushinskis, R.Rozental, I.Ziedina // 10th Baltic Nephrology Conference (Jurmala, Latvia, Oct.14-16, 2010) : Final Programme. - Jurmala, 2010. - P.2.

Suhorukovs, Vadims. Impact of subclinical rejection on kidney graft function during the first year after transplantation / V.Suhorukovs, J.Jushinskis // The Scandinavian Transplantation Society XXV Congress (Helsinki, Finland, May 19-21, 2010) : Final Programme & Abstracts. - Helsinki, 2010. - P.43.

High prevalence of multiresistant gram negative bacteria in renal transplant patients / J.Jushinskis, R.Rozental, I.Ziedina ...[et al.] // Transplant International. - Vol.24, Suppl.2 (2011, Sept.), p.335. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Suhorukovs, Vadims. Prognostic role of pre-transplant donor kidney biopsies / V.Suhorukovs, J.Jushinskis, T.Tihomirova // Transplant International. - Vol.24, Suppl.2 (2011, Sept.), p.302. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Urine NGAL as a biomarker for evaluation of deceased kidney donors / J.Jushinskis, R.Rozental, D.Amerika, A.Maltsevs ...[et al.] // Transplant International. - Vol.24, Suppl.2 (2011, Sept.), p.273. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Maļcevs, Aleksandrs. Urīna NGAL noteikšana nieres transplantāta funkcijas izvērtēšanai / A.Maļcevs, J.Jušinskis, R.Rozentāls // 2013.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2013.g. 21.-22.martā) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2013. - 37.lpp.

Delayed graft function in kidney transplantation - comparison of different definitions and 5-year posttransplant outcomes [Elektroniskais resurss] / J.Jusinskis, A.Trofimovicha, I.Ziedina, R.Rozental, V.Suhorukov, A.Malcevs // 17th Congress of the European Society for Organ Transplantation (ESOT) (Brussels, Belgium, Sept.13-16, 2015) : Abstract Program [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Brussels, 2015. - Poster No.BO310. - Resurss aprakstīts 2016.g. 18.martā. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:

Efficacy of rituximab in treatment of transplant glomerulopathy [Elektroniskais resurss] / I.Ziedina, A.Laurinavicius, J.Jushinskis, V.Suhorukov, A.Malcevs, R.Rozentals // 17th Congress of the European Society for Organ Transplantation (ESOT) (Brussels, Belgium, Sept.13-16, 2015) : Abstract Program [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Brussels, 2015. - Poster No.P335. - Resurss aprakstīts 2016.g. 18.martā. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:

Kidney exchange program between Latvia and Estonia - 5 year outcomes [Elektroniskais resurss] / J.Jusinskis, A.Lohmus, V.Suhorukov, A.Malcevs, I.Ziedina, R.Rozental // 17th Congress of the European Society for Organ Transplantation (ESOT) (Brussels, Belgium, Sept.13-16, 2015) : Abstract Program [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Brussels, 2015. - Poster No.P139. - Resurss aprakstīts 2016.g. 18.martā. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:

Results of deceased donor kidney transplantation in young recipients after age-matched and mismatched (old-to-young) transplantation / J.Jushinskis, V.Suhorukov, I.Ziedina, A.Malcevs, R.Rozentals // Transplantation. - Vol.99, Suppl.10S-2 (2015, Oct.), p.S64. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

The influence of donor factors to kidney graft survival [Elektroniskais resurss] / I.Ziedina, S.Svikle, J.Jushinskis, V.Suhorukov, A.Malcevs, R.Rozentals // 17th Congress of the European Society for Organ Transplantation (ESOT) (Brussels, Belgium, Sept.13-16, 2015) : Abstract Program [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Brussels, 2015. - Poster No.P147. - Resurss aprakstīts 2016.g. 18.martā. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:

Books and brochures​​

Rekomendācijas nieru transplantācijā / Latvijas Transplantologu asociācija, Latvijas Transplantācijas centrs ; autoru kolektīva vad.: R.Rozentāls ; autoru kolektīvs: I.Ādamsone, J.Bicāns, J.Jušinskis, V.Suhorukovs, I.Ziediņa. - Rīga : Medicīnas apgāds, 2015. - 160 lpp.


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