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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:4 / 6
Course supervisor:Ruta Siliņa
Study type:Full time
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Communication Science
Study course description Full description, Full time
Branch of science:Communication Sciences


The course has been created to familiarise students with the theoretical base related to public relations management, understanding it as a process and to identify its potential problems, as well as to provide practical skills in management of this process.


General knowledge about communication.

Learning outcomes


Knowledge of the nature, place and role of public relations in the organization's management system. After completing the course, they will be familiar with management strategies, will be able to plan public relations and create successful communication interactions.


To create a proactive approach to strategic organisation of public relations, building responding communication reputation, to plan and implement public relations campaigns and researches characteristic for the industry.


About public relations as one of management tools, their different operation areas, trends and tools in accordance with industry specifics and ethical guidelines.

Study course planning

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