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![]() | Bērnu ķirurģija primārās aprūpes speciālistiemAutors(i): Aigars Pētersons, red. Izdevniecība: Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte |
Work experience
2018 - present | RectorRīga Stradiņš University |
2019 - present | Chairperson of the BoardThe Latvian Association of Universities |
2017 - present | Expert Consultant at the Paediatric Surgery ClinicChildren's Clinical University Hospital |
1999 - present | ProfessorFaculty of Medicine, Department of Paediatric Surgery, Rīga Stradiņš University |
2011 - 2017 | Member of the BoardUniversity Children's Hospital |
2009 - 2017 | CounsellorRiga City Council |
2008 - 2017 | DeanDepartment of Doctoral Studies, Riga Stradiņš university |
1998 - 2017 | Head of ClinicPaediatric Surgery Clinic, University Children's Hospital |
1998 - 2014 | Head of DepartmentDepartment of Paediatric Surgery, University Children’s Hospital of Latvia |
2002 - 2006 | Member of ParliamentForeign Affairs Committee, 8th Saeima of the Republic of Latvia Chairperson of the public Expenditure and Audit Committee, President of the Baltic Assembly |
1999 - 2002 | Member of the BoardUniversity Children's Hospital |
1997 - 1999 | Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Paediatric Surgery, Rīga Stradiņš University (then the Medical Academy of Latvia) |
1984 - 1997 | AssistantDepartment of Paediatric Surgery, Rīga Stradiņš University (then the Medical Academy of Latvia) |
Education and training
1996 | Medical Doctor Habilus (PhD) degree |
1991 | Medical Doctor (MD) degree |
1983 - 1984 | Clinical Residency in Paediatric SurgeryRiga Medical Institute |
1977 - 1983 | Medical DiplomaRiga Medical Institute |
Continuing education
- 2007 – Qualification upgrade at the Le centre hospitalier universitaire (CHU) in Amiens, France under the supervision of Prof. Jean-Pierre Canarelli
- 2001 – Qualification upgrade in the USA at the Paediatric Surgery Centres of the University of Illinois Chicago and the Cleveland State University under the supervision of Prof. C.Chval
- 1999 – Qualification upgrade at the Paediatric Surgery Centres of Vilnius University and Kaunas University under the supervision of Prof. Benjaminas Siaurusaitis and Prof. Vidmantas Barauskas
- 1998 – Qualification upgrade at the Paediatric Surgery Centre of the University of Graz in Austria under the supervision of Prof. Michael Höllwarth
- 1997 – Qualification upgrade at the Paediatric Surgery Centre of the University of Münster in Germany under the supervision of Prof. V.Willital
- 1994 – Qualification upgrade at the Paediatric Surgery Centre of the University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf in Germany under the supervision of Prof. W. Lambrecht
- 1994 – Qualification upgrade at the Lucerne Paediatric Surgery Centre in Switzerland under the supervision of A.Shirley
- 1993 – Qualification upgrade at the Paediatric Surgery Centre of the University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf in Germany under the supervision of Prof. W. Lambrecht
- 1991 – Qualification upgrade at hospitals in Norway (Ålesund, Oslo, Melbu)
Honours and Awards
- 2019: Certificate of Merit of the President of Latvia 2018: Aleksandrs Bieziņš Award
- 2016: Pauls Stradiņš Award
- 2014: Certificate of Recognition of the Ministry of Health
- 2010: Andrejs Priedkalns Award
- 2008: Commemorative Medal for Participant of the Barricades
- 2007: Officer of the Cross of Recognition
- 2005: Certificate of Recognition of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia,
- 2005: Medal of the Baltic Assembly
- Skin and soft tissues.- In Zacharias Zachariou „Pediatric Surgery Digest”, Springer – Verlag, 2022, pp. 559-566 (A.Petersons), Book chapter (ISBN 978-3-030-80410-7) (Published in Scopus).
- Intestinal congenital malformations.- In Zacharias Zachariou „Pediatric Surgery Digest”, Springer – Verlag, 2022, pp. 321-338 (A.Petersons, U.Kessler), Book chapter (ISBN 978-3-030-80410-7) (Published in Scopus).
- Profesors Aleksandrs Bieziņš un Latvijas bērnu ķirurģija. Medicīnas apgāds. Rīga, 2017. Lpp.144 (ISBN 978-9984-813-95-0) (A.Vīksna, A.Pētersons).
- Bērnu ķirurģija primārās aprūpes speciālistiem. Monogrāfija profesora A. Pētersona redakcijā. Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. Rīga, RSU, 2014. Lpp.167 (ISBN 978-9984-793-50-4).
- Skin and soft tissues. Pigmented nevi. Dermoid cysts. Lymphadenitis. Burns.- In Zacharias Zachariou „Pediatric Surgery Digest”, Springer – Verlag Berlin Heidelber, 2009, pp. 711-720 (A.Petersons) (, ISBN:978-3-540-34032-4, book chapter.
- Short Bowel Syndrome.- In Zacharias Zachariou „Pediatric Surgery Digest”, Springer – Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2009, pp. 423-428 (A.Petersons, L.Olsen) (, ISBN:978-3-540-34032-4, book chapter.
- Stoma Complications.- In Zacharias Zachariou „Pediatric Surgery Digest”, Springer – Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2009, pp. 422-423 (A.Petersons, L.Olsen) (, ISBN:978-3-540-34032-4, book chapter.
- Duplications of the Gastrointestinal Tract.- In Zacharias Zachariou „Pediatric Surgery Digest”, Springer – Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2009, pp. 417-422 (A.Petersons, L.Olsen) (, ISBN:978-3-540-34032-4, book chapter.
- Intestinal Volvulus.- In Zacharias Zachariou „Pediatric Surgery Digest”, Springer – Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2009, pp. 416-417 (A.Petersons, L.Olsen) (, ISBN:978-3-540-34032-4, book chapter.
- Malrotation – Ladds Bands.- In Zacharias Zachariou „Pediatric Surgery Digest”, Springer – Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2009, pp. 411-415 (A.Petersons, L.Olsen) (, ISBN:978-3-540-34032-4, book chapter.
- Jejunoileal - colonic atresia.- In Zacharias Zachariou „Pediatric Surgery Digest”, Springer – Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2009, pp. 405-411 (A.Petersons, L.Olsen) (, ISBN:978-3-540-34032-4, book chapter.
- Bērnu ķirurģija. Monogrāfija profesora Aigara Pētersona redakcijā.- 2005.- Rīga, Nacionālais apgāds, Lp.695
Objects of intellectual property rights
- Method of prognosing risk of development of gangrenous appendicitis in children. Latvijas republikas patents. IPC: G01N 33/68, A61B 5/0, Nr.15613; Publ.20.Jan 2022 (M.Kakar, A.Reinis, R.Broks, A.Engelis, J.Kroica, A.Pētersons, L.Asare); [Patent of the Republic of Latvia]
- Rokas īkšķa mākslīgais modelis locītavu kustību aktivitātes pētīšanai. Latvijas republikas patents. A61B5/103; A61F2/50; LV15420 B – 2020-03-20 (Dz.Ozols, J.Zariņš, A.Pētersons); [Artificial thumb model for the study of joint movement activity. Patent of the Republic of Latvia]
- Artificial model of silicone and polyurethane for evaluation of thumb joint movement activity. Latvijas republikas patents. A61F2/50; LV2001000000320181210. Abstract of LV15420 (A) – 2019-07-20 (Dz.Ozols, J.Zariņš, A.Pētersons); [Patent of the Republic of Latvia]
- Method of external determination of dynamic of effectiveness of function of metacarpophalangeal joint in children with contraction of flexor muscle after extended reconstruction of thumb. Latvijas republikas patents. A61B5/103; LV2001000000420181210. Abstract of LV15388 (A) – 2019-03-20 (Dz.Ozols, J.Zariņš, A.Pētersons); [Patent of the Republic of Latvia]
- Nieru funkciju atjaunošanas iespēju noteikšanas paņēmiens 24 stundu laikā bērniem līdz viena gada vecumam pēc kardioķirurģiskām operācijām mākslīgās asinsrites apstākļos: LV 15070 B: patents / izgudrotāji: J.Krastiņš, A.Pētersons. – Pieteikts : 07.07.2015; publicēts: 20.04.2016. // Izgudrojumi, Preču Zīmes un Dizainparaugi. - Nr.4 (2016), 584.lpp; [Method for determining the possibility of restoring renal function within 24 hours in children up to one year of age after cardiac surgery under artificial circulation: LV 15070 B: patent / inventors: J.Krastiņš, A.Pētersons. – Submitted: 07.07.2015; published: 20.04.2016. // Izgudrojumi, Preču Zīmes un Dizainparaugi. - Nr.4 (2016), 584.lpp;]
- Gangrenoza apendicīta riska rašanās iespējas noteikšanas paņēmiens bērniem 7-16 gadu vecumā. Latvijas republikas patents (pieteikuma Nr. P-14-98; publikācijas datums 20.10.2015; starptautiskais klasifikācijas indekss A61B8/00), LV14974 (A.Zviedre, A.Eņģelis, A.Pētersons); [Technique for determining the risk of gangrenous appendicitis in children aged 7-16 years. Patent of the Republic of Latvia (submission No P-14-98; publication date 20.10.2015; International classification index A61B8/00), LV14974 (A.Zviedre, A.Eņģelis, A.Pētersons)];
- Kuņģa zarnu trakta saslimšanas attīstības riska prognozēšanas paņēmiens jaundzimušajiem ar ļoti zemu svaru. Latvijas republikas patents (pieteikuma Nr. P-12-183; publikācijas datums 20.03.2013; starptautiskais klasifikācijas indekss A61B5/103), I.Meldere, A.Pētersons, D.Kviļūna; [Technique for predicting the risk of developing gastrointestinal disease in neonates with low birth weight. Patent of the Republic of Latvia (submission No P-12-183; publication date 20.03.2013; international classification index A61B5/103), I.Meldere, A.Pētersons, D.Kviļūna
- Dubultlūmena katetrs siekalu atsūkšanai no barības vada jaundzimušajiem. Latvijas republikas patents Nr. 13591 no 20.02.2008 (Z.Ābola, A.Pētersons); [Double-lumen catheter for suction of saliva from the oesophagus in neonates. Patent of the Republic of Latvia]

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