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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:1 / 1.5
Course supervisor:Kitija Bite
Study type:Part time
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Person and Property Defence
Branch of science:Law; Civil Rights


Provide basic knowledge on the current wording to the Labour Law, general employment related legal issues, employment disputes and institutions that play an important role in the area of employment law.
1. To facilitate acquisition of knowledge on the Labour Law;
2. To develop students’ skills in solving legal cases;
3. To increase students’ knowledge on general labour law issues.


Necessary to acquire the study course “Legal Theory” and “ Introduction to Civil Law”.

Learning outcomes


Students understand the essence of employment legal relationships, students have basic knowledge in solving legal cases, understanding of general labour law concepts and students know whom to address to seek protection of one’s interests in the area of labour rights.


Students can describe the terms and provisions of the employment contract, have skills to independently draft an employment contract, skills in presenting the solutions of a labour dispute, skills in describing the competences of the State Labour Inspection and in describing the role of trade unions in the area of labour rights.


Ability to independently solve legal employment relationship related cases, ability to evaluate the compliance of a situation faced in practice with the requirements of the employment legislation, competence in applying general labour law to related issues.

Study course planning

Course planning not avalible right now.