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Work experience

2010 - Present

Acting Lecturer

Faculty of Public Health and Social Welfare, RSU Liepāja Branch

2008 - Present

Medical Expert

The Latvian Council of Science

2005 - Present

Leading Researcher

Institute of Oncology, Rīga Stradiņš University

2012 - 2014

Head of the Department

Department of Morphology, Rīga Stradiņš University

2010 - 2012

Chair of Medical Treatment Council

Riga East Clinical University Hospital

Education and training

2002 - 2006

Master’s degree of Social Sciences in Social Anthropology

Rīga Stradiņš University

1999 - 2006

Medical Doctor’s Diploma

The University of Latvia


Supervised study course

Biology and Medical Genetics

Disaster Medicine



Catastrophe Medicine and Civil Protection

Emergency Care / Disaster Medicine

Environmental Science

Research Methods

Lectured study course

Basics of Clinical Care

Basics of Healthy Nutrition


Clinical Care in Nurses_ Practice, Radiology

Disaster Medicine

Hygiene, Sports Hygiene

Introduction to Evidence-Based Care

Introduction to Evidence-Based Care in Obstetrics

Nutrition Education


Pedagogy in Heath Care

Placement in Patient and Public Education

Professionally technical skills

Bachelor_s Thesis

Biology and Genetics

Biology and Medical Genetics

Clinical Care

Clinical Care and Rehabilitation in Patient Care

Endocrinology and Patient Care

Environmental Science

Internal Diseases

Internal Diseases and Patient Care

Placement (in Basic Specialty of Internal Medicine Nurse)

Placement 5

Qualification Paper

Research Methodology

Research Methods

State Examination



Ēriksone, Līga. Involvement of public organisations and healthcare professionals in identifying and assessing cardiovascular risks for residents in Liepaja, Latvia / L.Ēriksone, G.Bēta // Rīga Stradiņš University International Conference on Medical and Health Care Sciences "Knowledge for Use in Practice" (Riga, Latvia, Apr.1-3, 2019) : Abstracts / Rīga Stradiņš University. - Rīga, 2019. - P.14.

Ēriksone, Līga. Geriatric women’s compliance to antihypertensive pharmacotherapy in the Liepaja and it’s region / L.Eriksone, I.Millere // 6th International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference "Society. Health. Welfare: Living in the World of Diversity: Social Transformations. Innovations. Solutions" (Riga, Nov.23-25, 2016) : Abstracts / Rīga Stradiņš University ...[et al.]. - Riga, 2016. - P.38.

Bēta, Gunta. Patient education aspects in practice guidelines and in reality [Elektroniskais resurss] : [abstract] / G.Beta, L.Eriksone // RCN (Royal College of Nursing of the UK) 2014 Annual International Nursing Research Conference (Glasgow, Scotland, UK, Apr.2-4, 2014) [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Glasgow, 2014. - Poster No.141. - Resurss aprakstīts 2016.g. 8.jūl. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:…


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