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Work experience

2015 - Present


Faculty of Medicine, Department of Human Physiology and Biochemistry

2009 - Present

Head of the Department

Faculty of Medicine, Department of Human Physiology and Biochemistry

Education and training

1993 - 1995

Dr. biol.

Latvian Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine

1977 - 1982

Master’s degree of Biology

Faculty of Biology, University of Latvia


Continuing education a.o. qualification upgrade

Latvian Society of Laboratory specialists​ - member (Certificate No 558-AP)​

Field of research

Research interests include: studies of clinically useful biomarkers in prevention and management of obesity related diseases, focusing on new and early risk factors of type-2 diabetes mellitus and coronary artery disease and for these purposes developing non-invasive techniques (e.g., laser Doppler fluxmetry and imaging; intravital videocapillaroscopy, transcutaneous gas monitoring) for evaluation vasomotor/neurovascular dysfunction and a methods (e.g., xMAP) for testing expression of risk cytokines, growth factors and gene polymorphism, insulin resistance, etc.​

Supervised study programme

Rīga Stradiņš University, Master, Full-time studies, Biomedicine

Head of the study programme

Rīga Stradiņš University, Master, Full-time studies, Biomedicine​

Supervised study course


Head of study course


Lectured study course


Supervised and reviewed student research papers


doctoral theses: 9


Head of several research projects, e.g.:

  • „Development of up-to-date diagnostic, prophylactic, and therapeutic methods for obesity related diseases and diabetes" (2006-2009, the Latvian Council of Science grant No. 07-VP-8);
  • „The relationship between neopterin and inflammatory markers in atherosclerosis patients" (2009 -2010, an European Economic Area grant No. EEZ08AP-5/2);
  • „Early development of atherosclerosis, prediabetes and type 2 diabetes; detection of cytological, immunologic and radiologic parameters" (2010-2013, the framework of the Latvian National Program grant No. 10-4/VPP-2.4);
  • "Development of new diagnostic tests for atherosclerotic vascular disease including cardio metabolic risk panel tests" (2014-2017, the framework of the Latvian National Program grant No. 10-4/VPP-5/1).


Member of the Federation of European Physiological Societies

Member of the Federation of European Biochemical ​Societies

Awards and recognitions

Kuwait Foundation for Advancement of Sciences „Distinguished Research Award" (2005) for the article: Peteris Tretjakovs, Uldis Kalnins, Inese Dabina, Andrejs Erglis, Iveta Dinne, Antra Jurka, Gustavs Latkovskis, Agnis Zvaigzne, Valdis Pirags „Nitric oxide production and arachidonic acid metabolism in platelet membranes of coronary heart disease patients with and without diabetes." Medical Principles and Practice, 2003; 12(1): 10–16"​


Research articles​​

Aortas vārstuļa stenozes saistība ar bioķīmiskiem marķieriem / J.Lūriņš, V.Mackēvičs, P.Tretjakovs, I.Zeidlers // Zinātniskie raksti : 2014.g. medicīnas nozares pētnieciskā darba publikācijas / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2015. - 47.-56.lpp.

Plazminogēna aktivatora inhibitora-1 koncentrācija asins plazmā grūtniecēm ar un bez liekā svara grūtniecības pirmajā un otrajā trimestrī un tā saistība ar sarežģījumiem dzemdību laikā / K.Elksne, Z.Pauniņa, A.Jurka, D.Rezeberga, P.Tretjakovs // Zinātniskie raksti : 2013.g. medicīnas nozares pētnieciskā darba publikācijas / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2014. - 172.-178.lpp.

Citokīnu grupas seruma iekaisuma mediatoru diagnostiskā nozīme akūta apendicīta un akūta mezenteriāla limfadenīta gadījumos bērnu vecumā / A.Eņģelis, P.Tretjakovs, A.Pētersons ...[u.c.] // Zinātniskie raksti : 2012.g. medicīnas nozares pētnieciskā darba publikācijas / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2013. - 2.sēj., 38.-45.lpp.

Increase in IL-6, TNF-α, and MMP-9, but not sICAM-1, concentrations depends on exercise duration / D.Reihmane, A.Jurka, P.Tretjakovs, F.Dela // European Journal of Applied Physiology. - Vol.113, No.4 (2013, Apr.), p.851-858. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Levels of inflammatory cytokines and chemokines in hospitalized children with sepsis and pneumonia / L.Rautiainen, S.Ince, J.Pavare, I.Grope, P.Tretjakovs, D.Gardovska // Acta Chirurgica Latviensis. - No.13/1 (2013), p.43-46.

TNF-α and IL-8 as prognostic markers of birth outcome in overweight and non-overweight pregnant women / K.Elksne, A.Jurka, D.Rezeberga, P.Tretjakovs // Acta Chirurgica Latviensis. - No.13 (2013), p.45-50.

Circulating adhesion molecules, matrix metalloproteinase-9, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, and myeloperoxidase in coronary artery disease patients with stable and unstable angina / P.Tretjakovs, A.Jurka, D.Reihmane, G.Bahs ...[et al.] // Clinica Chimica Acta. - Vol.413, N 1-2 (2012, Jan.18), p.25-29. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 and vascular endothelial growth factor as risk factors for early prediction of gestational diabetes [Elektroniskais resurss] / D.Rezeberga, P.Tretjakovs, K.Elksne ...[et al.] // 22nd European Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology - EBCOG 2012 (Tallinn, Estonia, May 9-12, 2012) : MEDIMOND International Proceedings. - Bologna, 2012. - P.77-83, on CD-ROM. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Reihmane, Dace. The relationship between maximal exercise-induced increases in serum IL-6, MPO and MMP-9 concentrations / D.Reihmane, A.Jurka, P.Tretjakovs // Scandinavian Journal of Immunology. - Vol.76, N 2 (2012, Aug.), p.188-192. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Relation of adipokine profile to insulin resistance among overweight and obese adults with and without metabolic syndrome / P.Tretjakovs, A.Jurka, G.Bahs ...[et al.] // Collection of Scientific Papers 2011 : Research articles in medicine & pharmacy / Rīga Stradiņš University. - Riga, 2012. - P.125-133.

Systemic pro-inflammatory molecule response to acute submaximal exercise in moderately and highly trained athletes [Elektroniskais resurss] / D.Reihmane, P.Tretjakovs, A. Jurka ...[et al.] // Environmental and Experimental Biology [Elektroniskais resurss]. - N 10 (2012), p.107-112. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:

The acute effects of cigarette smoking on microvascular responsiveness and haemodynamic measurements in healthy male smokers / I.Mikelsone, P.Tretjakovs, A.Jurka ...[et al.] // Collection of Scientific Papers 2011 : Research articles in medicine & pharmacy / Rīga Stradiņš University. - Riga, 2012. - P.134-141.

Levels of inflammatory mediators in people with rheumatoid arthritis or cardiovascular disease. Do they differ? / G.Bahs, A.Kalvelis, I.Stukena, M.Auzins, P.Tretjakovs, A.Lejnieks // Collection of Scientific Papers 2010 : Research articles in medicine & pharmacy / Rīga Stradiņš University. - Riga, 2011. - P.5-13.

Neopterin, cellular adhesion molecules and myeloperoxidase in patients with stable and unstable angina pectoris / P.Tretjakovs, G.Bahs, D.Reihmane ...[et al.] // Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Sect.B. - Vol.65, Nr.3/4 (2011), 20.-26.lpp. - Kopsav. latviešu val.

Reihmane, Dace. Regular training improves skin microcirculation in untrained women / D.Reihmane, P.Tretjakovs, A.Jurka // Collection of Scientific Papers 2010 : Research articles in medicine & pharmacy / Rīga Stradiņš University. - Riga, 2011. - P.162-169.

Alterations of tumor necrosis factor-alpha, endothelin-1 and vasomotor activity in patients with insulin resistance / P.Tretjakovs, G.Bahs, A.Lejnieks ...[et al.] // Research articles in medicine & pharmacy, 2009 / Rīga Stradiņš University. - Riga, 2010. - P.27-34.

Changes of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, adhesion molecules and endothelium-dependent vasodilatation, and their relationship to insulin resistance in metabolic syndrome patients / P.Tretjakovs, G.Bahs, A.Jurka ...[et al.] // Research articles in medicine & pharmacy, 2009 / Rīga Stradiņš University. - Riga, 2010. - P.35-43.

Cirkulējošo seruma citokīnu, augšanas faktoru un adhēzijas molekulu loma vairogdziedzera mezglu un audzēju attīstībā = Role of circulating serum cytokines, growth factors and adhesion molecules in the development of thyroid nodules and cancer / K.Ducena, P.Tretjakovs, A.Jurka ...[et al.] // Medicīna. - (2010), [21.]-30.lpp. - Kopsav. angļu val.

Citokīnu, sāpju izpausmes un emocionālo un fizisko traucējumu mijiedarbība hronisku muguras lejasdaļas sāpju pacientiem = Relationship between cytokines, pain expression, emotional and physical disturbances in chronic low back pain patients / D.Šmite, G.Ancāne, P.Tretjakovs, A.Ancāns // Medicīna. - (2010), [146.]-155.lpp. - Kopsav. angļu val.


ADAMTS-13 koncentrācijas saistība ar klīniskajiem slimību raksturlielumiem un iznākumiem hospitalizētiem bērniem / A.Ņikuļenkova, H.Čupeca, A.Prokofjeva, G.Krieviņa, P.Tretjakovs, R.Balmaks, J.Pavāre, D.Gardovska, I.Grope ...[u.c.] // 2016.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2016.g. 17.-18.martā) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2016. - 170.lpp.

Bioķīmiskie marķieri iegūtas aortas vārstuļa stenozes patoģenēzē / J.Lūriņš, A.Visocka, V.Mackēvičs, P.Tretjakovs // 2016.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2016.g. 17.-18.martā) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2016. - 45.lpp.

Blood pressure association with segmented abdominal fat / G.Krievina, I.Skuja, V.Silina, P.Tretjakovs // The Physiological Society Meeting "Physiology 2015" (Cardiff, UK, July 6-8, 2015) : Abstract Book. - Cardiff, 2015. - P.156P.

Controversies in CGRP and other cytochemical parameters in migraine / A.Plinta, I.Logina, P.Tretjakovs, U.Kojalo, G.Bahs // Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Sect.B. - Vol.69, No.5 (2015), p.A13. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Differences in total and high density lipoprotein cholesterol reduction between healthy overweight people with and without signs of fatty liver / P.Tretjakovs, G.Krievina, G.Bahs ...[et al.] // 19th Nordic Congress of General Practice (Gothenburg, Sweden, June 16-18) : Programme and Abstracts. - Gothenburg, 2015. - P.128.

Laboratory markers in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis in children / A.Engelis, P.Tretjakovs, A.Viksne, A.Petersons ...[et al.] // 16th Congress of the European Paediatric Surgeons' Association (EUPSA) (Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 17-20, 2015) : [Abstracts]. - Ljubljana, 2015. - P.101.

Lūriņš, Juris. Aortic valve stenosis relation with biochemical markers / J.Lūriņš, P.Tretjakovs, V.Mackēvičs // Atherosclerosis. - Vol.241, Issue 1 (2015, July), p.e142. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Lūriņš, Juris. Bioķīmisko parametru novērtējums pacientiem ar aortālā vārstuļa stenozi / J.Lūriņš, V.Mackēvičs, P.Tretjakovs // 2015.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2015.g. 26.-27.martā) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2015. - 125.lpp.

Paired mean differences in TC, HDLC and TC/HDLC levels in healthy overweight people receiving and not receiving an SMS communication within a year / P.Tretjakovs, G.Krievina, G.Bahs ...[et al.] // 2015.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2015.g. 26.-27.martā) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2015. - 146.lpp.

Renal sinus fat gender specific favourable metabolic effects / G.Krievina, P.Tretjakovs, G.Bahs ...[et al.] // 56th International Conference on the Bioscience of Lipids (Puerto Iguazú, Argentina, Sept.22-26) : [Abstracts]. - Puerto Iguazú, 2015. - Abstr. No.P42.

Serum fibroblast growth factor (FGF) 21 associated with renal sinus fat increase independent of total intraabdominal obesity / G.Krievina, I.Skuja, V.Silina, P.Tretjakovs // 2015.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2015.g. 26.-27.martā) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2015. - 170.lpp.

Serum fibroblast growth factor-21 is associated with renal sinus fat increasment independently of total intraabdominal obesity / P.Tretjakovs, G.Krievina, G.Bahs ...[et al.] // 4th International Conference on PreHypertension, Hypertension & Cardio Metabolic Syndrome (Venice, Italy, March 3-6, 2015) : [Abstracts]. - Venice, 2015. - P.57.

Differences in weight and waist circumference reduction between people of different HOMA-IR among clinically healthy overweight and obese individuals / P.Tretjakovs, G.Krievina, G.Bahs ...[et al.] // 2014.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2014.g. 10.-11.aprīlī) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2014. - 84.lpp.

Differences in weight, BMI and waist circumference reduction between clinically healthy overweight people with and without signs of fatty liver / G.Krievina, P.Tretjakovs, G.Bahs ...[et al.] // 19th WONCA Europe Conference "New routes for general practice and family medicine" (Lisbon, Portugal, July 2-5, 2014) : Abstract Book. - Lisbon, 2014. - P.679.

Iegūta aortas vārstuļa stenoze : etiopatoģenēzes aspekti / J.Lūriņš, V.Mackēvičs, P.Tretjakovs, I.Zeidlers // 2014.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2014.g. 10.-11.aprīlī) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2014. - 170.lpp.

Jaunākie rezultāti jaundzimušo nekrotiskā enterokolīta molekulārbioloģiskajā diagnostikā / I.Meldere, P.Tretjakovs, A.Pētersons, Z.Ābola // 2014.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2014.g. 10.-11.aprīlī) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2014. - 244.lpp.

Kidney injury molecule (KIM)-1 and osteopontin (OPN) : linkage between renal sinus fat and chronic kidney disease / G.Krievina, P.Tretjakovs, G.Bahs ...[et al.] // 21th European Congress on Obesity (ECO2014) (Sofija, Bulgaria, May 28-31, 2014) : [Abstracts]. - Sofija, 2014. - Abstr. No.038

MPO un PAI-1 koncentrācija grūtnieces asins plazmā I un II trimestrī jaundzimušā makrosomijas gadījumos / K.Elksne, A.Jurka, D.Rezeberga, P.Tretjakovs ...[u.c.] // 2014.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2014.g. 10.-11.aprīlī) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2014. - 242.lpp.

Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 in maternal plasma of overweight and nonoverweight pregnant women and its relationship to labor complications [Elektroniskais resurss] : [abstract] / K.Elksne, D.Rezeberga, A.Jurka, P.Tretjakovs ...[et al.] // The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Vol.27, Suppl.1 (2014, June), p.86. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:

Plazminogēna aktivatora inhibitora-1, mieloperoksidāzes, vaskulārā endotēlija augšanas faktora un tumora nekrozes faktora A izmaiņas sievietēm ar gestācijas diabētu / K.Elksne, Z.Pauniņa, A.Jurka, D.Rezeberga, P.Tretjakovs // 7. Latvijas Dzemdību speciālistu un ginekologu kongress / 1. Baltijas Kolposkopijas konference sadarbībā ar Eiropas Kolposkopijas federāciju : programma & tēzes = 7th Congress of Latvian Obstetricians and Gynaecologists / 1st Baltic Colposcopy Conference in collaboration with European Federation for Colposcopy : programme & abstracts (Rīga, 2014.g. 16.-18.okt.). - Rīga, 2014. - 86.lpp.

Asinsvadu reakcijas īpatnības personām ar migrēnu / I.Logina, P.Tretjakovs, R.Erts, G.Bahs ...[u.c.] // 2013.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2013.g. 21.-22.martā) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2013. - 150.lpp.

Associations between risk factors for atherosclerosis and ratio of intra-abdominal to total abdominal fat volume / G.Krievina, I.Skuja, I.Stukena, P.Tretjakovs // 6th Baltic Atherosclerosis Congress (Riga, Latvia, Oct.11-12, 2013) : Program and Abstracts. - Riga, 2013. - P.21.

Bārzdiņa, Arta. Evaluation of the role of biomarkers in diagnostics and prognostication of head injuries / A.Bārzdiņa, M.Pilmane, P.Tretjakovs // Baltic Morphology VII Scientific Conference "Morphological sciences in the experimental and clinical medicine" (Rīga, Latvia, Nov.7-9, 2013) : Abstract Book / Riga Stradiņš University. - Riga, 2013. - P.56.

Bārzdiņa, Arta. Expression of epidermal growth factor in venous blood samples in children with head injuries of various severities [Elektroniskais resurss] : [abstract] / A.Barzdina, M.Pilmane, P.Tretjakovs // ESPA European Congress on Paediatric Anaesthesia in cooperation with the Swiss Society for Paediatric Anaesthesia (SGKA-SSAP) (Geneva, Switzerland, Sept.5-7, 2013) [Elektroniskais resurss]. - 1 p., e-poster No. 0044. - Resurss aprakstīts 2014.g. 24.janv. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:

Citokīnu ekspresija venozajās asinīs bērniem ar dažāda smaguma pakāpju galvas traumām / A.Bārzdiņa, M.Pilmane, A.Pētersons, P.Tretjakovs // 2013.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2013.g. 21.-22.martā) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2013. - 212.lpp.

Citokīnu koncentrācijas izmaiņas serumā akūta apendicīta (AAp) un akūta mezenteriāla limfadenīta (AMLa) diagnostikā bērniem / A.Eņģelis, P.Tretjakovs, A.Pētersons ...[u.c.] // 2013.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2013.g. 21.-22.martā) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2013. - 232.lpp.

Correlation of IL-6, C-reactive protein, procalcitonin and novel inflammatory cytoknes in children with sepsis [Elektroniskais resurss] : [abstract] / I.Grope, L.Rautiainen, P.Tretjakovs, J.Pavare, S.Ince, D.Gardovska // 31st Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases (ESPID) (Milan, Italy, May 28-June 1, 2013) [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Milan, 2013. - 1 p. - Resurss aprakstīts 2014.g. 25.febr. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:…

Iekaisuma mediatoru loma jaundzimušo nekrotiskā enterokolīta diagnostikā / I.Meldere, P.Tretjakovs, A.Pētersons, Z.Ābola // 2013.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2013.g. 21.-22.martā) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2013. - 231.lpp.

Inflammatory cytokne complex panels in children with sepsis - a pilot study [Elektroniskais resurss] : [abstract] / L.Rautiainen, P.Tretjakovs, I.Grope, J.Pavare, D.Gardovska // 24th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care (ESPNIC) (Rotterdam, Netherlands, June 12-15, 2013) [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Rotterdam, 2013. - 1 p. - Resurss aprakstīts 2014.g. 25.febr. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:…

Lack of association of serum interleukin-17 and interleukin-23 levels with disease activity in patients with ankylosing spondylitis in Latvia / J.Zepa, P.Tretjakovs, A.Lejnieks ...[et al.] // Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. - Vol.72, Suppl.1 (2013, March), p.A78. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Ratio of intra-abdominal fat volume is a biomarker of dyslipidemia [Elektroniskais resurss] : [abstract] / G.Krievina, P.Tretjakovs, G.Bahs ...[et al.] // 54th International Conference on the Bioscience of Lipids "Linking transcription to physiology in lipidomics" (Bari, Italy, Sept.17-21, 2013) [Elektroniskais resurss]. - 1 p., poster No. 31. - Resurss aprakstīts 2014.g. 7.febr. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:

Relationship between intraabdominal fat distribution, plasma biomarker levels and endothelial function in hypercholesterolemic subjects [Elektroniskais resurss] : [abstract] / P.Tretjakovs, G.Krievina, I.Skuja, A.Jurka, I.Stukena, G.Bahs ...[et al.] // 81st European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS) Congress (Lyon, France, June 2-5, 2013) [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Lyon, 2013. - Abstr. No.1529. - Resurss aprakstīts 2014.g. 6.febr. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:…

Serum level of cytokines allows to differentiate acute appendicitis and acute mesenteric lymphadenitis in children : [abstract] / A.Engelis, P.Tretjakovs, A.Petersons ...[et al.] // 14th Congress of the European Paediatric Surgeons' Association (EUPSA) (Leipzig, Germany, June 5-8, 2013). - Leipzig, 2013. - P.351.

Seruma adhēzijas molekulu saistība ar zemādas un viscerālo taukaudu segmentāru lokalizāciju / G.Krieviņa, I.Skuja, V.Siliņa, P.Tretjakovs // 2013.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2013.g. 21.-22.martā) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2013. - 160.lpp.

Tumora nekrozes faktora α, monocītu hemotaktiskā proteīna 1 un interleikīna 8 pārmaiņas grūtniecības laikā un to saistība ar mātes adipozitāti / A.Jurka, D.Rezeberga, P.Tretjakovs ...[u.c.] // 2013.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2013.g. 21.-22.martā) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2013. - 235.lpp.

Association between HDL-c/LDL-c Ratio and MCP-1 [Elektroniskais resurss] : [abstract] / I.Stukena, A.Lejnieks, P.Tretjakovs, I.Skuja ...[et al.] // The World Congress of Clinical Lipidology (Budapest, Hungary, Dec.6-8, 2012) [Elektroniskais resurss]. - e-poster N 65, 6 p. - Resurss aprakstīts 2013.g. 16.maijā. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:

Axon reflex-mediated and endothelium-dependent vasodilation in persons with migraine / I.Logina, P.Tretjakovs, R.Erts, G.Bahs ...[et al.] // 7th Baltic Congress of Neurology "BALCONE -2012" (Tarty, Estonia, May 9-12, 2012) : Programme and Abstract Book. - Tarty, 2012. - P.131.

Citokīnu grupas seruma iekaisuma mediatoru dinamisko svārstību nozīme bērniem ar akūtu apendicītu un akūtu mezenteriālu limfadenītu / A.Eņģelis, A.Pētersons, P.Tretjakovs ...[u.c.] // 2012.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2012.g. 29.-30.martā) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2012. - 237.lpp.

Dzīves kvalitātes novērtējums pacientiem ar nerekonstruējamu perifēro asinsvadu slimību pēc lumbālās simpatektomijas - tās efektivitātes preoperatīvie prognostiskie rādītāji / P.Tretjakovs, M.Gediņš, V.Strods ...[u.c.] // 2012.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2012.g. 29.-30.martā) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2012. - 56.lpp.

Expression of cytokines in venous blood in children younger than 7 years with head trauma of different severity / A.Barzdina, M.Pilmane, P.Tretjakovs, A.Petersons // The 12th Conference of the Baltic Association of Paediatric Surgeons (Riga, Latvia, May 17-19, 2012) : Final programme and abstracts / Riga Stradiņš University, University Children's Hospital of Latvia. - Riga, 2012. - P.99.

Iekaisuma citokīnu līmeņu izmaiņas bērniem ar sistēmas iekaisuma atbildes sindromu (SIRS) un sepsi / L.Eihvalde, J.Pavāre, I.Grope, P.Tretjakovs, D.Gardovska // 2012.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2012.g. 29.-30.martā) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2012. - 214.lpp.

Iekaisuma citokīnu saistība ar ķermeņa masas indeksu metaboliski veselām personām / G.Krieviņa, P.Tretjakovs, A.Jurka, L.Meija // Latvijas Universitātes 70. Zinātniskās konferences Medicīnas sekcijas tēžu apkopojums (Rīga, 2012.g. 2.febr.) / Latvijas Universitāte. - Riga, 2012 - 62.lpp.

Krieviņa, Gita. Relation of cytokine profile to insulin resistance in metabolic syndrome patients / G.Krievina, A.Rozenblats, P.Tretjakovs // 2012.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2012.g. 29.-30.martā) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2012. - 124.lpp.

Mikrovaskulārās vazodilatācijas reakcija personām ar migrēnu / I.Logina, P.Tretjakovs, G.Bahs ...[u.c.] // 2012.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2012.g. 29.-30.martā) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2012. - 327.lpp.

PAI-1 as a biomarker in early diagnostics of gestational diabetes / K.Elksne, A.Jurka, D.Rezeberga, P.Tretjakovs // 2012.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2012.g. 29.-30.martā) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2012. - 217.lpp.

Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) as a risk factors for early prediction of gestational diabetes (GM) [Elektroniskais resurss] / A.Jurka, D.Rezeberga, P.Tretjakovs, A.Lejnieks ...[et al.] // 22nd European Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology - EBCOG 2012 (Tallinn, Estonia, May 9-12, 2012) : Abstract Book [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Tallinn, 2012. - Abstr. FC34.01. - Resurss aprakstīts 2013.g. 3.apr. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:…

Potential use of PAI-1 in early diagnostics of gestational diabetes / A.Jurka, P.Tretjakovs, D.Rezeberga, A.Lejnieks ...[et al.] // 15th World Congress of Gynecological Endocrinology & III Congresso ISGE Italia (Firenze, Italy, Mar.7-10, 2012) : [Abstracts]. - Firenze, 2012. - [Nav norādītas lpp.].

Relationship of neopterin to increased vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 and myeloperoxidase in unstable angina / P.Tretjakovs, D.Reihmane, G.Bahs ...[et al.] // Cardiovascular Research. - Vol.93, Suppl.1 (2012), p.S61. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Relationship of neopterin to insulin resistance, vascular cell adhesion molecule-1, myeloperoxidase and se-selectin levels in unstable angina / P.Tretjakovs, A.Jurka, D.Reihmane, G.Bahs ...[et al.] // 80th European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS) Congress (Milan, Italy, May 25-28, 2012) : [Abstracts]. - Milan, 2012. - P.654.

Relationship of neopterin to soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 and changes in myeloperoxidase concentration and insulin sensitivity in unstable angina / P.Tretjakovs, A.Jurka, D.Reihmane, G.Bahs ...[et al.] // JOINT FEPS & Spanish Physiological Society Scientific Congress (Santiago de Compostela, Spain, Sept.8-11, 2012) : [Abstracts]. - Santiago de Compostela, 2012. - Abstr. N 89.

Role of inflammatory mediators in diagnosis of NEC / I.Meldere, Z.Abola, P.Tretjakovs, A.Petersons // The 12th Conference of the Baltic Association of Paediatric Surgeons (Riga, Latvia, May 17-19, 2012) : Final programme and abstracts / Riga Stradiņš University, University Children's Hospital of Latvia. - Riga, 2012. - P.25.

Significance of cytokines in acute appendicitis and acute mesenteric lymphadenitis in children / A.Engelis, P.Tretjakovs, A.Petersons ...[et al.] // 13th Congress of the European Paediatric Surgeons Association (EUPSA) & 59th Congress of the British Association of Paediatric Surgeons (BAPS) (Roma, Italy, June 13-16, 2012) : Abstracts. - Roma, 2012. - P.263.

The effect of hypercholesterolemia and chemokines on microvascular dysfunction [Elektroniskais resurss] : [abstract] / I.Stukena, A.Lejnieks, P.Tretjakovs, I.Skuja ...[et al.] // The World Congress of Clinical Lipidology (Budapest, Hungary, Dec.6-8, 2012) [Elektroniskais resurss]. - e-poster N 38, 6 p. - Resurss aprakstīts 2013.g. 16.maijā. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:

Waist-to-hip ratio and body mass index as predictors of cardiovascular disease [Elektroniskais resurss] / A.Lejnieks, I.Stukena, P.Tretjakovs ...[et al.] // The 4th World Congress on Controversies to Consensus in Diabetes, Obesity and Hypertension (CODHy) (Barcelona, Spain, Nov.8-11, 2012) : Abstracts List [Elektroniskais resurss]. - 1 p. - Resurss aprakstīts 2013.g. 16.maijā. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:

Alteration of skin endothelium-dependent vasodilatation and relationship between insulin resistance and myeloperoxidase levels in metabolic syndrome patients : [abstract] / P.Tretjakovs, D.Reihmane, A.Jurka ...[et al.] // 5th International Conference on Oxidative Stress in Skin Biology and Medicine (Andros, Greece, Sept.1-4, 2011). - Andros, 2011. - P.153.

Alterations in cutaneous vasomotor responses and inflammatory state affected by chronic cigarette smoking and aging / I.Mikelsone, I.Bormane, Z.Simsone, P.Tretjakovs // Atherosclerosis Supplements. - Vol.12, N 1 (2011, June), p.182. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Cellular adhesion molecules, myeloperoxidase, and neopterin in patients with coronary artery disease / P.Tretjakovs, A.Jurka, G.Bahs ...[et al.] // 2011.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2011.g. 14.-15.aprīlī) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2011. - 185.lpp.

Neopterin, cellular adhesion molecules and myeloperoxidase in metabolic syndrome patients with coronary artery disease / P.Tretjakovs, G.Bahs, D.Reihmane ...[et al.] // Journal of Diabetes. - Vol.3, Suppl. 1 (2011, Apr.), p.78. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Soluble cellular adhesion molecules, myeloperoxidase, and neopterin in metabolic syndrome patients with stable and unstable angina pectoris / P.Tretjakovs, G.Bahs, A.Jurka ...[et al.] // Atherosclerosis Supplements. - Vol.12, N 1 (2011, June), p.89. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

VEGF as potencional biomarker for early diagnosis of gestational diabetes / D.Rezeberga, P.Trejakovs, A.Lejnieks ...[et al.] // 6. Latvijas Ginekologu un dzemdību speciālistu kongress & 4. RCOG/Latvijas Ginekologu un dzemdību speciālistu asociācijas konference : tēzes un programma = 6th Congress of Latvian Gynecologists and Obstetricians & 4th Joint Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG)/Latvian Association of Gynecologists and Obstetricians Eurovision Conference : abstracts and programme (Rīga, 2011.g. 13.-15.okt.). - Rīga, 2011. - 81.-82.lpp.

Alterations of circulating inflammatory cytokines in coronary artery disease patients with polyneuropathy / P.Tretjakovs, K.Cirule, G.Bahs ...[et al.] // European Journal of Neurology. - Vol.17, Suppl.3 (2010, Sept.), p.343. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Alterations of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, myeloperoxidase and matrix metalloproteinase-9 in coronary artery disease patients with type-2 diabetes mellitus / P.Tretjakovs, G.Bahs, K.Cirule ...[et al.] // Endocrine Abstracts. - Vol.22, (2010), p.P157. - European Congress of Endocrinology (Prague, Czech Republic, Apr.24-28, 2010) : [Abstracts].

Circulating adhesion molecules, matrix metalloproteinase-9, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, and myeloperoxidase in coronary artery disease patients with stable and unstable angina / P.Tretjakovs, K.Cirule, G.Bahs ...[et al.] // Clinical chemistry and Laboratory Medicine. - Vol.48, N8 (2010), p.A59-A60. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Cīrule, Kristīne. Correlation of inflammatory cytokines in patients with atopic dermatitis / K.Cirule, P.Tretjakovs, A.Rubins // 2010.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2010.g. 18.-19.martā) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2010. - 136.lpp.

Relationship of circulating matrix metalloproteinase-9, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, and myeloperoxidase with insulin resistance in coronary artery disease patients / P.Tretjakovs, K.Cirule, G.Bahs ...[et al.] // The Physiological Society Meeting "Physiology 2010" (Manchester, UK, June 30-July 2, 2010) : Abstracts. - Manchester, 2010. - Abstr. N PC9.


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