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Work experience

2014 - Present

Study Process Organiser

Faculty of Public Health and Social Welfare, Department of Public Health and Epidemiology

Education and training

2014 - Present

Doctoral student of Pedagogy (Dr.paed.)

University of Latvia

2012 - 2014

Master of Educational Sciences in Pedagogy

University of Latvia

2006 - 2012

Bachelor of Educational Sciences in Pedagogy

University of Latvia


Lectured study course

Health pedagogics


Research articles​​

Rubene, Zanda. Health literate child : transforming teaching in school health education / Z.Rubene, I.Stars, L.Goba // Sabiedrība, integrācija, izglītība : starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences materiāli = Society, integration, education : proceedings of the international scientifical conference (Rēzekne, 2015.g. 22.-23.maijs) / Rēzeknes Augstskola. - Rēzekne, 2015. - 1.daļa, 331-340.lpp. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.


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