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Step 1

Submit the following documents to the Academic Information Centre (AIC):

  • Application form (in Latvian) (see Annex 1 of Cabinet Regulation No. 827);
  • A copy of your ID (passport, or EU ID card);
  • Documents verifying your education and professional qualifications (diplomas and supplementary documentation, transcripts etc.); 
  • Documents from the country of origin substantiating the right to practice medicine in that country (certificates, licenses, registration, etc. if available); 
  • Reference from work experience abroad (if applicable);
  • Certificate of good standing (absence of any disciplinary action) - for doctors, pharmacists, nurses, midwives, dentists.

The AIC will evaluate your documents.

Step 2

The AIC will prepare a certificate of the education you have acquired and send it to the institution that will issue the professional qualification certificate (see database).

The institution that issues certificates that recognise professional qualification will compare the contents of the professional qualification obtained abroad with the requirements for the specific profession in Latvia. It will then decide on whether to issue a recognition of professional qualification, a partial recognition with additional requirements, a non-recognition or recognition of a part of the profession. 

You will then receive a decision from the institution on the recognition of your professional qualifications, partial recognition with additional requirements, non-recognition or recognition of part of the profession.

Step 3

After receiving your decision, you can submit an application to Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU). 

RSU organises qualification conformance testing of professional qualifications obtained abroad to see if they can be recognised in the Republic of Latvia.

  • Fill out an application if the institution's decision requires you to complete a qualification conformity test in one of the following professions: dentist, doctor, pharmacist or nurse.
  • Fill out an application if the institution's decision requires you to undergo additional training in study courses implemented by RSU. The acquisition of these study courses will place through the RSU Open University.

Step 4

An invoice for using qualification conformance testing or for acquiring additional study courses will be prepared and sent to the e-mail address you submit in your application. Payments are made by transfer to the bank account and within the time frame specified on the invoice.

Useful resources

Recognistion of foreign diplomas

On the Regulated Professions and the Recognition of Professional Qualifications

Procedures for the Recognition of a Professional Qualification for Independent Professional Activity in the Republic of Latvia

AIC Database of regulated professions