After winning competitions, RSU researchers will publish a special edition
After winning a competition, two researchers who are involved with the (Re)moving Ties project Assoc. Prof. Aija Lulle and Ieva Puzo (PhD), will publish a special edition titled Mobility, Work and Families amongst the Highly Skilled.
In autumn 2024, researchers Lulle and Puzo will publish a special edition of the journal Population, Space and Place on the mobility, work, and families of highly skilled workers. Upon reviewing the researchers' application, the editors of the journal praised their theoretical quality and global empirical approach.
The special edition will feature several articles by researchers from the (Re)moving Ties project on different topics covered by the project.
- “Mobility, Work and Families amongst the Highly Skilled” (editorial)
by Sophie Cranston and Aija Lulle - “’The finest of the nation’: the role of rhetoric in diplomat mobilities”
by Aija Lulle - “Aspirational Geographies of Knowledge and Intimacy: Employment-related Decision-making among International Scholars in Japan and Latvia”
by Ieva Puzo
The special edition will be edited by Aija Lulle, a researcher in the (Re)moving Ties project, together with Sophie Cranston, researcher at Loughborough University. The scientific journal is indexed in SCOPUS and Web of Science.
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