Career Centre
We support YOU and your future success
The RSU Career Centre provides support for all RSU students and graduates on a variety of professional and career-related issues. The centre also provides employers with networking opportunities. We offer individual and group counselling, career workshops, thematic seminars and lectures.
Individual career consultations
sign up for a consultationDuring an individual career consultation, a specialist from the career centre will help you to:
- make choices about your studies;
- make choices about your career;
- define goals and steps and help you achieve them;
- motivate you to solve, or end a situation;
- choose between options;
- define your skills and talents;
- make better decisions;
- improve your relationships and understand others.
Duration of individual career consultation: up to 90 minutesCareer direction workbook
The career direction workbook is meant to help young people discover their potential career, choice of profession or study program and with other adventures.
The main aim of the workbook is to provide high-school students and 1st-year university students with a way in which to find the most exciting career path. The workbook will help them do so in an informal way through self-discovery, to develop a plan and find the next steps to reach their goal. Students will get the workbook at a consultation and can then fill it out together with a consultant. Students can also reach out to the Career Centre to receive a copy.
The workbook has four chapters: ME, THE WORLD, MY CAREER and MY PLAN.
With the help of the questions posed in the workbook students can:
- uncover aspects of their personality;
- discover their attitude towards the world, what they like and what they want to change;
- define possible career paths and business choices;
- compare choices, their approximate costs and define further steps.
The workbook’s aim is to:
- provide students with a tool to discover their personal potential career directions;
- help students find answers to their questions and to develop their own business ideas;
- use both hemispheres of the brain (both the imagination and constructive thinking), and in doing so to recognise and define the next steps towards the career direction they have found;
- reveal a confidence in shaping the future and make choices by introducing students to valuable questions they can ask themselves and others;
- inspire students to pursue their goals.
- Psychological support
The Career Centre offers psychological support to students.
Any student can feel depressed, tense, anxious or angry in this stressful period when the normal rhythm of life has been disrupted and we are faced with new challenges. Feelings like this can interfere with the study process and day-to-day life.
It is important to understand these emotions and feelings and find a solution. Psychological counselling is one of the most effective methods to overcome a crisis.
Sign up here for regularly scheduled psychological consultations.
sign up for a free psychological consultation
Psychologist also offers Acute Consultations on Wednesdays
The psychologist offers acute consultations on Wednesdays from 10.00 to 13.00 where students can receive acute psychological support (for example, need support in reducing stress, acute conflict in the study environment, lack of social support, crisis etc.). One session is provided. If after the acute consultation, it is concluded that the situation requires more than one session, the psychologist will recommend applying for free regularly scheduled individual psychological consultations as well.
Attention! Each student can use the acute consultation only once a month! Primarily, it is recommended to apply for regularly scheduled individual psychological consultations. Appointments for acute psychological support are on a first-come, first-served basis.If you want to receive an acute consultation, apply by writing to the psychologist by e-mail Katrina[pnkts]Kazakarsu[pnkts]lv. Write “ACUTE” in the e-mail subject. The psychologist will contact you about available times for consultation in the current week.
- The RSU Career Centre is now located in new premises at Vīlipa Street 12 (near the RSU main building at Dzirciema Street 16).
- Supervision
Send your request for supervision to karjerascentrsrsu[pnkts]lv
Supervisions provide you with support in work-related matters and professional activities. The main outcome of a supervision is improved professional efficiency. Supervisions help address a variety of issues: awareness of professional boundaries, finding alternatives in specific work situations, building relationships with colleagues, subordinates and clients, teamwork, work strategies, reducing stress and burnout, and many other matters relating to day-to-day work.
Why are supervisions necessary?
In helping professions (e.g., social work, art therapy, psychology, psychotherapy, career consultations), which require intensive and close contact with people, supervisions are necessary in the study process already. Supervisions should be available during placements and later professional activities. People tend to think that supervisions are only necessary in crisis situations or when a person shows signs of burnout. However, supervisions should be attended prior to having reached the point of crisis or burnout. One of the main tasks of a supervision is to identify and prevent crisis situations in a timely manner. Experience and studies show that employees who attend supervisions regularly and in a timely manner are less likely to experience burnout and they show more empathy for their clients.
- Group consultations
Group consultation topics
- Career choice (a generalised workshop on careers, choices, opportunities. An associative game is played at the end of the workshop using a career decision-making method that encourages young people to think about their choices and opportunities);
- How not to get lost in the jungle of opportunities (the aim of this activity is to help young people make a choice about their future career. The activity will allow participants to understand how to set goals and ways in which to achieve them);
- CV, cover letter (how to write a CV and a cover letter, insight into job interviews);
- Job interview (what a job interview is, types of interviews, how to behave at an interview and how to prepare for one);
- My values (what values are, how they are created, tasks and hand-outs);
- Setting goals (my career, my goals, how to choose, decision making, setting a goal).
The duration of a group consultation – up to 2 hours.Send your request to karjerascentrsrsu[pnkts]lv- Self-improvement
The RSU Career Center has developed materials that you can use on a daily basis for your growth, to develop good habits and achieve goals you have set. Feel free to download and print these materials!
Habit tracker
My goals
To ensure that students receive the highest quality and relevant career support services, the specialists and counsellors working at the RSU Career Centre are learning and developing by being members of various Latvian and international associations and agencies. The counsellors are involved in international projects and are members of international career organisations.
Main cooperation partners
- Latvian Career Development Support Association (Latvijas Karjeras attīstības atbalsta asociācija)
- Latvian National Library (LNB)
- European Association of Career Guidance (EACG)
- Valsts izglītības attīstības aģentūra (State Education Development Agency) project Tavai karjerai (Your Career) and Karjeras nedēļa (Career Week)
- ESF project Career Guidance in General and Vocational Education Institutions
- Euroguidance - network of national resource and information centres in 34 European countries