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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Helmuts Caune
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Rehabilitation; Medical Services
Branch of science:Philosophy; Ethics


The aim of the course is to introduce students to the basics and central topics in philosophy. The objectives are to promote interest in philosophy, to develop an understanding of the nature of philosophical questions, and of ways in which these can be answered. To provide students with a systematic picture and basic knowledge of the historical development of philosophical thought in the world and in Latvia. To develop independent thinking skills, abilities and security for each student to gain their confidence in the world as a whole and their place as an individual in it. To introduce students with key philosophies, categories, concepts, theories as well as portraits of past and present philosophers.
In turn, in the acquisition of Ethics (as a practical philosophy), to develop the basic knowledge and understanding of the place and role of ethics and morality in society, historical development in the world and in Latvia, and their role in creating and developing a personality. To develop the skills to analyse and address complex conflict situations in human relations, provide knowledge of ethics in public administration and other areas. Students are introduced to scientific research ethics – in medicine and in other transitions' sectors affecting modern technology and human research.



Learning outcomes


As a result of Philosophy studies, students will know how to recognise, define and describe the most important pathways and categories of philosophy in the world and in Latvia; to name the most prominent representatives in the history of development of philosophy and explain the key lessons and contributions of these representatives in philosophy; to order and evaluate the development stages in the history of philosophy until today; explain and express the various aspects of philosophy that affect individuals and societies in general.
As a result of Ethics studies, students will be able to identify and name the most important ethical directions and areas of activity; describe and the key ethical principles, values and rules; explain and outline ethical categories, show and list their application in society and professional work, and recognise, evaluate and point to the ethical aspects that lead to dilemmas, conflicts of interest, potential corruption risks and other problems and their solutions.


Will be able to use acquired knowledge in philosophy to explain, evaluate and address the different aspects and issues of philosophy in its professional work and society; debate, defend and logically support their philosophical thoughts, knowledge and beliefs; discover, analyse and develop new lessons and approaches to the various issues of day-to-day work and life without being afraid to express criticism and doubts.
Students will be able to apply acquired knowledge in Ethics in a practical way; to see and analyse ethical aspects in different areas of activity and situations; to make appropriate decisions and to act in accordance with the requirements of ethical values, principles and rules; to explain, to demonstrate, and address ethical issues in cooperation with their fellow human beings; to defend, argue, persuade and, with their own example, to promote the respect and observance of ethical values in society.


Acquired knowledge in philosophy will help students to integrate into the social and political processes in society; promote the practical use of theoretical knowledge in professional work and environment. Students will be prepared to express their views on the various issues, without fear of expressing criticism, justifying the arguments of their beliefs.
The work in different institutions, the gained knowledge and expertise in ethics will help students to demonstrate a professional and ethical approach to different situations and take proper action. With their personal example, students will develop and improve the ethical environment, competence and professionalism of these institutions. The knowledge acquired in ethics will contribute to a good public administration, which will take into account mutual respect with members, society and potential partners.

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