
Prof. Dr. med.
Ivars Vanadziņš
Academic Staff, Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Director, Institute of Occupational Safety and Environmental Health
Lead researcher, scientific project manager, Institute of Occupational Safety and Environmental Health
Director, Institute of Occupational Safety and Environmental Health
Lead researcher, scientific project manager, Institute of Occupational Safety and Environmental Health
RSU Science Hub
5 Rātsupītes iela, Rīga
Phone: +37167409139, +37129534641
E-mail: Ivars [pts] vanadzins
rsu [pts] lv

Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Baložu iela 14, RĪga
Phone: +37167409139, +37129534641
E-mail: Ivars [pts] vanadzins
rsu [pts] lv

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