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Taurine accounts for ~0.1% of the human body weight!

For decades, the amino acid taurine was believed to be a somewhat inert osmolyte whose main function was to regulate cell volume and be conjugated to bile-acids, as it is not able to be incorporated into proteins. As a consequence, taurine is mainly known as a component of energy drinks. However, this is far from the truth and taurine has many more functions in mammals than was first acknowledged and one of the main roles of taurine may actually be its importance in fetal development.

During the seminar, the importance of taurine as a nutrient will be briefly reviewed and its role in metabolism explained. This will be followed by an introduction to the field of developmental programming of metabolism. Finally, an overview will be given on our current research on the role of taurine in developmental programming of liver and skeletal muscle in mice and rats.

Academic staff will receive 1 academic hour for their continuing education.


Ole Hartvig Mortensen, PhD, associate professor at University of Copenhagen, Inflammation, metabolism & oxidation section (H-index: 26). Mortensen's research focuses on the influence of lifestyle and diet on developmental programming of metabolism.



Dace Reihmane, Dr. biol., assistant professor at RSU, Department of Human Physiology and Biochemistry 

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